
How Emerging Technologies Fit Into Tomorrow’s Power Supply
Brought up by an English scientist, William Gilbert; it all began with his
“coined” Greek word: elektor. “Elektor”, meaning amber, was the start of the
discovery and the beginning to uncover the laws and science in what is now known
as electricity. From the first electrical capacitor (the Leyden Jar) by Pieter van
Musschenbroek in 1745, the first electrical battery by Alessandro Volta (who also
proved that electricity could travel over wires) in 1800, to the invention of the
transistor in 1947; sources and components of electricity(products) was and is still
to continue to progress. Though, each new electrical source (component) has been
introduced with each generation’s step in advancing and innovating in technology.
Without technology, what our knowledge now knows about electricity might have
never been if we had not taken a stand at improving our knowledge and tools of
technological devices. If our society has done it once, why not do it again? In our
world’s current fight against global warming and race against time to find new
sources of electrical power: our improvement in technology will guide us to find
alternative sources of electrical power, better understand our situation from the
world’s current electrical power status, and apply our understanding to fit
emerging technologies into tomorrow’s power supply.
The population is continuously starting to grow; one must find more of the
basic resources we all need, including electricity. Though, coming up with other
sources of electrical power is a bit of a challenge as well, for we have to find
methods to produce power, but for it to also benefit the environment, preferably for
the source to be renewable. With our current status of technological equipment, our
society has already started the search. We have already found methods to extract
gases and forms of energy in the everyday trash pile, as well as with animal waste
(Biodegradable fuel). Our society has also found the method in which power can be
extracted from the main elements the earth has to offer: the sun (solar energy), air
(wind & evaporation), and water (hydroelectric). What alternatives are left for
human kind to extract energy for electricity? In companionship with technology has
made many developing options a reality. What if we can harness the power of a
hurricane or a tornado from its wind, an earthquake by its vibrations, a typhoon by
its strength with water, or from a volcano’s heat? A device as such may be
accomplished by combining the technologies in the use of a suction vacuum
(absorbs / extracts energy sources) as well as turbines in which the (different forms
of) energy source(s) may be converted into electricity! What if man can produce
power by motion? Carefully planning and directing the avoidance of possible flaws,
motion sensors may be installed in an everyday home, apartment, etc. The motion
sensors will detect and “pick up” the (minor wind/motion) energy being “left” after
one does an activity, such as walking, taking an item out of the refrigerator, etc (if no
motion is detected, an alternative electrical source would be applied). Applying this
type of technology in every home would be extravagant, for there is no pollution
whatsoever, as well as (the majority of) it being powered by man. If not making a
change in every home manually, why cannot the world provide a clean source of
electricity for everyone using common refreshments? Gatorade, as well as other
(energy) drinks contains electrolytes. With the power of advanced (modern)
engineering and technology, a tank may be developed, in which once the energy
drinks fill up the tanks, an appropriate amount of salt would be added. Thus, the
energy drinks already contain an electrical charge within them; a turbine or other
electric converting equipment may be used to “diffuse” and “activate” the electric
charge within the energy drinks, then distributing that power throughout the world.
