Learner support in blended learning programs at Oldeburg

Supporting Learners
Learner Support in Blended Learning
Degree Programs at
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Thomas Hülsmann
Beijing, China
May 12 -14, 2008
Learner support in blended learning programs at Oldenburg University
Presentation overview
The context:
the Bologna process and the reform European Higher education
the Center of Lifelong Learning (C3L) at the Carl von Ossietzky
University Oldenburg
The degree programs offered by the C3L
a short general overview over the program offerings
an in-depth description of the program ‘Economics for top athletes’
Learner support characteristics
using the ‘Brindley framework’ for analyzing learner support in the C3L
program offerings focusing on the ‘Economics for top athletes’ program
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The Bologna Process includes
a curricular reform:
The three cycle system (bachelor-mastersdoctorate), competence based learning, flexible
learning paths, recognition, mobility.
a governance reform:
European Credit
Transfer System
Bachelor (BA, BSc)
3-4 years
Master (MA, MSc)
1-2 years
work; profession
work, profession
University autonomy, strategic partnerships,
including enterprises, quality assurance.
a funding reform:
Diversified sources of university income better
linked to performance, promoting equity, access
and efficiency, including the possible role of tuition
fees, grants and loans”.
Source: European Commission , 2007
- the curricular reform leads to interlacing study and work and lead to a new demand for further education
degree programs;
- the governance reform will allow (and force) universities to diversify funding and compete for stakes in this
- the funding reform emphasizes student fees and will force more students to work before taking the Master
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The Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L):
 Founded in November 2006 the C3L is a merger of three organizational units (process still ongoing)
Merger of three organizational units (process still ongoing):
(i) The Center of Distance Education (ZEF);
(ii) The Center of Continuing Education (ZWW) and
(iii) The Center of Distributed e-Learning (CDL)
It main tasks of the C3L
Supporting faculty in the
implementation of further
education offerings,
including technical
support and providing a
customized LMS up to
initiating faculty
(professors and mentors)
to online teaching;
Providing individual
guidance and customized
support to students who
seek further education
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The degree programs offered by the C3L
Bachelor Business Administration for Top Athletes (BA)
blended learning mode
Master Information Law (LL.M.)
blended learning mode
Master of Distance Education
(in cooperation with UMUC) totally online
Bachelor Business Administration for Management in Medium-sized Companies (BA)
blended learning mode
Continuing Education Program Economics
blended learning mode
Master Educational Management (MBA)
blended learning mode
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Learner support in blended learning programs at Oldenburg University
The Innovative Way of Studying for Top Athletes
Innovative ideas & concepts
Effective means and methods
• Combine sport/work and studies!
• Studying online independent, in groups!
• Time/place flexibility
Top athletes
today ...
•Intensive student support!
•Learning from renowned experts!
... tomorrow
•Get an internationally accepted degree!
Good career prospects
Successful studying
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The Program is Structured in Modules
Core Economics
10 mandatory core modules (=10* 8 ECTS points = 80 ECTS points)
… comprising the basics of economic, business adminsitration and business law
Specialization Sport- / Businessmanagement
9 optional modules (out of 20; = 9*8 ECTS points = 72 ETCS)
… comprising specialized knowledge on business economics and the economics of sports
… builds on the mandatory core modules
Key competencies Social-, methods-, selfcompetence
1 module of professionalization units (2 out of 12 substitute 1 module = 8 ECTS points)
… includes transdisciplinary competencies empowering agency
… supporting study competencies
Total credit value and workload of the program:
- 180 ECTS = 80 (core) + 72 (specialization) + 8 (key competencies) + 20 (thesis)
- nominal workload: 180 ECTS * 30 SLH/ECTS = 5400 SLH
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The Process of Study - Overview
1. and 2. Online-phase:
3. Online-phase:
4. Online-phase:
3. Online-phase
Group collabration / Projectwork
4. Online-phase
Learning portfolio
Examination Learning portfolio
2. Online-phase
Independent study (2)
3 days
Presenting the case studies
1 day
1. Online-phase
Independent study (1)
3 days
Planning the case studies
1 Semester
Duration = 12 weeks (6 + 6)
Duration = 10 weeks
Duration = 4 weeks
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Introductory Event
Personal counseling
3. Online-phase
Group studies
4. Online-hase
Learning Portfolio
Examination and Learnportfolio
Seminar: Introducing
the program
2. Online-phase
