Spin Tunneling and Inversion Symmetry ENRIQUE DEL BARCO www.physics.ucf.edu/~delbarco Department of Physics – UCF QCPS II 2009 - Vancouver Orlando Spin Tunneling and Inversion Symmetry ENRIQUE DEL BARCO, CHRISTOPHER RAMSEY (UCF) Nature Physics 4, 277-281 (2008) STEPHEN HILL SONALI J. (NHMFL and Physics Department, FSU – Tallahassee) SHAH, CHRISTOPHER C. BEEDLE AND DAVID N. (Chemistry Department, UCSD – La Jolla-San Diego) PHILIP C.E. STAMP AND IGOR TUPITSYN (PITP-Physics, UBC, Vancouver) HENDRICKSON THE MOLECULE 5/2 2 2 5/2 2 S=7 5/2 5/2 2 5/2 2 5/2 2 [Mn12(Adea)8(CH3COO)14]·7CH3CN Rumberger et al., Inorg. Chem. 43, 6531–6533 (2004). MAGNETIZATION - QTM 1.0 Tc ~0.3K = 0.2 T/min -6 -7 M/Ms 0.5 0.0 T = 0.90 K T = 0.80 K T = 0.70 K T = 0.65 K T = 0.60 K T = 0.50 K T = 0.41 K T = 0.27 K -0.5 HL +1 TB ~0.9K -1.0 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 +2 +3 +4 +5 S= 7 D = 0.4K +6 mS = +7 T = 0.9K H (T) S = 7, D = 0.4 K 1.0 MAGNETIZATION - QTM = 0.2 T/min HL -0.6 -0.3 5 0 0.00 0.0 H (T) 0.29 H (T) HT 0.3 Energy (K) T = 0.90 K T = 0.80 K T = 0.70 K T = 0.65 K T = 0.60 K T = 0.50 K T = 0.41 K T = 0.27 K -15 Ms =5 HMR =6 k D / gB -20 -25 0.00 s Ms =7 0.29 0.58 H (T) 0.6 k=2 10 -1.0 ? exc. dM/dH (a.u.) -0.5 k = 1(S) 15 exc. 0.0 k = 1(A) -10 k=0 M/Ms 0.5 0.58 H DS z2 g B S z H z S = 7, D = 0.4 K THE MOLECULE 5/2 2 2 5/2 2 S=7 5/2 5/2 2 5/2 2 5/2 2 [Mn12(Adea)8(CH3COO)14]·7CH3CN Rumberger et al., Inorg. Chem. 43, 6531–6533 (2004). d d* d d d d d d d d* d d [Mn12(Adea)8(CH3COO)14]·7CH3CN Rumberger et al., Inorg. Chem. 43, 6531–6533 (2004). davg~3.17Å J ~2-5 cm-1 d*~3.49Å J* <<J Foguet-Albiol, D. et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Edn 44, 897–901 (2005) THE MOLECULE THE MOLECULE d* 7/2 7/2 d* [Mn12(Adea)8(CH3COO)14]·7CH3CN Rumberger et al., Inorg. Chem. 43, 6531–6533 (2004). EXCHANGE-COUPLED SPINS J S S J S S S S H H H JS 1 2 Hi D7 / 2 Si2,z E7 / 2 Si2,x Si2,y BSi gˆ H Si 7 / 2 z z z 1 1 22 x 1 x 2 D7 / 2 0.865K (~ 2D) y 1 y 2 E7 / 2 0.156K (~ 2E ) J z J 0.39K QUANTUM TUNNELING BTW. STATES OF DIFFERENT SPIN LENGH QUANTUM INTERFERENCE HARD HL E7 / 2 Si2,x Si2,y BERRY PHASE INTERFERENCE OF TWO COUPLED TUNNELING SPINS HT NEW TOPOLOGICAL EFFECT SINGLE SPIN INTERACTING SPINS Classical spin precession Classical coupled-spins precession Sjoqvist, PRA (2000) i.e. Wagh et al., PRL (1998) Pancharatnam (1956) (light interference) Quantum Tunneling Spin Berry (1984) (quantal systems) Coupled Tunneling Spins THEORY Aharanov and Anandan (1987) (generalization Hilbert space) THEORY Loss et al., PRL (1992) Von Delft et al., PRL (1992) Garg, EPL (1993) EXPERIMENT Fe8: Wernsdorfer & Sessoli, Science (1999) Mn12: del Barco et al., PRL (2003) Mn12 -tBuAc: da Silva Neto et al., (2008) . . . (??) EXPERIMENT Mn12 wheel: Ramsey et al., Nature Physics (2008) SYMMETRY RULES H H1 H 2 JS1 S2 ANTI-SYMMETRIC TERM NEEDED Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction H DM D S1 S 2 NOT ALLOWED ON A DIMER MODEL with INVERSION SYMMETRY SYMMETRY RULES Wernsdorfer, arXiv:0804.1246v1,v2,v3 a - Dimer model not valid Rejected by NP: See our response in arXiv:0806.1922 7/2 Wernsdorfer, PRB (2008) a - Dimer model identically used in a Mn6 wheel (CI) b - DM interaction used to explain results 7/2 Wernsdorfer, PRL (2008) a - Dimer model used in an “identical” Mn12 wheel b – DM interaction used to explain results SYMMETRY RULES Wernsdorfer, arXiv:0804.1246v1,v2,v3 a - Dimer model not valid Rejected by NP: See our response in arXiv:0806.1922 7/2 Wernsdorfer, PRB (2008) a - Dimer model identically used in a Mn6 wheel (CI) b - DM interaction used to explain results 7/2 Wernsdorfer, PRL (2008) a - Dimer model used in an “identical” Mn12 wheel b – DM interaction used to explain results Wernsdorfer-justification: 1) Disorder 2) Local DM interactions are not forbidden del Barco et al., PRL (2009) 1) Disorder 2) Local