With the advancements in technology, as well as ideas continuously progressing and
developing, finding alternative sources of electrical power and putting those ideas
into action would be one of the first steps to take in our race against time to find
renewable and “clean” alternatives of electrical energy for ourselves and for our
In order for the human race to advance in the generation and distribution of
electricity, one must take action at once. Though, in order to know in what we must
improve, we must first investigate and evaluate the world’s electrical (supply)
status. Currently, the average home/small business around the world (where
electricity is distributed) consumes about thirteen-thousand six-hundred and fiftyfour kilowatts per hour of electricity per day (as of the year 2008)! A tenth of the
world’s homes and businesses are using a source of renewable energy. According to
statistics, many do not have a power source that runs on renewable energy for it is
not convenient in where they live, or because of the cost in purchasing/investing in
it (solar panels, a mini-turbine, etc.). If one cannot get a “green” power supply, why
not have the source come to us and be activated once it is in use? Technology may
be on our side once again! Manufacturers of the most well-known brands in
common household appliances as well as engineers may come up with a “green”
production of energy during the use of one’s appliances with or without the use of
plugging in a power cord into a socket. For example: a toaster. The toaster (or any
common household appliance) may have a photocell chip inside of it, once the
toaster is on/in use and sunshine is beating down on it (from the window), the
toaster will be running on clean energy. If the toaster was plugged in and the
sunshine then beats down on it, its source from the socket automatically cancels,
and is run by the sun; if it has not been plugged in, with a push of an “on” button it is
being run by the sun’s energy source as well. It may not only be a photocell, but a
mini (wind) turbine, an appliance may have an insert for garbage or other bio-mass
to be converted into energy while an appliance may be in use, etc. Retailers may also
be in accord with selling and distributing “green” power generators. Whether the
power is out, or for one’s house to be running on its supply, every socket plugged
into one’s house would be running on / producing clean energy. Currently, the
world is consuming a total of 18.8 trillion kilowatts per hour. In the year twothousand thirty-five, the world’s projected energy consumption will rise to 35.2
trillion kilowatts per hour. Taking a step in possibly inserting clean energy
production / sources in appliances is one step. Technology being able to give people
clean energy in everyday usage is a leap, a leap into reducing the world’s energy
usage, as well as increasing the amount of homes and businesses using clean energy
for electricity.
It is not enough for one to know how we can change our electrical power
source and what are the causes in which we cannot do it from one moment to
another; one must take action and apply our understanding in the “real-world”. We
can also apply our understanding with technology as well! If one has an idea in
which technology may help with our electrical power status to reduce the release of
emissions, one may communicate and let their voice be heard. One must take action
as well. We can all send our ideas to an inventor’s company and give suggestions in
which we can help produce commonly-used products (used in the average home) to
conserve electricity usage. Communicating with local, state, federal, and
international agencies across the country, across the globe, to indicate and convince
in expanding renewable energy sources (sun, wind, hydroelectric, etc.) and coming
up with advanced technological innovations in which electricity may be produced.
With the type of technology available to the average person, one may also start
constructing a device in which electricity is produced and distributed in their own
house by the means of clean energy. Using technology we can also project how
electricity is currently in use and reduce those usages by automatically “tuning” it to
a nearby (known) or “back-up” source of an alternative “fuse” for the usage; such as
street lights. Many street lights are now being run by a microchip or are in master
control by an electrical company. Once the street light’s filament is running out /
disintegrating, a trigger can automatically infuse the bulb with neon, or another
noble gas, send an electrical current, and the bulb will be turned on. If not infused
with a gas, then why not air? The filament may be giving off sparks, or a gas itself,
diffusing it within the air. Sending it a “green” form of energy (thermal), the bulb
would be lit up once again. In the previous statements, we have applied our
understanding of known knowledge of electricity and technology, and found an
alternative way in which the light bulb can be lit up with our understanding of neon
lights being lit up with noble gases infused with a surge of electrical power, finding
an alternative use. Whether it be creating one’s own creation, or distributing
information throughout the world to known ones and federal/international
authorities, technology can help us apply our understanding, one way or another.
If our society has done it once, why not do it again? Our improvement in
technology will guide us to find alternative sources of electrical power, better
understand our situation from the world’s current electrical power status, and apply
our understanding to fit into tomorrow’s power supply. Together, with our
knowledge, skills, determination, perseverance, self –worth, and technology; our
ideas of improving the distribution and cleanliness of electricity today, will become
a reality tomorrow. Engineers, scientists, federal and international leaders, as well
as the common-people will come together to end the race against time to find clean
sources of electrical power with applying our understanding with technology, and
taking action in completing our mission one step at a time. It all started with the
word “elektor”, we decide with what word and action it ends with.