Microsoft Word 2010

How to Open Microsoft Word
 Click Start
 Click All Programs
 Click Microsoft Office
 Click Microsoft Word 2013
Opening Word
 This is what you will see once you open Word
 The tabs near the top are part of the ribbon. Under
each tab are different groups.
File Tab
 Under the File tab you will find options to save and
open documents as well as create a new document and
Home Tab
 On the Home tab you will find copy and paste icons,
font options, paragraph spacing, text styles, and more.
 The font options are in the Font group on the Home
 You can change the font of text by highlighting it with
your cursor and selecting the changes you would like
(different font style, size, color, bold, italics, underline).
 Options for bullets, numbering, text alignment and
line spacing are available in the Paragraph group on
the Home tab.
Double Space
 To double space a document, click the blue up and
down arrow icon in the paragraph field and select 2.0.
 Click the icon again and click Remove Space After
Paragraph if that shows up.
Double Space
 If you have already typed your paper and need to
double space it, click Select in the Editing group on
the Home tab
 Click Select All
 Then click the spacing icon to change the spacing
Insert Tab
 Under the Insert tab, you can insert tables, pictures,
clip art, shapes, header, footer, page numbers, text
boxes, equations, symbols, and more.
 Just click on what you want to insert into the
Page Layout Tab
 Under the Page Layout tab you can change the theme
of the document, margins, page orientation, add
columns, and more.
Spell Check
 Spell check is available under the Review tab in the
Proofing group.
Saving a Document to a Flash Drive
To save a document to a flash drive, click the File tab
Click Save As
Click My Computer on the left hand side
Double click on Removable Disk
Name the document
Click Save
Save a Document as a Different File Type
Click the File tab
Click Save As
Choose where you want to save the document
Click the down arrow by Save as Type and choose what file type you
want to save as (Word 97-2003, PDF, Rich Text Format, etc.)
 Click Save
Printing a Document
 To print a document, click the File tab
 Click Print
 You can click Printer Properties to select to print a document double
 Click the Print icon when you’re ready to print
APA Formatting
 APA Formatting requires
 Title page
 Abstract
 Header and page numbers
 Citations
 1 inch margins
 Double Spacing
 Times New Roman 12 pt. font
 References Page
APA Title Page
 The title page needs a running head and page number
in the header.
 You also need to center the title, author, and other
information on the title page depending on what the
instructor wants (instructor’s name, course, date).
Inserting a Page Number
Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon
In the Header & Footer group, click Header
Click Edit Header
Next, click Different First Page in the Options group so that a checkmark
shows there.
Then click Page Number in the Header & Footer group
Click Top of Page
Then click Plain Number 3 so that the page number will be right-aligned
The document should look like this so far.
Inserting the Running Head
 The cursor should be in front of the page number. Then type Running head: TITLE
 Next hit Tab twice so that the title is left-aligned.
 You will need to highlight the text and change it to Times New Roman 12 pt. font
under the Home tab.
 It should look like this.
 You can double click outside of the Header to close it.
Title Page
 To finish the title page, click the center icon under the Paragraph group on the
Home tab.
 Then click the blue up and down arrow icon in the paragraph field and click 2.0
for double space. Click the same icon again and click Remove Space After
Paragraph to remove extra spaces that Word puts in automatically.
 Hit Enter on the keyboard to get near the center of the page and type the title,
author, and any other information the instructor wants on the title page.
Title Page
 The title page should look something like this.
 Hit Enter after the title page until you get to a new page.
 You will insert a header on this page the same way you did on the title page, but
you don’t need to check anything under options this time. You will need a page
number in the top right of the page and the title in all caps on the left side. Do
not include “Running head” with the title.
Highlight the whole header and change it to Times New Roman 12 pt. font
Double click outside of the header to close it.
Click the Center icon under the paragraph group and type Abstract
Hit Enter and type the abstract so everything is left-aligned.
Body of Paper
 After you type the abstract, hit Enter until you’re on a
new page.
 Center the title of the paper on the top of this page.
 Hit Enter and then Tab to indent your first paragraph.
 Refer to the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue
University for current citation guidelines.
 When you finish the paper, you need to include a
References page. Hit Enter until you are on a new
 The word References should be centered at the top of
the page.
 Refer to the Purdue OWL for instructions on what the
References page should look like.
MLA Formatting
 MLA Formatting requires
 Header and page numbers
 Citations
 Double spacing
 1 inch margins
 Times New Roman 12 pt. font
 Works Cited Page
 Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon
 In the Header & Footer group, click Header
 Click Edit Header
 Then click Page Number in the Header & Footer group
 Click Top of Page
 Then click Plain Number 3 so that the page number will
be right-aligned
 Type your last name and hit the space bar
 Highlight the header and change it to Times New Roman 12
pt. font on the Home tab
 Close the Header and Footer
First Page
 The paper should be double spaced with Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
 The first page should have your name, the instructor’s name, course
name, and date in the body of the page.
 The title should be centered after the date.
 It should look like this.
 After the title, hit Enter and Tab to indent your first
 Refer to the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue
University for current citation guidelines.
Works Cited
 When you finish the paper, you need to include a
Works Cited page. Hit Enter until you are on a new
 The word Works Cited should be centered at the top of
the page.
 Refer to the Purdue OWL for instructions on what the
Works Cited page should look like.