Great Expectations: The Multi-modal Intracranial Imaging Appearances in Posttreatment Gliomas { Topple JA1, Francies O1, Krishnan A1,2, Evanson J1 1Barts Health Trust, London, United Kingdom 2The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom Abstract number: eEdE 71 Sub number: 993 Disclosures The authors have no disclosures Figure 1) Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London, United Kingdom “Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.” Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Background Epidemiology: Gliomas are the most commonly diagnosed primary malignant intracranial neoplasm in adults Incidence of all gliomas is 4.67-5.73 per 100,000 population Peak age for high grade tumours is 75-84 Low grade tumours are more common in younger adults aged 35-44 Males are affected more frequently (Ostrom et al 2014) Background Epidemiology continued: The incidence of high grade glioblastoma (GBM) is 0.59-3.69 per 100,000 The survival rate of patients with GBM is poor (0.054.7% at 5yrs) Risk factors include exposure to ionising radiation Early complete surgical resection is associated with improved survival (Ostrom et al 2014) World Health Organisation (WHO) Tumour Grading Histological Tumour Type Tumour Grade Astrocytoma Grades I-IV Oligodendroglioma Grades II-III Oligoastrocytoma Grades II-III Glioblastoma multiforme Grade IV Medical Surgical Oncological Steroid therapy Biopsy (Confirm Radiotherapy histological diagnosis) Debulking (seizure control and reduction of mass effect) Complete resection (improves patient survival and potential for complete cure) Intravascular chemotherapy Combined chemoradiotherapy Chemotherapeutic wafer implants Ommaya reservoirs Anti-angiogenic therapies Current Treatments Imaging Methods Computed tomography (CT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Brain FDG Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Measuring Degree of Progression - - - The Macdonald Criteria: Guideline for assessing response in high grade gliomas Two dimensional measurements on MRI of tumour size Tumour progression on follow-up imaging requires >25% increase in the size of the enhancing component Purpose of Exhibit To review the post medical, surgical and oncological treatment imaging appearances in patients with intracranial gliomas To showcase the diagnostic pearls and pitfalls of these complex cases Methods Retrospective review of patients with histologically confirmed glioma chosen from a prospectively collected surgical database over a 7 year period at a tertiary neurosurgical referral centre Evaluation of pre-treatment and post-treatment imaging studies from our PACS system Educational Objectives After reviewing this presentation, the reader will be able to: Recognise the post treatment multimodal imaging appearances of medical, surgical and oncological therapies employed to treat low and high grade intracranial gliomas 1. Describe the possible complications of surgical and oncological therapies for intracranial gliomas 1. Appreciate the role of intra-operative MRI to determine extent of residual disease prior to surgical closure 1. Differentiate between true disease progression, pseudoprogression and pseudoresponse 1. Steroid Treatment-related Changes Dexamethasone is the steroid of choice Used to decrease parenchymal oedema and improve intracranial pressure prior to surgery or chemoradiotherapy Improves white matter oedema on serial CT or MRI studies Figure 2A) Recurrent GBM previously treated with chemoradiotherapy. Axial T2 W MRI four weeks prior to treatment. Figure 2B) Axial T2 W MRI 4 weeks after initiation of steroid treatment. The degree of surrounding oedema has decreased. Steroid-related changes Post-surgical Findings: burr holes 1. 2. A B Figure 3) 39 year old patient with a cerebellar anaplastic astrocytoma with associated effacement of the fourth ventricle and obstructing hydrocephalus. Underwent burr hole and ventricular drain insertion. Scout view of the burr hole and drain (A). Axial CT on bone windows shows a well defined right frontal burr hole with minimal overlying subcutanoeus swelling (B). 3. 