Applying the Methods of Social Network Analysis to ERA

5th DRC Summer School on Regional Cooperation
“Changing Dynamics of the Danubian Region – New
Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union”
29 June – 6 July 2008, Krems, Austria
Widening the European Research Area (ERA)
to the neighbouring countries of the EU
Prof. Manfred Horvat, Austria
Vienna University of Technology and
Senior Advisor, International R&D Cooperation,
Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF)
• The European Research Area (ERA)
- 2000: towards creating an internal EU market of research
- 2007: The ERA Green Paper – a new impetus
• The EU RTD Framework Programmes (FPs)
- FP6: Creating the European Research Area
- FP7: Lisbon: Knowledge and Growth
• Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU
- RTD cooperation as facilitator and ‘avant-garde’ of change
- Complementarities of European Neighbourhood Policy and
the EU RTD Framework Programme
• Summary
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
Seite 2
The European Research Area (ERA) 1
• Main objectives
- Improving overall conditions for research in Europe
- Better integrating and structuring European research
• Combination of different concepts:
- Creating an ‘internal market’ of research: free movement of
knowledge, researchers and technologies
- Integrating research capacities ensuring critical mass
- Restructuring the European research fabric: better
coordination of national research policies and programmes
- European research policy addressing the funding of research
activities and also considering other policies
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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The European Research Area (ERA) 2
COM(2000) 6, 18 January 2000
• Creating an internal EU research market by e.g.
Increasing public and private investment in RTD
Researcher careers: mobility and career development
Developing EU strategies for large research infrastructures
Networking of centres of excellence => virtual centres
More coordinated national and EU research programmes
Closer relations between European programmes, initiatives
and action (FP, EUREKA, COST, ESF, ESA, CERN,…)
- Strengthening science-industry cooperation
- …
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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The European Research Area (ERA) 3
ERA Green Paper (April 2007) and follow up:
• A new momentum for ERA
Realising a single labour market for researchers
Developing world-class research infrastructures
Strengthening research institutions
Sharing knowledge
Optimising research programmes and priorities
Opening to the world: international S&T cooperation
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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The EU RTD Framework Programmes (FPs) 1
• EU financial instrument supporting RTD policies
• It is all about transborder cooperation …
• FP6 2002-2006: Creating ERA – an ‘internal market’
of research
- Towards integration, structuring and excellence
• FP7 2007-2013: An ERA of knowledge and growth
- Strengthening RTD Cooperation, fostering basic research,
nurturing human resources, underpinning RTD capacities
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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The EU RTD Framework Programmes (FPs) 2
• FP6 2002-2006: Creating ERA - 17,883 bn EUR
- Focusing and integrating Community research
- 7 themes
- cross-cutting issues (NEST, SMEs, international cooperation)
- Structuring the European Research Area
- Innovation, human resources, infrastructures, science & society
- Strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area
- Coordination of national RTD activities (ERA-NET
- Coherent development of policies
• New ‘instruments’
- Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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The EU RTD Framework Programmes (FPs) 3
• FP7 2007-2013: An ERA of knowledge and growth –
50,521 bn EUR
- Cooperation (10 Themes)
- Collaborative research, ERA-NET, Joint Technology Initiatives,
international RTD cooperation
- Ideas
- Frontier research of individual researchers (starting, advanced)
- People
- Mobility and training of researchers, also international dimension
- Capacities
- Infrastructures, RTD for and of SMEs, Research Potential and
Regions of Knowledge, Support for International Cooperation
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 1
• Complementary role of different Community
• EU RTD Framework Programmes
- ‘avant-garde’ role for integration and enlargement
• “European Neighbourhood Policy” since 2004
Strengthening prosperity, stability and security
Improve cooperation with countries along EU’s borders
European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)
Cross-border Cooperation Programmes (CBC)
Participation in certain Community programmes
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 2
• Experiences of New Member States
- RTD cooperation acted as apolitical ‘avant-garde’ for
developing closer relations, association and integration
- Capacity building through FP and PHARE funding
- Participating in FPs had positive impact on development of
national RTD systems – increasing role of Structural Funds
• Experiences of Western Balkan Countries
FP5 accompanying measures for capacity building
Positive effects of participating in FP6 incl. ERA-NET
Deficits in improvement of research infrastructure – IPA?
Problems of researcher mobility
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 3
• International cooperation in FP6
- Thematic priorities open for international cooperation
- Specific measures for international cooperation
• FP6 participation of Danube region countries
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
Serbia & M.
