Values in Europe: A Multiple Group Comparison with 20 Countries Using the European Social Survey 2003. S.Schwartz/E.Davidov/P.Schmidt How we proceed: • 1) Short overview of the Value Theory of Schwartz. • 2) Goals of the analysis. • 3) Overview of the ESS items. • 4) Overview of the data in hand. • 5) Results. • 6) Conclusions. Schwartz Value Theory • The theory describes universals in the content and structure of individual’s values. • The human values are desirable goals, varying in importance, that serve as guiding principles in people’s lives. • The values represent different three universal requirements of human existence: biological needs, social interaction and demand of group functioning. • The theory derived 10 motivationally distinct types of values postulated to be recognized implicitly in all cultures. The values: • • • • • Achievement (LE) Hedonism (HE) Power (MA) Stimulation (ST) Security (SI) Self-Direction (SE) Conformity (KO) Universalism (UN) Tradition (TR) Benevolence (WO) References: • 1) Shalom H. Schwartz (1992). Universals in the Content and Structure of Values: Theoretical Advances and Empirical Tests in 20 Countries. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 25, 1-65. • 2) Shalom H. Schwartz and Lilach Sagiv (1995). Identifying Culture-Specifics in the Content and Structure of Values. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 26(1), 92-116. Relations among Values • 1) The theory specifies dynamic relations among values. Actions in pursuit of one type of value may conflict or be compatible with the pursuit of other values. Seeking personal success may obstruct actions aimed to promote the welfare of others who need help. • 2) Competing values correlate negatively and are in opposing directions. Compatible values correlate positively and are close. • Although the theory discriminates 10 values, at a more basic level they form a continuum which gives rise to a circular structure. Openness to Change Self-transcendence Self-direction Universalism Stimulation Benevolence Hedonism Conformity Tradition Achievement Power Self-enhancement Security Conservation Figure 1: Structural relations among the 10 values and the four higher values (see Devos, Spini, & Schwartz, 2002). • In empirical studies values from adjacent types may intermix rather than emerge in clearly distinct regions. • Values that express opposing motivations should be discriminated clearly from one another. • There are two dimensions: openness to change versus conservation: favoring change vs. submission. And: self enhancement versus selftranscendence: opposing acceptance of others as equals vs. concern for others’ welfare. Questions: • 1) How do we assess the presence of the types of values postulated by the theory? • 2) How do we assess the similarity of the meanings of single values and their meanings in other samples? • 3)How do we assess the presence of the value structure? Deviations in value types, meanings, and structure in different samples invite interpretations. However, not all deviations are meaningful. • 4) How do we distinguish real cultural differences in value meanings and structure from unreliability of measurement? • In the following study it is a first attempt to compare 20 countries. Value Categories in the ESS 2003 • Now I will briefly describe some people. Please listen to each description and tell me how much each person is or is not like you. • 1 Very much like me • 2 Like me • 3 Somewhat like me • 4 A little like me • 5 Not like me • 6 Not like me at all • 7 Refusal • 8 Don't know • 9 No answer The 21 ESS Items for Each Value • 1) Power (MA): • Imprich:Important to be rich, have money and expensive things. • Iprspot: Important to get respect from others • 2) Achievement (LE): • Ipshabt: Important to show abilities and be admired. • Ipsuces: Important to be successful and that people recognize achievements • 3) Hedonism (HE): • Ipgdtim: Important to have a good time • Impfun: Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure • 4) Stimulation (ST): • Impdiff: Important to try new and different things in life • Ipadvnt: Important to seek adventures and have an exiting life • • • • • 5) Self-Direcrtion (SE): Ipcrtiv: Important to think new ideas and being creative Impfree: Important to make own decisions and be free 6) Universalism (UN): Ipeqopt: Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities • Ipudrst: Important to understand different people • Impenv: Important to care for nature and environment • 7) Benevolence (WO): • Iphlppl: Important to help people and care for others well-being • Iplylfr: Important to be loyal to friends and devote to close people. • 8) Tradition (TR): • Ipmodst: Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention • Imptrad: Important to follow traditions and customs • 9) Conformity (KO): • Ipfrule: Important to do what is told and follow rules • Ipbhprp: Important to behave properly • 10) Security (SI): • Impsafe: Important to live in secure and safe surroundings • Ipstrgv: Important that government is strong and ensures safety 20 Countries (2 Missing) • 20 countries: 1-AT (Austria), 2-BE (Belgium), 3CH (Switzerland), 4-CZ (Czech Republic), 5-DE (Germany), 6-DK (Denmark), 7-ES (Spain), 8-FI (Finland), 9-FR (France), 10-GB (Great Britain), 11-GR (Greece), 12-HU (Hungary), 13-IE (Ireland), 14-IL (Israel), 15-IT(Italy, missing), 16LU (Luxemburg, missing), 17-NL (Netherlands), 18-NO (Norway), 19-PL (Poland), 20-PT (Portugal), 21-SE (Sweden), 22-SI (Slovenia). Table- N, Means and Std Deviation of 21 Items in 20 Countries • Sweden has 6 of the weakest categories. • Greece has 10 of the strongest categories. • One can test for patterns of similarities between Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden), Mediterranean countries (Israel, Greece, Spain), countries with a short history of democracy (Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary etc.). CH-Switzerland CH imprich imprich iprspot . ipshabt . ipsuces . ipgdtim . impfun . impdiff . ipadvnt . ipcrtiv . impfree . ipeqopt - . ipudrst -. impenv - . iphlppl -. iplylfr . ipmodst - . imptrad . ipfrule . ipbhprp . impsafe . ipstrgv . iprspot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipshabt . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . ipsuces ipgdtim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . -. . . . . . . impfun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . impdiff . . . . . . ipadvnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. -. -. ipcrtiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . -. -. -. . impfree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . . ipeqopt -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipudrst -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impenv -. . . . . . . . . . . . iphlppl -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iplylfr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipmodst imptrad ipfrule -. . . . . . -. . . -. . . . . -. -. . . -. . . -. -. -. -. . -. . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DE-Germany DE imprich imprich iprspot . ipshabt . ipsuces . ipgdtim . impfun . impdiff . ipadvnt . ipcrtiv . impfree . ipeqopt -. ipudrst -. impenv -. iphlppl -. iplylfr -. ipmodst - . imptrad -. ipfrule . ipbhprp . impsafe . ipstrgv . iprspot . . . . . . . . . -. -. . . . -. . . . . . ipshabt . . . . . . . . . . ipsuces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . E. . . . ipgdtim . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . . . . impfun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . impdiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . -. -. . ipadvnt . . . . . . . ipcrtiv . . . . . . . . . . -. . -. -. . -. -. -. -. -. -. impfree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. -. . . . . . -. . . . ipeqopt -. -. . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . impenv -. . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . iphlppl -. . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . ipudrst -. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iplylfr -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipmodst imptrad ipfrule -. -. . -. . . -. . E. -. . . -. -. . -. . . -. -. . -. -. -. -. -. -. . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AT-Austria AT imprich imprich iprspot . ipshabt . ipsuces . ipgdtim . impfun . impdiff . ipadvnt . ipcrtiv . impfree . ipeqopt -. ipudrst -. impenv -. iphlppl -. iplylfr -. ipmodst -. imptrad - . ipfrule . ipbhprp -. impsafe . ipstrgv . iprspot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipshabt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . ipsuces ipgdtim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . -. . -. . -. . . . . impfun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. -. -. impdiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. -. -. ipadvnt . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . -. -. -. -. -. -. ipcrtiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. -. -. impfree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. . . ipeqopt -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . ipudrst -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impenv -. . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . -. . . . iphlppl -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iplylfr -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipmodst imptrad -. -. . . -. . -. . -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipfrule . . . . -. -. -. -. -. -. -. . -. . . . . . . . GB-Great Britain GB imprich imprich . iprspot . ipshabt . ipsuces . ipgdtim . impfun . impdiff . ipadvnt . ipcrtiv . impfree - . ipeqopt -. ipudrst -. impenv - . iphlppl . iplylfr -. ipmodst . imptrad . ipfrule . ipbhprp . impsafe . ipstrgv . iprspot . . . . . . . . . . ipshabt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipsuces ipgdtim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impfun . . . . . . . . . impdiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . -. ipadvnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . -. -. -. . -. ipcrtiv . . . . . . . impfree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . ipeqopt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipudrst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impenv . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iphlppl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iplylfr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipmodst imptrad ipfrule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . -. . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ES-Spain ES imprich imprich iprspot . ipshabt . ipsuces . ipgdtim . impfun . impdiff . ipadvnt . ipcrtiv . impfree . ipeqopt - . ipudrst -. impenv - . iphlppl -. iplylfr . ipmodst - . imptrad . ipfrule . ipbhprp . impsafe . ipstrgv . iprspot . ipshabt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipsuces ipgdtim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . -. . -. . . . . . . impfun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. . . . impdiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . . . ipadvnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . ipcrtiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . . . impfree . . . . . . . . . ipeqopt -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipudrst -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impenv -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iphlppl -. . . . . . . . . . . . . iplylfr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipmodst imptrad ipfrule -. . . . . . . . . -. . . . -. -. -. -. -. . -. -. -. -. -. . -. -. . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL-Israel IL imprich imprich iprspot . ipshabt . ipsuces . ipgdtim . impfun . impdiff . ipadvnt . ipcrtiv . impfree . ipeqopt . ipudrst -. impenv - . iphlppl . iplylfr . ipmodst - . imptrad . ipfrule . ipbhprp . impsafe . ipstrgv . iprspot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipshabt . . . . . . -. . . . . . ipsuces ipgdtim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . impfun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impdiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipcrtiv . . . . . . . . . . . ipadvnt . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. -. -. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . impfree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . ipeqopt . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipudrst -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impenv -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iphlppl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iplylfr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ipmodst imptrad ipfrule -. . . . . . -. . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . -. -. -. . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analyses First Question • How do we assess the presence of the types of values postulated by the theory? • We will start with analyses of 6 countries: three German Speaking countries: Germany(DE), Austria(AT), Switzerland(CH); 2 Mediterranean countries: Spain(ES) and Israel(IL); and a country with a long history of democracy: United Kingdom (GB). • Then we will try to do the same with the 20 countries. ach1 ach2 ach3 sd1 sd2 sd3 hed1 hed2 hed3 ben2 ben3 ben1 =1 =1 =1 =1 uni2 stm1 stm3 sec1 =1 =1 sec3 trad1 =1 trad2 pow1 pow2 =1 pow3 con1 con2 con3 Stimulation Security Universalism sec2 Benevolence =1 Hedonism uni1 stm2 Self-direction Achievement =1 FIGURE 4: Measurement model with correlated latent variables Tradition Power Conformity Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse Switzerland (CH) 1.11 .88 d3 1 ips uces 1.00 .96 .89 d6 1 d1 im prich .33 HE .46 .67 1 1.09 1.00 im pdiff d7 .30 1.05 ST 1 1.16 .13 .43 ipadvnt .03 -.08 d20 im pfun 1.00 1.09 .63 .48 .05 .88 1 d21 .88 1 1 ipgdtim LE .13 1.36 .24 1 1.42 d2 iprs pot -.07 1.07 1.00 1 MA .92 d5 1 ips habt .16 .55 d4 .37 .15 .26 .23 .24 .75 .04 .91 -.07 1.00 SI -.09 .05 im psafe .01 ips trgv .21 .01 d8 .14 .18 .12 .30 1 .99 1.00 .15ipcrtiv d9 .59 .82 .11 SE 1 .10 im pfree d10 .19 .00 .08 .20 .53 .16 .16 .21 .08 .39 1.27 1 1.12 d19 ipbhprp 1.39 1.00 1 d18 ipfrule .53 .22 ipeqopt 1.00 1.08 UN .96ipudrs t .15 KO .14 .41 .21 TR 1.17 im ptrad d17 .23 .82 1.00 .18 ipm odst 1 1.63 im penv WO iplylfr 1 1.241 .36 d16 .28 d15 1.00 iphlppl 1 .54 d14 1 1 1 .79 d11 .52 d12 .59 d13 Modifications of the Model of Switzerland (CH) Modification Modification Index 0. Modification Chi Square/DF 7.4 1. Modification imprich - TR 65 6.6 2. Modification D3-d11 51 6.2 3. Modification D7-d9 38 5.9 4. Modification Impdiff-TR 42 5.4 5. Modification Imptrad-LE 36 5.0 6. Modification D11-d17 28 4.8 7. Modification D2-d13 26 4.6 8. Modification D6-d8 25 4.3 9. Modification D3-d21 21 4.2 10. Modification D2-d21 21 4.0 Other Fit Measures: RMSEA=.039 ; P-CLOSE=1.0 ; CFI=.95 ; GFI=.98 ; AGFI =.96; AIC=730.9 (Sat.