4. Appearances of burr holes post stereotactic brain biopsy: Well circumscribed defect in the calvarium Overlying subgaleal or subdural fluid collections Pneumocephalus Enhancement of burr hole tract on contrast enhanced T1 W MRI Post-surgical Findings: craniotomy Surgical excision of a piece of the calvarium which is replaced at the end of the procedure Reattached with stainless steel wires, screw/plate systems or titanium clamps Skin closed with staples/scalp clips The dura mater deep to the craniotomy site will normally enhance on post contrast studies A B Figure 4) 63 yr old female with a biopsy proven GBM. Underwent craniotomy and debulking. Axial (A) and coronal (B) non-contrast CT on bone windows reveals satisfactory alignment of the craniotomy. Post-operative pneumocephalus is noted in the intracranial compartment and there is surgical emphysema deep to the scalp staples. Post-surgical Findings: craniectomy Figure 5) 60 yr old female with a biopsy proven right frontal lobe GBM. Craniectomy and lobectomy performed. Axial non-contrast CT study reveals a right frontal craniotomy and lobectomy with cerebral contents herniating through the calvarial defect. There is a small post surgical meningocoele. Excision of a section of the calvarium which is not replaced at the end of the procedure Unilateral or bilateral Used to treat medically refractory increased intracranial pressure in glioma patients Dura mater open – brain contents herniate through the defect with or without pseudomeningocoele Post-surgical Findings: haemorrhage 1. 2. 3. 4. Types of haemorrhagic complications post biopsy include: Intraparenchymal haematoma Extradural haematoma Subdural haematoma Subarachnoid haemorrhage A B Figure 6) 32 yr old female presenting to accident and emergency with left-sided headache and a right upper quadrantanopia. Axial non-contrast CT (A) revealed a large intraparenchymal mass lesion in the left temporoparietal lobe with perilesional oedema. Craniotomy and biopsy were 2 weeks later. Post-biopsy the patient developed a unilateral hemiparesis and a fixed dilated left pupil. An urgent non contrast CT (B) revealed a post-biopsy intratumoral haemorrhage with uncal herniation and progressive midline shift. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Signs of Intracranial infection on CT/MRI: Leptomeningeal enhancement (meningitis) Ring enhancing extra-axial fluid collection (extradural abscess) Ring enhancing subdural collection (subdural empyema) Ring enhancing intraparenchymal collection (intracerebral abscess) Bone flap infection Persistent pneumocephalus within fluid collections A B C Figure 7) 32 yr old male with a recurrent astrocytoma. Underwent repeat surgical resection. Axial contrast enhanced post-operative CT studies at day three (A), day seven (B) and day twelve (C) reveal enlarging subgaleal and subdural fluid collections in the operative bed. Locules of gas persist in keeping with infection. Post-surgical Findings: infection Aim is to reduce the symptoms due to mass effect by the tumour Not a curative proceure Residual tumour will be identified on post surgical MRI studies as enhancing tissue at the tumour margins A B Figure 8) 26 yr old man who presented with headache and papilloedema. Axial contrast enhanced CT (A) demonstrates a large heterogeneous GBM in the left frontal lobe with midline shift, ventricular effacement and perilesional edema. Axial post contrast CT post left-frontal craniotomy and debulking (B). There is an overlying subgaleal haematoma. An isodense subdural haematoma is noted measuring 11mm in depth. Dural enhancement is identified. Patchy intraparenchymal post surgical haemorrhage is seen. A rind of hypodense tumour remains in the left-frontal lobe (arrows). Surgical Debulking Complete Surgical Resection A B Figure 9) 44yr old female with a known pilocytic astrocytoma. Pre-operative axial T2 W MRI demonstrating a well defined lesion in the deep white matter of the right frontal lobe (A). Post-operative axial T2 W MRI (B) reveals haemosiderin staining and a cavity at the surgical site following complete resection of the astrocytoma. Potential for complete cure in low grade gliomas and improved survival in high grade tumours A cavity will be seen at the resection site on initial follow-up imaging Intra-operative MRI A B C D D Figure 10) 69 yr old female with a GBM. Intra-operative MRI performed to guide resection. Pre-op volumetric T1 W post-contrast (A), intra-operative non-contrast T1 W (B) and intra-operative T2 W images (C) showing surgical resection cavity and surgical packs at the craniotomy site ( blue arrows). Post-contrast T1 W study during the surgical procedure (D). Enhancement in the cavity (green arrow) does not correspond to the enhancing tumor on the pre-op scan (orange arrow). The surgeon explored the wound and discovered that the enhancing material was surgical packing material. Allows for real-time localisation of residual tumour at the periphery of the lesion during surgical excision Utilises 1.5 Tesla scanner At the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery we incorporate Pre and post contrast T1, T2 and DWI axial intra-operative sequences Has been shown to improve resection results (Schneider JP et al 2001) Intra-operative MRI Continued Post Radiotherapy Changes – white matter signal change - A B Figure 11) 44 yr old female with a right temporal GBM. Completed chemotherapy in October 2009. An axial T2 W MRI prior to chemoradiotherapy (A) demonstrates a small volume of white matter change in the centrum semiovale. A follow up axial T2 W MRI 8 months later (B) showed marked bilateral deep white matter signal change in keeping with radiotherapy. May be acute, subacute, delayed or late Imaging features: Increased white matter signal change within the radiotherapy field Post Radiotherapy Changes microhaemorrhages A Figure 12) 39 yr old female with a history of pontine glioma treated with radiotherapy in 1992. Sagittal T2 W MRI reveals a soft tissue lesion in the pons. B Figure 12) Axial gradient echo T2* sequence shows susceptibility artefact in the left occipital lobe at the site of a previous intraparenchymal haemorrhage. Several microbleeds are visualised elsewhere in the basal ganglia, corpus callosum and periventricular white matter due to previous radiotherapy treatment. - - Occurs 18-24 months post radiotherapy treatment Mostly confined to white matter Deep gray matter affected post intra-arterial chemotherapy earlier at 2-23 months Difficult to distinguish from progression or recurrence Imaging signs: Loss of central enhancement increased T2 signal change and enhancement A B Figure 13) 59 year old female presenting with syncope and retrograde amnesia. Diagnosed with a grade II glioma. Radiotherapy completed. Image A – Pre-treatment axial T2 W MRI showing a lesion with surrounding oedema in the right perisylvian region. Image B – An MRI performed at 5 months post radiotherapy shows an increase in signal change throughout the right hemisphere. Post Radiotherapy Changes – radiation necrosis Post-radiotherapy Changes – New Enhancement Progressive confluent high T2 signal changes in the white matter Periventricular enhancing foci distant from the resection cavity lying within the irradiated field Distant enhancement away from the primary site Cut green pepper or soap bubble sign Radiation Necrosis A B Figure 14) Imaging of radiation necrosis in a patient with a grade II astrocytoma treated with high dose radiotherapy using A) T1 W MRI post contrast B) MRI perfusion cerebral blood volume map C) NM Brain FDG PET D) Single voxel MR spectroscopy. Axial T1 W image shows irregular enhancement in the pre-treatment phase. The cerebral blood volume map post treatment shows areas of decreased perfusion centrally in the lesion (necrosis). A photopenic area is identified centrally on the PET study (necrosis). The spectroscopy demonstrates an elevated lipid and lactate peak. Definition: An increase in the contrast enhancing area after combined chemoradiotherapy followed by subsequent reduction in the enhancing volume without further treatment Clinically asymptomatic Occurs in the first 3 months post treatment Higher incidence in patients with O6-methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) MRI techniques: - DWI/ADC maps - Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) - Hydrogen-1 MRI spectroscopy - Perfusion MR / Cerebral blood volume studies Nuclear Medicine techniques: - FDG-PET, FLT-PET - Follow up imaging - Re-biopsy Pseudoprogression Pseudoprogression - Case 1 A A B B C D Figure 15) 53 yr old male with a known GBM on second line chemotherapy. Initial post-contrast T1 W study pre-treatment (A), an immediate post-treatment contrast enhanced T1 W study (B) shows thick peripheral enhancement in the left parietal lobe with surrounding white matter oedema. Repeat follow-up imaging shows progressive decreased in the size of the enhancing lesion (C). A fused cerebral blood volume map and post contrast T1 study (D) shows that there is no increased perfusion at the site of the enhancing tumour. The appearances are in keeping with pseudoprogression. Differentiating True Progression from Pseudoprogression - Case 2 A B C Figure 16) 31 yr old female with a low grade glioma. Tumour resected and subsequently treated with chemoradiotherapy. Fused post contrast T1 W sequences and cerebral blood volume maps prior to temazolamide treatment (A) and post temazolamide treatment (B) reveal a new enhancing focus in the right trigone (white arrow). There is no increase in perfusion at this site. A follow up study (C) shows regression of the enhancing component in keeping with