DM interactions are not forbidden SYMMETRY RULES 2 5/2 7/2 5/2 2 D=0 d1 center of inversion 5/2 middle point 2 2 center of inversion middle point 5/2 5/2 2 2 5/2 7/2 SYMMETRY RULES D D0 tilted 0 parallel (Wernsdorfer, to z-axis PRL) (Ramsey, Nature Physics) The Hamiltonian of the coupled half-wheels: Η H1 H 2 H12 7/2 Each half-wheel: H i DS iz E S S B Si gˆ H center of inversion2 middle point 2 ix 2 iy Exchange coupling: Η12 Η12S Η12A 7/2 Symmetric exchange: Η12S JS1 S 2 Antisymmetric exchange (DM interaction): Η12A D S1 S 2 SYMMETRY RULES z D 5/2 2 2 d1 5/2 * D 2 center of inversion * 2 5/2 middle point 5/2 y 5/2 2 2 5/2 x SYMMETRY RULES z D 5/2 2 2 d1 5/2 2 center of inversion z D 2 5/2 y middle point 5/2 y 5/2 x 2 2 5/2 x SYMMETRY RULES H H Center of Inversion SYMMETRY RULES z z ’ D’ 5/2 22 3/2 5/2 d1 center ofx inversion z z ’ D’ D middle point y ’2 middle point 5/2 x 2 2 y 5/2 ’ 2 2 y (d ,J) D 5/2 2 y 5/2 3/2 x (d’<d ,J’>>J) x SYMMETRY RULES The Hamiltonian of z 4 coupled quarter-wheels: z ’ D’ y 2 i 2 ix Exchange coupling: ’ D’ y x Ηyij Η ijS Η ijA 2 10 -7 10 o ’Symmetric exchange: S xΗ ij J ij Si S j (d’<d ,J’>>J) J12 J 34 J w Center of inversion symmetry imposes: o 12 = 0 34 = 1 3/2 -6 k=1(A) (K) middle point i , j (i j ) ij x 10 center ofx inversion z D y H 2 H i DS E S Siy B Si gˆ H 2 iz -5 z (d ,J) Each quarter-wheel: ’ 3/2 Η HD i o 34 = 5 o 34 = 10 o 34 = 30 o 34 = 90 o 34 = 120 J 23 J 41 J s ( J w ) = 150 o 34 o * * k = 1(A) is degenerate -8 10 0.0 34 = 170 Antisymmetric exchange (DM interaction): 0.1 A Η0.2 Si S j ij Dij 0.3 HT (T) o 34 = 180 0.4 SYMMETRY RULES (K) 10 -4 -5 m ed iu m 10 ha rd k = 1(S) k=0 y 10 -6 o ~30 10 x -7 k = 1(A) -6 10 -7 (K) 10 12 = 0o 12 = 30o 12 = 60o 12 = 90o -0.4 0.0 0.4 HT (T) 0.8 SYMMETRY RULES In a centro-symmetric molecule local DM-interactions MUST BE related by inversion symmetry and DO NOT BREAK THE DEGENERACY BETWEEN LEVELS OF OPPOSITIVE PARITY independently of how complex the Hamiltonian is because PARITY (good quantum number) MUST BE CONSERVED SYMMETRY RULES when inversion symmetry is not present BOTH SYMMETRIC and ANTISYMMETRIC INTERACTIONS CAN BREAK DEGENERACIES DM-interactions are important in S = 1/2 systems ONLY SOURCE OF DEGENERACY BREAKING (Kagome lattice – weak ferromagnetism) but never mix states of opposite parity in a system with inversion symmetry E. del Barco, S. Hill and D. N. Hendrickson, Phys. Rev. Lett. in press (2009) E. del Barco et al., In preparation Dipolar fields? (Philip?) z D 5/2 2 2 d1 5/2 2 center of inversion z D 2 5/2 y middle point 5/2 y 5/2 x 2 2 5/2 x CONCLUSIONS Quantum superposition of states with different spin length in a SMM New topological effect: Quantum phase interference of two coupled tunneling spins Local DM interactions in a centro-symmetric SMM do not break the degeneracy between states of opposite parity Del Barco Lab Low temperature nanomagnetism Single-molecule magnets FM thin films and nanowires Nanoparticles Low temperature nanotransport Molecular spintronics Single-electron transistors Low-dimensional systems i.e. graphene, nanowires, nanoparticles, molecules,… Physics collaborations Stephen Hill (NHMFL-FSU) Masa Ishigami, Robert Peale, Lee Chow (UCF) Agustin Camon, Fernando Luis (UZ-Spain) Javier Tejada (UB-Spain) Oliver Waldmann (U.Freiburg-Germany) Andrew Kent (NYU) XiXiang Zhang (KAUST) Eduardo Mucciolo, Michael Leuenberger (UCF) Philip Stamp, Igor Tupitsyn (UBC-Canada) Chemistry collaborations David Hendrickson (UCSD) George Christou (UF) Eugenio Coronado (UV-Spain) Florenzio Hernandez (UCF) Joel Miller (UU) SISTER MOLECULES [Mn12(Edea)8(CH3CH2COO)14] [Mn12(Adea)8(CH3COO)14].7CH3CN [Mn12(Edea)8(CH3COO)2(CH3CH2COO)12] d d d* d d* d* d* d d*/davg = 1.093 J*/Javg d* d < >> S=7 d*/davg = 1.100 J*/Javg dM/dH (a.u.) 15 S = 7/2 + 7/2 10 5 0 0.00 0.29 H (T) 0.58 > << d* d d*/davg = 1.091 J*/Javg S=7