=462.0 ); CAIC=1,371.6 (Sat.=1987.8 ) Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse Switzerland (CH) d3 d4 1 d5 1 ips habt ips uces d6 1 ipgdtim 1 1 1 d1 d21 d20 1 1 iprs pot 1 d18 1 1 ST im pdiff ipadvnt 1 1 SE SI im psafe d19 HE MA im prich ips trgv 1 im pfun 1 LE d2 1 1 ipbhprp ipfrule 1 KO UN WO 1 im ptrad 1 d17 ipm odst 1 d16 iplylfr 1 d15 1 iphlppl 1 d14 1 d7 d8 ipcrtiv im pfree ipeqopt ipudrs t im penv TR 1 1 1 1 d11 d12 d13 1 d9 1 d10 Standardized Regression Weights (CH) ipshabt ipsuces ipgdtim impfun impdiff ipadvnt imprich iprspot impsafe ipstrgv ipfrule ipbhprp ipmodst imptrad iphlppl iplylfr ipeqopt ipudrst ipcrtiv impfree impenv imprich impdiff imptrad ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< Estimate LE LE HE HE ST ST MA MA SI SI KO KO TR TR WO WO UN UN SE SE UN TR TR LE 673. 686. 782. 627. 737. 635. 459. 551. 668. 660. 514. 598. 443. 439. 589. 584. 461. 550. 462. 527. 514. 301.272. 265. Correlations(CH) TR LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO TR KO SI MA LE WO TR KO SI MA >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< WO HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA SE UN WO TR KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE SE UN UN UN UN UN Estimate 572. 414. 618. 689. 340. 445. 033.081. 183. 379. 688. 122. 220. 538.314.227.210. 559. 644. 708. 101.171.075. 419. 453. 915. 660. 249. 363. 149. KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d3 d7 d17 d2 d6 d3 d2 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< WO WO WO WO TR TR TR TR KO KO KO SI SI MA d11 d9 d11 d13 d8 d21 d21 383. 438. 528. 302. 978. 733. 203. 308.838. 803. 254. 757. 367. 850. 192. 188. 136.151. 191. 159.160.- Modifications of the Model of Germany (DE) Modification Modification Index 0. Modification Chi Square/DF 9.8 1. Modification Impdiff-UN 99 8.7 2. Modification Iprspot-TR 92 7.7 3. Modification Imptrad-MA 51 7.1 4. Modification D17-d13 48 6.8 5. Modification D3-d21 45 6.5 6. Modification D5-d10 38 6.2 7. Modification D6-d17 34 6.0 Other Fit Measures: RMSEA=.042 ; P-CLOSE=1.0 ; CFI=.96 ; GFI=.97 ; AGFI =.96; AIC=1,004.7 (Sat.=462 ); CAIC=1,657.4 (Sat.=2,065.9) Standardized Regression Weights (DE) ipshabt ipsuces ipgdtim impfun impdiff ipadvnt imprich iprspot impsafe ipstrgv ipfrule ipbhprp ipmodst imptrad iphlppl iplylfr ipeqopt ipudrst ipcrtiv impfree impenv impdiff iprspot imptrad ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< Estimate LE LE HE HE ST ST MA MA SI SI KO KO TR TR WO WO UN UN SE SE UN UN TR MA 683. 715. 766. 791. 633. 746. 649. 685. 674. 647. 627. 735. 575. 520. 597. 583. 482. 599. 632. 561. 543. 271. 338. 259. Correlations(DE) TR LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO TR KO SI MA LE >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< Estimate WO HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA SE UN WO TR KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE SE 614. 604. 769. 527. 224. 247. 250.108. 206. 462. 594. 006. 055.560.159.183.692. 689. 660. 589. 146.036.123. 417. 617. WO TR KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d17 d3 d5 d6 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< UN UN UN UN UN UN WO WO WO WO TR TR TR TR KO KO KO SI SI MA d13 d21 d10 d17 936. 454. 274. 409. 244.178. 396. 536. 167.246. 801. 616. 506.362.772. 082. 204. 073. 336. 956. 152. 181.163. 156. Modifications of the Model of Austria (AT) Modification Modification Index 0. Modification Chi Square/DF 9.7 1. Modification Impfun-UN 85 8.8 2. Modification Impdiff-UN 88 7.8 3. Modification Imprich-TR 83 6.6 4. Modification D5-d10 62 6.1 5. Modification D6-d2 35 5.9 6. Modification Ipfrul-ST 27 5.6 7. Modification Ipfrul-UN 36 5.3 Other Fit Measures: RMSEA=.043 ; P-CLOSE=1.0 ; CFI=.96 ; GFI=.97 ; AGFI =.95; AIC=907.6 (Sat.=462); CAIC=1,539.3 (Sat.=2,014.3) Standardized Regression Weights (AT) ipshabt ipsuces ipgdtim impfun impdiff ipadvnt imprich iprspot impsafe ipstrgv ipfrule ipbhprp ipmodst imptrad iphlppl iplylfr ipeqopt ipudrst ipcrtiv impfree impenv impfun impdiff imprich ipfrule ipfrule ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< Estimate LE LE HE HE ST ST MA MA SI SI KO KO TR TR WO WO UN UN SE SE UN UN UN TR ST UN 741. 758. 709. 761. 671. 789. 593. 603. 716. 704. 705. 751. 537. 547. 662. 693. 658. 673. 728. 642. 