Seite 11
Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 3a
Putting FP6 participation numbers in context:
• Overall participation in FP6
- Total:
16,678 bn EUR
- Member states
- Associated countries
- Third countries
15,268 bn EUR
0,955 bn EUR
0,324 bn EUR
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 4
• European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and RTD
- Integration in ERA as contribution to wider political aspirations
- COM(2003) 104 final: “… As set out in FP6, the EU should
take forward the opening of the European Research Area
(ERA) to integrate the scientific communities of the
neighbouring countries, exploit scientific results, stimulate
innovation and develop human resources and research
- 2004 ENP Strategy Paper: “In order to increase the
participation of these countries in the Community’s RTD
activities and to improve their national research systems’
contribution to economic growth and social welfare, structural
and institutional capacity building activities need to be
supported. These activities will be identified and implemented
through the Actions Plans.
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 5
• Implementing and promoting the ENP (2005)
- Research and innovation: “Develop an ambitious S&T
cooperation aimed an sustainable and equitable economic
development through participation of the partner countries
research entities in the ERA as well as FP activities. Integrate
former weapons of mass destruction scientists into the
international science communities and support the civilian
application of their scientific knowledge.”
• Strengthening the ENP (2006)
- “There is also a need to better integrate ENP partners in the
European Research Area. The launch of FP6 (2007-2013)
places a new emphasis on international research cooperation
and should lead to an increase in ENP partner participation... “
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 6
• Council of the European Union, 18 June 2007
- Integrating Europe’s neighbours into the ERA
- Memoranda of Understanding between EC and partner
- Cooperation based on priorities relevant association prospects
to FP, socio-economic and sustainable development,
modernisation objectives, and political stability
- ENP countries and Russia: potential of association to FP7 and
integration into ERA
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 7
• Example: role of S&T in EU relations with Ukraine
EU/Action plan (2004): based on political dialogue, also in the
frame of the EU-UA Science and Technology Agreement
- Prepare UA’s integration into ERA
- Develop UA’s R&D capabilities in the service of the economy
and the society
- Promote UA’s integration in high-level scientific exchanges
Progress report Ukraine (2008):
- UA is revamping its research and innovation policy with more
direct relevance for sustainable and equitable economic
development objectives
- Need for more investment in research and reform R&D sector
- Difficulties to utilise new opportunities in FP7
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 7a
• Ukraine Country Strategic Paper 2007-2013:
- Support for S&T cooperation will also be important with a view
to contributing to sustainable and equitable economic
development of Ukraine including through fuller participation in
research-related activities such as the 7th Framework
Programme, joint research projects, the Marie Curie
international mobility scheme for scientists and practical
training at the seven institutes of the Joint Research Centre
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 8
• FP7, international S&T cooperation and the EU’s
neighbouring countries – towards a strategy …
- International cooperation in FP7 as integrated activity under
- General opening (3+1)
- Targeted opening (3+1) - topics in Work Programmes
identified as ‘particularly well suited for international cooperation’
with a specific country or groups of countries
- SICA Specific International Cooperation Actions (2+2)
aiming at reinforcing research capacities in neighbouring
- Coordinated Calls – FP calls coordinated with calls of funding
organisation in third country
- International ERA-NETs: SEE.ERA-NET
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 8a
• International cooperation in FP7 (continued):
- ‘Ideas’:
- attracting excellent researchers from third countries; grants for
Starting independent researchers, Advanced researchers
- ‘People’:
- International fellowships – incoming and outgoing
- International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) for
countries with S&T Agreement with EU (e.g. Ukraine, Russia)
- ‘Capacities’:
- INCO-NETs supporting bi-regional dialogues: e.g. Eastern
Europe and Central Asian Countries IncoNet EECA
- BI-LATs target countries with S&A Agreements with EU: e.g.
BILAT-UKR for Ukraine
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Widening ERA to the neighbours of the EU 9
• Perspective full partners in ERA:
27 EU member states
11 Associated countries
EU-Ukraine negotiations on full association to FP7
EU-Russia discussions on full association to FP7
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Summary and outlook
• Strengthening S&T dialogue, coordination and
cooperation between EU and its neighbours
• Research and technology cooperation will form the
‚avant-garde‘ for closer relations beyond RTD
• International exchange of best practice and mutual
learning will lead to a more efficient and effective
European Research Area
• Cooperation will create mutual benefits for all
partner countries involved in an extended ERA
• The instruments are there, they have to be used
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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Thank you for your attention!
Prof. Manfred Horvat
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Senior Advisor for International RTD Cooperation (BMWF)
Tel +43 664 4543 165
Manfred Horvat
2008 DRC Summer School
1 July 2008, Krems, Austria
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