Unit 2, Chapter 4 Quiz


Name: ________________________________

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Unit 2, Chapter 4 Quiz

1. When Columbus set out on his first expedition, what did he hope to find as he sailed west from Spain?



2. How many expeditions did he make in total? _________

3. What is an expedition? ___________________________________________


4. Which of the following defines the Columbian exchange?

A Sharing the riches from one land to another in the Western


B Moving people and their ways of life between the Eastern

C changing sugarcane into sugar to sell at a huge profit

D using missionaries to convert Indians to

Christianity in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres Hemisphere

5. What did NOT happen as a result of the Columbian Exchange?

A Europeans brought horses, cattle, sheep and pigs to the

C Many Indians died from overwork and diseases brought

Western Hemisphere

B Europeans enjoyed new foods from the Americas such as corn, potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa, and beans over by the Europeans

D Europeans practiced Indian religion and customs, and the two groups shared the land equally

6. Which BEST describes the factors that enabled Cortes to defeat the Aztecs?

A larger forces, better weapons, C Stone weapons, and horses

B Metal armor, muskets, horses, and allies muskets, and allies

D Wealth, allies, and more men

7. What is an ally? ________________________________________________



8. Which of the following granted a peninsulare control of all native peoples on an area of land?

A Compact

B conquest

9. Which was NOT an Ally of Cortez ?





A Moctezuma

B Smallpox

C Dona Marina

D Measles

10. Why did Spain send explorers into new lands in what is now southern North

America? _______________________________________________________



11. What was the job of missionaries? ________________________________



12. Why did the Spanish colonists use African slaves?

A They were cheaper than the C The Indians refused to work for natives

B The natives were dying from D the Spanish

The Spanish liked their quality disease and overwork of work better

13. Who was the high priest who spoke out about the mistreatment and eventual banning of Indian slaves ?

A de Vaca

B de Las Casas

C Coronado

D Vespucci

14. What was the name of the vast Spanish colony that included what is now

Mexico, most of Florida, and the Caribbean Islands? ______________________