658. 326.263. 337.200. 174.- (AT)Correlations TR LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO TR KO SI MA LE WO TR KO SI MA >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< WO HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA SE UN WO TR KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE SE UN UN UN UN UN Estimate 510. 581. 751. 707. 486. 481. 187.175.053. 461. 601. 072. 016. 528.380.318.388. 540. 669. 614. 206.178.019. 415. 580. 956. 369. 164. 364. 042. KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d5 d6 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< WO WO WO WO TR TR TR TR KO KO KO SI SI MA d10 d2 333. 460. 218. 312. 1.010 793. 250. 045.857. 584. 143. 471. 269. 854. 247. 188.- Correlation over 1 between KO and TR • Solution would be to unite them. They seem to be very close and unseparable in Austria. Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse Austria (modified and unified factors) d3 d4 1 d5 1 ips habt ips uces d6 1 ipgdtim 1 1 1 d1 d21 d20 1 1 iprs pot 1 d18 1 1 ST im pdiff ipadvnt 1 1 SE SI im psafe 1 HE MA im prich ips trgv d19 im pfun 1 LE d2 1 1 ipbhprp ipfrule 1 KO UN im ptrad 1 d17 ipm odst 1 d16 iplylfr 1 d15 1 iphlppl 1 d14 1 d7 d8 ipcrtiv im pfree ipeqopt ipudrs t im penv WO 1 1 1 1 d11 d12 d13 1 d9 1 d10 Correlations(AT modified unified factors) FIT- is a bit worse LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO KO SI MA LE >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< Estimate HE ST SE UN WO KO SI MA SE UN WO KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE 582. 745. 702. 488. 483. 172.063. 557. 603. 074. 014. 440.317.584. 546. 669. 615. 183.020. 509. 580. WO KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d5 d6 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< UN UN UN UN UN WO WO WO WO KO KO KO SI SI MA d10 d2 958. 239. 362. 073.250. 393. 461. 082. 312. 841. 199. 074. 269. 269. 933. 247. 183.- Modifications of the Model of Great Britain (GB) Modification Modification Index 0. Modification Chi Square/DF 8.1 1. Modification Impdiff-UN 77 7.3 2. Modification D8-d20 65 6.6 3. Modification Iprspot-KO 56 5.7 4. Modification D17-d13 42 5.4 5. Modification D3-d20 34 5.1 6. Modification D2-d15 30 4.9 Other Fit Measures: RMSEA=.047 ; P-CLOSE=0.92 ; CFI=.95 ; GFI=.97 ; AGFI =.94; AIC=865 (Sat.=462); CAIC=1,468.0 (Sat.=1960.0) Standardized Regression Weights(GB) ipshabt ipsuces ipgdtim impfun impdiff ipadvnt imprich iprspot impsafe ipstrgv ipfrule ipbhprp ipmodst imptrad iphlppl iplylfr ipeqopt ipudrst ipcrtiv impfree impenv impdiff iprspot ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< Estimate LE LE HE HE ST ST MA MA SI SI KO KO TR TR WO WO UN UN SE SE UN UN KO 723. 807. 776. 770. 569. 776. 602. 454. 585. 626. 665. 762. 419. 453. 667. 634. 482. 623. 618. 562. 573. 292. 327. Correlations(GB) TR LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO TR KO SI MA LE >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< Estimate WO HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA SE UN WO TR KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE SE 867. 650. 759. 437. 146. 318. 175. 083. 298. 760. 578. 175. 182. 028. 097.140. 746. 671. 643. 555. 310. 134. 335. 364. 526. WO TR KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d8 d17 d3 d2 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< UN UN UN UN UN UN WO WO WO WO TR TR TR TR KO KO KO SI SI MA d20 d13 d20 d15 781. 629. 442. 530. 106.238. 565. 623. 009. 273. 1.036 922. 031. 141. 770. 121. 190. 243. 336. 951. 338.191. 186. 173. Modifications of the Model of Spain (ES) Modification Modification Index 0. Modification Chi Square/DF 7.5 1. Modification Impdiff-UN 91 6.4 2. Modification Imprich-TR 69 5.4 3. Modification Ipfrule-WO 41 4.7 4. Modification Imptrad-UN 38 3.9 5. Modification D15-d13 29 3.6 6. Modification D2-d15 22 3.5 Other Fit Measures: RMSEA=.038 ; P-CLOSE=1.0 ; CFI=.97 ; GFI=.98 ; AGFI =.96; AIC=662.9 (Sat.=462.0); CAIC=1,262.2 (Sat.=1,950.6) Standardized Regression Weights (ES) ipshabt ipsuces ipgdtim impfun impdiff ipadvnt imprich iprspot impsafe ipstrgv ipfrule ipbhprp ipmodst imptrad iphlppl iplylfr ipeqopt ipudrst ipcrtiv impfree impenv impdiff imprich ipfrule imptrad ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< Estimate LE LE HE HE ST ST MA MA SI SI KO KO TR TR WO WO UN UN SE SE UN UN TR WO UN 644. 798. 808. 791. 595. 763. 647. 528. 739. 697. 767. 713. 589. 934. 724. 719. 631. 675. 670. 681. 661. 322. 402.372.626.- Correlations(ES) TR LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO TR KO SI MA LE >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< Estimate WO HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA SE UN WO TR KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE SE 862. 664. 816. 655. 379. 481. 104. 054. 142. 491. 500. 069. 