Independent study (2)
Only for Beginners
Workshop Presentation of
case studies 1 - 2 days
Introduction 1 day
1. Online-phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop planning of case studies
1 -2 days
1 Semester
Getting to know each other - Faculty, tutors, students, coordinators
Introducing the program; initiating the learners:
Presenting the program / Introducing the learning management system (LMS)
Negotiating rules and expectations / claryfying questions
Distributing the first study guides
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1. Online-Phase
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
3. Online phase
Group studies
4. Online phase
Learning Portfolio
Examination Learn portfolio
Studying indenpendently
Workshop: Case studies
1 – 2 days
Introduction 1 day
1. Online phase
Independent Study (1)
Workshop presentation
case studies 1 - 2 days
1 Semester
Experten advice
Independent studies based on course materials (printed study guides; eLearning components
Support by mentors:
Supporting independent study process, e.g. planning and organizing the process of independent studies
Constructive feedback on self-tests and assignments
Evaluation of assignments (admission to 1. workshop)
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1. Face-to-face Seminar
Workshops with
3. Online phase
Group work
Group work
4. Online phase
Learning Portfolio
Examination learnportfolio
Seminar with
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
1 module per day
Workshop 3 days
Presentation of case studies
1. Online phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop: 1 - 2 Tage
Planning of case studies
Introduction and initiation 1 day
1 Semester
Seminar with professors and experts (ca. 2-3 hrs.):
Clarification of issues / additional guidance and hints
Preparation of the theorie-praxis-transfer:
Thematic descriptions / setting of tasks
Constituting groups for collaboration
Task analysis / developing relevant ideas and concepts / planning the work ahead
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2. Online-Phase
3. Online phase
Group work
Independent studies
4. Online phase
Learning Portfolio
Examination Learn portfolio
2. Online Phase
Independent Study (2)
Workshop 3 days
Presentation of case studies
1. Online phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop 3 days
planning case studies
Introduction and initiation 1 day
1 Semester
Expert advice
Continuation of independent studies (Course material / e-learning components)
Support by mentors:
Supporting independent studies , e.g. planning of steps to take
Constructive feedback on self tests and assignments
Evaluating online tasks (checking completeness)
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3. Online-Phase
3. Online Phase
Group Collaboration Online
Independent studies
Group collaboration
4. Online phase
Learning Portfolio
Examination Learn portfolio
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
Workshop 3 days
Presentation of case studies
1. Onlinephase
Independent study (1)
Workshop 3 days
planning the case studies
Introduction as Initiation 1 day
1 Semester
Expert advice
Collaborative work online
Working on case studies / Solving the transfer task in the group
Support by mentors:
Supporting collaborative group work
Supporting the problem solving process / preparing the presentation of results
Motivating and monitoring the group process / insisting on group participation
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2. Presence Event
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
Seminar with
faculty and experts
3. Online phase
Collaborative group work
Workshops with
Pers. conversation
4. Online phase
Learning Portfolio
Examination Learn portfolio
Workshop Fallstudienplanung
3 Tage
Introduction and initiation 1 day
1. Online phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop Presentation of
groupwork 1-2 days
1 Module per Day
1 Semester
Presentation of results of group projects:
Presentation and discussion
Additional special issues analysis by experts and faculty
Personal interviews:
Planning the final report (= Learning portfolio)
Clarifying open questions / additional guidance and advice
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4. Online-Phase
3. Online phase
Collaborative group work
Independent learning
4. Online Phase
Learning Portfolio
Examination Learn portfolio
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
Workshop 3 days
Presentation of case studies
1. Online phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop 3 days
Planning of case studies
Introduction and initiation 1 day
1 Semester
Preparing the learning portfolio for the module
Documentation of collaborative work, description of individual contributions
Presenting personal insights and results with respect to professional, methodological, social
and self-competence
Support by mentors :
Supporting the construction of the learn portfolio
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Role of Lead Faculty (professor)
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
3. Online phase
Collaborative group work
4. Online phase
Final report
Examination and final report
Workshop 3 days
