The Great All American Cub Scout Packwagon Scramble Lagonda District in Cooperation with Blue Jacket and Bullskin Trail Leaders Guide Saturday January 26, 2013 4-H Building Champaign County Fairgrounds Host: Pack 311 Springfield, Ohio Great All American Packwagon Scramble General Rules The Pack will enter a wagon with four wheels. The Pack’s unit number will be displayed on the wagon. A team of no more than 5 will pull the wagon at any given. You may have as many people at your ranch as you’d like. The team will be compromised of Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scouts and other family members of the same age group. One adult must accompany the wagon and its team at all times. The team, adult and wagon must return to the Pack’s designated Ranch after each station has been completed. Pack teams and/or accompanying adults can be changed at the Pack’s Ranch before proceeding to the next station. The team will complete the requirements of each station. The adult will record any waiting time and will report that time after completion of the station. The adult cannot coach the team when at the station. Upon completion of the course, the finish time will be recorded. Any waiting times will be subtracted and any penalty times will be added for the “official” race time. Ranch assignments and the starting station will be determined at check-in on the day of the event. Awards will be presented after all wagons have completed the course and the official race times have been determined. Tigers, Cubs and Webelos Scouts should be in uniform for the opening ceremony. Other Information Each Pack must register and pay the fee of $10 by December 1, 2012 at the Council Service Center. Patches are $3 each and must be ordered and paid in full by the December 1st date as well. No late registration will be accepted this first year of the event to make sure it is coordinated appropriately. Extra patches, if any, will be available first come first serve the day of the event. Each Pack must supply….. A concession stand sponsored by… will be operating for your convenience. It is strongly encouraged that each Pack brings their own drinking water. You may also pack in your own snacks and food. The winning pack will host the event next year; design the patch and sponsor the concession stand (have the chance to hold as fundraiser). Event Schedule Pack Check-in Wagonmaster Meeting Race Begins Awards (no later than) 9:30AM 10:15AM 10:30AM 1:00PM Station Events 1. Feats of Skill The team will do the following in a relay: Run through tires, 15 sit-ups, 10 pushups, standing long jump and crawl through the plastic culvert. 2. Marksmanship The team will shoot at five targets from … feet away with … (marshmallow shooters?) 3. Akela’s Den The team will know the following: Cub Scout Motto, Promise, Law of the Pack, Cub Scout Sign and the Cub Scout Handshake. 4. Water Hole The team will do the following: Pick up 5 #10 cans at the corral, go to the water hole and fill the cans, haul the cans back to the corral in the wagon, empty cans in the watering trough. Score will the based on the amount of water in the trough. 5. Orienteering The team will take a compass bearing on five different objects around the room. 6. Knot Tying The team will identify four knots and tie a square knot. 7. US Station The team will name the President, Vice-President, US Capitol, three states and their Capitols (other than Ohio), recite the Pledge of Allegiance and fold the American Flag properly. 8. Bird Identification The team will identify five birds common to Ohio. 9. Team Challenge A relay type race will be announced on race day. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Bike Safety The team will demonstrate the proper hand signals for a right turn, left turn and stops; will answer two questions regarding bike safety. Tree Identification The team will identify five trees common to Ohio. Ohio Station The team will name the governor, capitol, three counties, state bird and state flower. Soccer Kick The team will get 5 kicks of a soccer ball to attempt goal. Uniform Insignia The team will place several Cub Scout uniform insignia in the proper place on the uniform. Team Challenge A relay type race will be announced on race day. Rank Identification The team must identify and put in order the ranks of Cub Scouting. Webelos Station The team must identify 5 Webelos activity pins. First Aid Station The team will name five items in a standard First Aid Kit. Secret Word The team must solve the word scramble. Scout Knowledge The team must identify or name the following: Akela, Scouting’s founder’s name, Boy Scouting’s highest rank, council name, district name, and camp’s name.