102. 642. 736. 695. 413. 318. 370. 519. 593. WO TR KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d15 d2 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< UN UN UN UN UN UN WO WO WO WO TR TR TR TR KO KO KO SI SI MA d13 d15 888. 867. 591. 564. 325. 222. 658. 568. 482. 321. 998. 873. 545. 195. 816. 771. 300. 664. 310. 904. 187. 151. Modifications of the Model of Israel (IL) Modification Modification Index 0. Modification Chi Square/DF 6.8 1. Modification Ipadvnt-TR 63 6.2 2. Modification Imprich-TR 43 5.7 3. Modification Ipstrgv-UN 30 5.1 4. Modification Imptrad-HE 27 4.8 5. Modification D3-d16 24 4.7 Other Fit Measures: RMSEA=.040 ; P-CLOSE=1.0 ; CFI=.95 ; GFI=.97 ; AGFI =.96; AIC=833.2 (Sat.=462.0); CAIC= 1,451.9 (Sat.=2,015.4) Standardized Regression Weights (IL) ipshabt ipsuces ipgdtim impfun impdiff ipadvnt imprich iprspot impsafe ipstrgv ipfrule ipbhprp ipmodst imptrad iphlppl iplylfr ipeqopt ipudrst ipcrtiv impfree impenv ipadvnt imprich ipstrgv imptrad ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< ---< Estimate LE LE HE HE ST ST MA MA SI SI KO KO TR TR WO WO UN UN SE SE UN TR TR UN HE 605. 732. 764. 744. 719. 656. 600. 584. 743. 339. 553. 755. 583. 440. 626. 511. 505. 517. 448. 506. 529. 249.296.305. 155. Correlations(IL) TR LE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE ST ST ST ST ST ST ST LE UN WO TR KO SI MA LE >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< Estimate WO HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA SE UN WO TR KO SI MA ST SE SE SE SE SE SE SE 727. 637. 710. 706. 312. 420. 050.148. 320. 574. 866. 451. 512. 065. 145. 147. 495. 571. 779. 755. 087. 088. 248. 515. 777. WO TR KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE KO SI MA LE SI MA LE MA LE LE d3 >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< >--< UN UN UN UN UN UN WO WO WO WO TR TR TR TR KO KO KO SI SI MA d16 931. 526. 414. 365. 229. 410. 561. 515. 509. 582. 819. 567. 238. 141. 664. 626. 308. 649. 526. 859. 141.- Answer to First Question • 1) We could assess the presence of the types of values postulated by the theory by a confirmatory factor analysis. • 2) Items were highly related to their factors. The types of values could be assessed for the countries. 2nd Question • How do we assess the similarity of the meanings of single values and their meanings in other samples? • We will conduct a multiple-group comparison and test for invariance between countries. Multiple-Group Comparison • 6 countries: CH, DE, AT, GB, ES, IL • Basic model: we look at the fit measurescan we believe this model is correct? Model Fit: • • • • • • • Chi square/DF=8.2 GFI=.95 AGFI=.92 CFI=.91 RMSEA=.024 Pclose=1.0 AIC=8,148.8 (Sat=2,772.0) Unstandardized Regression Coefficients- 6 Countries CH DE AT GB ES IL ipshabt <--- LE 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ipsuces <--- LE .960 1.021 .975 1.119 1.219 1.146 ipgdtim <--- HE 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 impfun <--- HE 1.087 1.142 .866 .970 .963 .986 impdiff <--- ST 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ipadvnt <--- ST 1.055 1.090 1.044 1.240 1.094 1.043 imprich <--- MA 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 iprspot <--- MA 1.417 .929 1.020 1.040 1.047 .999 impsafe <--- SI 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ipstrgv <--- SI .909 .973 1.006 .970 1.042 .750 ipfrule <--- KO 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ipbhprp <--- KO 1.122 1.069 1.197 1.054 1.113 1.229 ipmodst <--- TR 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 imptrad <--- TR 1.171 .805 1.031 1.229 1.036 .932 iphlppl <--- WO 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 iplylfr <--- WO .817 .838 .905 .909 1.058 .642 ipeqopt <--- UN 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ipudrst <--- UN 1.077 1.245 1.119 1.221 1.152 1.103 ipcrtiv <--- SE 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 impfree <--- SE .822 .786 .794 .808 .904 .910 Covariances- 6 countries CH DE AT GB IL ES TR <--> WO .244 .276 .244 .342 .317 .399 LE <--> HE .533 .516 .533 .706 .683 .493 HE <--> ST .796 .688 .796 .702 .978 .743 HE <--> SE .631 .375 .631 .366 .620 .409 HE <--> UN .233 .098 .233 .088 .270 .169 HE <--> WO .243 .142 .243 .240 .368 .291 HE <--> TR -.187 -.074 -.187 .102 -.040 .072 HE <--> KO -.145 .093 -.145 .090 -.022 .122 HE <--> SI .010 .164 .010 .249 .123 .292 HE <--> MA .365 .358 .365 .578 .403 .495 ST <--> SE .667 .456 .667 .446 .528 .494 ST <--> UN .175 .083 .175 .160 .165 .202 ST <--> WO .131 .058 .131 .180 .190 .274 ST <--> TR -.335 -.257 -.335 .057 -.181 .005 ST <--> KO -.247 -.092 -.247 -.015 -.126 .007 ST <--> SI -.221 -.080 -.221 .057 -.096 .087 ST <--> MA .409 .449 .409 .405 .309 .409 LE <--> ST .588 .592 .588 .586 .603 .426 UN <--> SE .422 .240 .422 .267 .371 .235 WO <--> SE .399 .252 .399 .303 .397 .294 TR <--> SE -.151 -.048 -.151 .129 .098 .075 KO <--> SE -.144 -.027 -.144 .090 .130 .041 SI <--> SE .020 .074 .020 .198 .236 .174 MA <--> SE .339 .251 .339 .212 .252 .236 LE <--> SE .525 .399 .525 .404 .450 .337 WO <--> UN .471 .292 .471 .304 .377 .335 TR <--> UN .183 .187 .183 .218 .266 .221 KO <--> UN .059 .126 .059 .216 .208 .176 SI <--> UN .218 .166 .218 .222 .263 .231 MA <--> UN -.025 -.049 -.025 .018 .032 .046 LE <--> UN .175 .087 .175 .130 .137 .165 KO <--> WO .161 .216 .161 .366 .271 .313 SI <--> WO .286 .262 .286 .333 .297 .367 MA <--> WO .044 -.018 .044 .121 .139 .200 LE <--> WO .216 .135 .216 .197 .208 .304 KO <--> TR .598 .602 .598 .534 .479 .522 SI <--> TR .509 .431 .509 .397 .441 .381 MA <--> TR -.022 -.093 -.022 .131 .122 .065 LE <--> TR -.049 -.141 -.049 .072 .067 .075 SI <--> KO .624 .567 .624 .555 .440 .457 MA <--> KO .245 .213 .245 .268 .265 .302 LE <--> KO .149 .173 .149 .169 .169 .191 MA <--> SI .176 .146 .176 .243 .229 .340 LE <--> SI .234 .213 .234 .299 .216 .349 LE <--> MA .675 .724 .675 .694 .609 .540 Variances-6 countries LE HE ST SE UN WO TR KO SI MA d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d1 d2 d20 d21 d18 d19 d16 d17 d14 d15 d11 d12 d9 d10 d13 DE .834 .880 .817 .502 .267 .360 .508 .828 .640 .600 1.013 .807 .598 .706 1.041 .935 1.001 1.366 .766 .850 1.278 .807 1.182 1.676 .657 .485 .872 .738 .798 .629 .740 CH .834 .880 .817 .502 .267 .360 .508 .828 .640 .600 1.013 .807 .598 .706 1.041 .935 1.001 1.366 .766 .850 1.278 .807 1.182 1.676 .657 .485 .872 .738 .798 .629 .740 AT .976 .900 1.053 .837 .498 .494 .538 .709 .779 .534 .794 .697 .703 1.346 .911 .936 1.244 1.193 .758 .783 1.263 .787 1.219 1.305 .632 .439 .634 .730 .830 .671 .585 GB 1.006 1.172 .723 .595 .301 .495 .298 .858 .566 .497 .868 .699 .777 .752 .994 .878 1.097 1.286 .947 1.043 1.081 .694 1.472 1.782 .627 .593 1.004 .726 .979 .826 .811 ES .823 1.286 .933 .697 .352 .459 .304 .508 .585 .425 1.157 .703 .689 .707 1.220 1.068 1.548 1.477 .491 .666 1.376 .593 .985 1.405 .462 .437 .589 .628 .856 .659 .555 IL .582 1.025 1.012 .324 .270 .473 .627 .664 .577 .643 .989 .679 .722 .817 1.070 1.428 1.601 1.284 .870 .833 1.513 .754 1.049 1.897 .710 .566 .776 .935 1.278 .788 1.050 Descriptive Comparison • Countries seem to vary in factor loadings, covariances and variances. • So far we have found configural invariance. A statistical comparison of invariance would provide an answer, if models in different countries are fully invariant, partially invariant or only configurally invariant. Steps in testing for Measurement Invariance • Configural Invariance • Factor loadings Invariance • Invariance of Factor Variances • Invariance of Factor Covariances • Invariance of latent Means (given there is factor loading invariance) • Invariance of measurement errors Steps in testing for Measurement Invariance • Configural Invariance • Same model structure in both groups • Most important test (apples & oranges) • Factor loadings Invariance • Invariance of Factor Variances • Invariance of Factor Covariances • Invariance of latent Means (given there is factor loading invariance) • Invariance of measurement errors Steps in testing for Measurement Invariance • Configural Invariance • Factor loadings Invariance • Equal factor loadings • Presumption for the comparison of latent means • Invariance of Factor Variances • Invariance of Factor Covariances • Invariance of latent Means (given there is factor loading invariance) • Invariance of measurement errors Full vs. Partial Invariance • Concept of ‘partial invariance’ introduced by Byrne, Shavelson & Muthén (1989) • Procedure • Constrain complete matrix • Use modification indices to find non-invariant parameters and then relax the constraint • Compare with the unrestricted model • Steenkamp & Baumgartner (1998): Two indicators with invariant loadings and intercepts are sufficient for mean comparisons • In our case there are only two items for each construct, so we cannot test for partial invariance. Fit measures of different models Chi square/D F (ind=56.6 3) GFI (sat=1.0, ind=.5) AGFI (ind=.45 ) CFI (sat=1.0) RMSEA (ind=.066 ) P-Close (ind=0.0 ) AIC (sat= 2,772.0) Unconstraine d model 8.223 .949 .919 .911 .024 1.000 8148.847 Factor Loadings equal across countries 8.008 .947 .921 .908 .023 1.000 8293.283 FL and covariances equal across countries 7.883 .931 .920 .883 .023 1.000 9796.401 FL, covariances and measurement errors equal across countries 9.133 .916 .910 .849 .025 1.000 12038.08 7 Nested Model Comparisons Assuming model Unconstrained to be correct: Model DF CMIN P NFI Delta-1 IFI Delta-2 RFI rho-1 TLI rho2 Measurement weights 55 254.436 .000 .004 .004 -.004 -.004 Structural covariances 330 2307.554 .000 .032 .033 -.006 -.006 Measurement residuals 435 4759.240 .000 .067 .068 .016 .016 Assuming model Measurement weights to be correct: Model DF CMIN P NFI Delta-1 IFI Delta-2 RFI rho-1 TLI rho2 Structural covariances 275 2053.118 .000 .029 .029 -.002 -.002 Measurement residuals 380 4504.803 .000 .063 .064 .020 .020 Assuming model Structural covariances to be correct: Model DF CMIN P NFI Delta-1 IFI Delta-2 RFI rho-1 TLI rho2 Measurement residuals 105 2451.685 .000 .034 .035 .022 .022 Fir Measures for 20 countries Chi square/DF (ind=49.7 68) GFI (sat=1.0, ind=.49 5) AGFI (ind=.44 4) CFI (sat=1.0 ) RMSEA (ind=.06 6) P-Close (ind=1. 