European Colonization & Columbian Exchange Presentation

European Colonization and the
Columbian Exchange
Essential Questions:
• What factors led to the creation and development of distinct Spanish, French, and Dutch
colonial regions in North America?
• How did relations between Spanish, French, and Dutch colonists and Native Americans
evolve over time?
• How did the Columbian Exchange affect Europe, Africa, and North America?
• How did it affect interaction between and among Europeans, Africans, and Native
• How did cultural contact challenge the identities and value systems of peoples from the
Americas, Africa, and Europe?
• Kennedy Ch. 1 (When Worlds Collide – end)
• Columbian Exchange DBQ documents
Notes: Colonization and Columbian Exchange
Map: 1763
Conquest of Central/South America
• 1519: Cortez sailed from Cuba to
• The Aztecs first thought the Spanish
were gods
• 1521 Cortez attacked the Aztecs with
the help of other Native Americans.
• The Aztecs were defeated mainly
because of smallpox
• 1530: Pizarro left Panama to conquer
the Incas.
• The Spanish pretended to be friendly
and ambushed and killed the
• The Spanish forced the Inca to
become Christian and were used as a
labor force.
The Aztecs surrender to Cortex, The British Library
Colonial Latin America
• 1st settlement in present-day U.S. = St.
Augustine, FL (1565)
• Conquistadors: (Spanish Nobles) owned the
• Spanish born citizens filled most positions in
the government and military.
• Gold and silver shipped back to Spain.
• Encomienda system: harsh system of forced
labor. Natives were often forced to convert to
the Catholic religion.
• Eventually the mixing of Spanish and Native
blood created a mestizo class of people.
• Presidios – Forts built to protect
Spanish outposts and colonies
• Mission System - established
congregaciones in which natives
would farm, live and worship like
Catholic Europeans
Stand up – Hand up – Pair up
When I say “go,” you’ll stand up, put one hand
in the air, and high-five the 1st person you see
that isn’t your shoulder partner.
After high-fiving, say hello and find out their
birthdate then wait for further instructions.
• Rally back and forth – person 1 starts (person 1 has the longest hair)
• Pick out 1 character in the image and describe what they might be saying.
• What images or symbols stick out to you?
• What is the artist’s message?
New France (continue notes)
• French missionaries tried to
convert the Indians
• Settled along the St. Lawrence
River and expanded down the
Mississippi River
• Hunters and trappers (coureurs
de bois – “runners of the
• Established friendly relations
with the Indians as business
• Largely free of government
New Netherlands
• Settled along the Hudson River
• New Amsterdam (New York City) became the
center for trade.
• Controlled by Dutch West India Company
• The Dutch and French became rivals in the fur
• The Rivals established alliances with Native
tribes, thus increasing warfare among the
Indians, French, Dutch, and English.
The English Colonies
(much more on this later)
• English sought to establish
colonies based on
• large numbers of men and
women sent to acquire
land and populate
• hostile relationships with
American Indians.
Key Concepts/Definitions:
• Columbian Exchange: sharing of plants, animals, diseases, human
populations, technology, and ideas between the Western and
Eastern Hemispheres as a direct result of Columbus’ arrival to the
Americas in 1492.
• Triangular Trade: trade between Africa, Europe and Americas of
slaves, manufactured goods, and raw goods
• New World: the Americas
• Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa
Docs 1.2: Columbian Exchange
DBQ Stations
• You will rotate through 6 Stations, completing
work in your document journal.
• After you complete your research, we will
answer the following:
• Evaluate the positive and negative effects of the
exchange between Europe and the New World.
• How did culture in the Americas change as a
result of exploration?
Wrap Up
• What factors led to the creation and development of distinct
Spanish, French, and Dutch colonial regions in North America?
• How did relations between Spanish, French, and Dutch
colonists and Native Americans evolve over time?
• How did the Columbian Exchange affect Europe, Africa, and
North America?
• How did it affect interaction between and among Europeans,
Africans, and Native Americans?
• How did cultural contact challenge the identities and value
systems of peoples from the Americas, Africa, and Europe?