pseudoprogresion. Case 3 - Pseudoprogression A B B Figure 17) 34 yr old male with a temporal anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade III). Treated with chemoradiotherapy. Initial pre-treatment axial post-contrast T1 W MRI (A) shows oedema and mass effect in the left temporal lobe with an irregular enhancing lesion. First follow-up postcontrast T1 W MRI following chemoradiotherapy shows increase in the size of the enhancing component (B). C D Figure 17) Second follow-up axial post contrast T1 W MRI (C) shows a rim of enhancement in the lesion corresponding to the site of increased activity on the NM study (see next slide). A contrast enhanced axial T1 W MRI 4 months later shows that the size of the enhancing component has decreased (D). Figure 18A) Nuclear medicine brain PET FDG shows increased metabolic activity in the left temporal lobe (suspicious for residual tumour) with a background of reduced metabolism (in keeping with postradiotherapy gliotic change). Figure 18B) The follow up Brain PET FDG at 4 months (E) shows complete absence of metabolic activity in the left medial temporal lobe. The appearances confirm the findings of the MR studies indicating pseudoprogression Case 3 Continued 1. 2. 3. 4. Signs of recurrence on imaging: New areas of irregular enhancement adjacent to the resection site Progressive enlargement of the enhancing component with increasing mass effect over serial studies Involvement of the corpus callosum or septum pellucidum Spreading wavefront enhancement pattern Differentiation of Residual or Recurrent Tumour from PostTreatment Changes Case 1- True Progression A B C D Figure 19) 58 year old male with a known GBM. Treated with chemoradiotherapy and temazolamide. Axial postcontrast T1 W study (A) reveals a heterogeneously enhancing tumor in the left suprasylvian parietal cortex. Follow-up post contrast T1 W MRI (B) performed 22 days later reveals an increase in the size of the solid enhancing component of the lesion. MR spectroscopy (C) demonstrates a high choline peak in keeping with high grade tumour. The MRI perfusion study (D) shows increased perfusion at the periphery of the tumour. Pseudoresponse Following Anti-angiogenic Therapy A B C A B Figure 20) Patient with recurrent GBM. Treated previously with surgery and chemoradiotherapy. Axial T2 W and post-contrast T1 W studies before treatment (A), 4 weeks following treatment (B) and 12 weeks after treatment (C) with bevazicumab and irinotecan. There is a reduction in the degree of enhancement, but creeping increase in T2 signal change. The oedema decreased between the first and second scans due to steroid treatment. C Imaging Appearances of Chemotherapy Wafer Implants 65 male with a recurrent GBM treated with surgical debulking and carmustine chemotherapy wafer implants. T2 weighted axial MRI sequences pre and post debulking show outline of the wafers (black arrows) A B Figure 21) Axial T2 W (A) and Flair (B) MRI sequences. • Ommaya reservoirs are commonly used to manage and treat leptomeningeal metastases in cases of intracranial malignancy. • The reservoirs can be used to administer chemotherapy agents into the intracranial compartment. A Figure 22) 50 yr old male presenting with a partially solid and partially cystic GBM in the left temporal lobe. The cystic portion demonstrates peripheral enhancement. B Figure 22) Left temporal craniotomy and insertion of an ommaya reservoir. Ommaya Reservoirs Summary The post-treatment imaging appearances of intracranial gliomas create diagnostic challenges for the multidisciplinary team of radiologists, neurosurgeons and oncologists. An understanding of the variable imaging findings following medical, surgical and oncological treatment will improve diagnostic confidence and help to streamline further patient management. Multi-modality assessment with nuclear medicine, pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative MRI techniques can differentiate between true progression and pseudoprogression of disease in these complex cases. References 1) 2) 3) 4) Sinclair S, Scoffings D. (2010) Imaging of the Post-Operative Cranium. Radiographics 30: 461-482. Belden C, Valdes P, Cong Ran BS, Pastel MD, Harris B, Fadul C, Isreal M, Paulsen K, Roberts D. (2011) Genetics of Glioblastoma: A Window into Its Imaging and Histopathologic Variability. Radiographics 31: 1717-1740. Pope W, Sayre J, Perlina A, Villablanca P, Mischel P, Cloughesy T. (2005) MR Imaging Correlates of Survival in Patients with HighGrade Gliomas. AJNR 26: 2466-2474. Hein P, Eskey C, Dunn J, Hug E. 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