0) AIC (sat= 9,240.0; ind=209,867. 6) Unconstraine d model 7,782 ,946 ,913 .911 ,013 1.000 25892,180 Factor Loadings equal across countries 7,606 ,943 ,915 .908 ,013 1.000 26557,360 FL and covariances equal across countries 7,768 ,921 ,912 .883 ,013 1.000 33083,803 FL, covariances and measurement errors equal across countries 10,026 ,894 ,892 .849 ,016 1.000 45621,392 Model Comparison Assuming model Unconstrained to be correct: Model DF CMIN P NFI Delta1 IFI Delta2 RFI rho1 TLI rho2 Measurement weights 209 1083,179 00, 0 005, 005, 004,- 004, Structural covariances 125 4 9699,622 00, 0 046, 047, 000, 000, Measurement residuals 165 3 23035,21 2 00, 0 110, 112, 045, 046, Assuming model Measurement weights to be correct: Model DF CMIN P NFI Delta1 IFI Delta2 RFI rho1 TLI rho 2 Structural covariances 104 5 8616,443 00, 0 041, 042, 003, 003, Measurement residuals 144 4 21952,03 3 00, 0 105, 107, 049, 050, Assuming model structural covariances to be correct: Model DF CMIN P NFI Delta1 IFI Delta2 RFI rho1 TLI rho 2 Measurement residuals 39 9 13335,59 0 00, 0 064, 065, 045, 046, To answer Question 2 • Countries seem to differ in the meaning of values due to variance in the factor loadings across countries. AIC goes up in the invariance tests, therefore we reject invariance. To answer Question 3 • We asked: How do we assess the presence of the value structure? Deviations in value types, meanings, and structure in different samples invite interpretations. However, not all deviations are meaningful. • Possible answer: Covariances between values differ across countries. So we do have configural invariance, but “distances” in terms of covariances seem to differ in European countries. One has to find the reasons for the differences: can we base these differences on geographical dispersion: mediterranean vs. north Europe? Long vs. shorter history of democracy? • Some values in some countries correlate very highly, and in later analyses we will need to unify them into a smaller number of values. These correlations are different across countries. To answer Question 4 • We asked: How do we distinguish real cultural differences in value meanings and structure from unreliability of measurement? • Answer: if factor loadings are equal we can guarantee equal meaning of constructs. Differential measurement errors in the different countries is corrected by correction for attenuation in the SEM approach. In our case f”l are different, so the meaning of the factors may be different between some countries. Conclusions/Next Steps • Considering to modify the models in the multiple group comparison to improve the fit. • Finding reasons for differences: geographical, historical, political. • When we tried to do it with the 20 countries-as is in the next slide, the model did not converge, and it is not clear why. Therefore, one should still be cautious as to the substantial meaning of the results so far. Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse Deutschland v1_5 d3 v2_5 v3_5 d4 1 d5 1 ips habt ips uces v4_5 d6 1 ipgdtim 1 im pfun 1a2_5 vvv2_5 ccc10_5 HE ccc3_5 ccc9_5 v8_5 1 d2 iprs pot v7_5 1 d1 1 vvv10_5 a4_5 ccc16_5 MA im prich ccc23_5 ccc17_5 ccc15_5 d20 vvv3_5 1 v5_5 1 im pdiff ccc4_5 d7 a3_5 ST 1 v6_5 ipadvnt ccc8_5 v10_5 1 d21 ips trgv v9_5 1 ccc24_5 1 ccc29_5 ccc41_5 SI im psafe ccc11_5 ccc30_5 ccc43_5 vvv9_5 ccc22_5 a5_5 d8 ccc5_5 vvv4_5 1 v19_5 1 ipcrtiv d9 v20_5 a10_5 SE 1 ccc12_5 im pfree d10 ccc19_5 ccc40_5 ccc28_5 v12_5 1 d19 ipbhprp v11_5 1 d18 ipfrule a6_5 1 vvv8_5 vvv5_5 ipeqopt 1 a9_5 ipudrs t UN a11_5 KO im penv im ptrad ipm odst iplylfr d17 d16 d15 iphlppl 1 v16_5 1 v15_5 1 v14_5 1 v13_5 d14 1 1 1 v17_5 d11 v18_5 d12 v21_5 d13 Gender Mean Comparison (by Steinmetz, Schmidt, Tina-Booh and Wieczorek) Men Women Achievement -- -- Self-Direction 3.26 3.26 Hedonism 3.38 3.47 Benevolence 3.40 3.57 Universalism 3.29 3.50 Stimulation 2.24 2.11 Security -- -- Tradition -- -- Power 2.53 2.33 Conformity 3.21 3.31 Data collected in a telephone survey in Germany on part time jobs, N=1,677. • Consider variance/invariance across gender groups. Maybe socio-demographic characteristics are responsible for more variance than cultural differences. • Maybe people are more different within countries than countries themselves in Europe? Thank you very much for your attention!!!!