planning of case studies
Introduction and initiation 1 day
engagement level
1. Online phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop 3 days
Presentation of case studies
semester break
Online phases: occasional engagement => Responding to questions requiring specialist knowledge
1. f2f phase: time ca. 3 hours => Seminar / specialist issues
2. f2f phase: time ca. 1 day => receiving the final reports
Final phase: evaluation of final reports (assessing individual contributions)
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Role of Tutors
2. Online phase
Independent study (2)
3. Online phase
Collaborative group work
4. Online phase
Final report
Online phases: Intensive support during phase1, 2 and 3 (ca. 8 hrs/week)
1. f2f phase: time ca. 1 day => Seminar / Workshop / miscellaneous questions
2. f2f phase: time ca. 1 day => Checking collaborative group work
Final phase: Checking of final documentation / report (checking individual contributions)
Examination final documentation
semester break
Workshop 3 days
Presentation of case studies
1. Online phase
Independent study (1)
Workshop 3 Tage
Planning of case studies
Introduction and initioation 1 day
Engagement level
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Roles and Remuneration of Tutors and Faculty
Role of the tutor
Role of the lead faculty (professor)
Work on examples / case studies / transfer
Supporting the tutor during the construction of
examples / case studies / transfer tasks
Intensive support during the online phases
(moderation, motivation, organization,
Responding to questions requiring
competence of the professor as a specialist
(online phase
Leading the seminar during the first f2f
introductory meeting (ca. 2 hours)
Leading the seminar during the first f2f phase (ca. 2
Leading workshops on collaborative group
work during the first f2f seminar (1 day)
Receiving the group presentations during the second
f2f phase (1/2 – 1 day)
Receiving the group presentations during the
2nd f2f seminar (1 day)
Evaluating and assessing the final reports (learn port
Reading and assessing the final report and
learn portfolios (ca. 2 hrs pro student)
Group size
Mentors, tutors
US$ 1954
US$ 2345
US$ 2345
US$ 3126
US$ 2736
US$ 3126
US$ 3126
US$ 3126
US$ 3517
US$ 3126
US$ 3908
US$ 3126
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The role of online communication …
Very different educational scenarios can be implemented in online distance education.
While in the UMUC classes online discussion is the driver of the learning process (right screenshot), in
blended learning formats there is a temptation to use it mainly to post tasks and return solutions. This may not
fully exploit the potential of online learning!
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Application to Learner Support: Values
The C3L was a merger of :
the ZWW (Center for Further Education): This center had the mission of
expanding education and cater for diversity; adult education tradition
the CDL (Center for Distributed e-Learning): This center was a pragmatic
alliance of professors aiming at the developing further education market;
the ZEF (Center for Distance Education): This center was rooting in
traditional distance education with the mission of expanding access to
education and at the same time developed the infrastructure necessary for
modern distance education and e-learning
The values epitomized by the C3L:
lifelong learning: this mission is encapsulated in the name but reflects
also the rationale of the new unit: tapping the further education market
customer service values: The unit was set up by the university to
compete in the developing further education market
reputation: this value element ties traditional academic values with issues
of brand name and marketing
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The Fault Lines of Tension:
New technologies:
Distance and online learning can
- respond to flexibility demands
- uphold standards
Emerging markets
The student as customer wants
Restructured universities
The university wants to
- added value
- professional services
- high level of flexibility
- target the new markets
- uphold quality and reputation
- Will the university be able to reconcile its traditional values with customer
service commitments?
- Will it learn to fully exploit the potential of online teaching and learning?
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The Project Management
Issues of Admission
Issues of Examination
Issues of Studying
Admission requirements
Verifying documents
Issues of Funding
Issues of Certification
Recognition of Prior Learning
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Two Final Questions
Will the traditional university live up to customer service requirements and is this
a good thing?
Is the culture of a university compatible with customer service culture?
Will be the customer service values sufficient to provide good learner support?
Means positioning the university to compete in profitable markets neglecting the
traditional values of adult and distance educators such as expanding access to
distance education and embracing diversity?
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