Kirk Lower, National Lead for Talent for Care and Widening Participation Links between Talent for Care and Widening Participation Talent for Care and Widening Participation are two separate strategies with their own sets of objectives. Widening Participation TfC and WP Access to medicine Access to professions Get In Talent for Care Get On Go Further The main synchronisation between the two strategies is in the ‘Get In’ workstreams, which satisfy objectives from both Talent for Care and Widening Participation. There is also some commonality across other areas of the two strategies, but with each retaining its unique focus. Widening Participation Strategic goals and objectives 1. Improve monitoring & reporting of widening participation activities 2. Enhance visibility & targeting of health careers information, advice & guidance 3. Increase, through research & evaluation, understanding & evidence of what works 4. Increase collaborative approach to outreach e.g. in community & schools 5. Increase work-related experience opportunities Talent for Care Strategic intentions Get In Opportunities for people to start their career in a support role Get On Support people to be the best they can be in the job they do Go Further Provide opportunities for career progression, including into registered professions Making It Happen Ongoing project work Campaign run and resources delivered by NHS Employers – encouraging and supporting employers to recruit more young people. Increasing work experience opportunities and now part of M2W – voluntary collaboration of large employers, chaired by Marks and Spencer, committed to providing work experience opportunities for NEETs. National investment with the Prince’s Trust to run pre-employment programmes for disadvantaged young people. Some local areas also have their own preemployment programmes. Increasing the number of Health Ambassadors talking about NHS Careers in state schools and colleges. Ongoing project work The Sutton Trust and the Social Mobility Foundation both work in partnership with the Medical Schools Council, running programmes to support young people from disadvantaged and underrepresented groups to get into medical schools. Shape of Caring The Shape of Caring review includes some recommendations that link very closely with Talent for Care. We will be working with the Shape of Caring team through the engagement process and implementation of the recommendations that are taken forward, particularly on Themes 2 and 3, valuing care assistants and widening access for care assistants to enter the nursing profession. #talentforcare Talent for Care