War of 1812

• War between France and Great Britain threatens
• British policy of impressment infuriates Americans
• War Hawks in Congress (Henry Clay, John Calhoun,
etc.) seek land in Canada
• President Madison believes that Britain is trying to
ruin the American economy
• December 1812: President Madison re-elected.
Americans suffer early defeats on the Canadian border
due to military cuts
• March 1813 : American naval heroes Isaac Chauncey
and Oliver Perry defeat British fleet on the Great Lakes
• October 1813: American William Henry Harrison
defeats British and Native American forces at the Battle
of Thames; Indian leader Tecumseh killed, Indian
confederacy collapses.
• August 1814: British burn Washington , DC; First Lady
Dolley Madison saves portrait of George Washington
Events (cont’d.)
• September 1814: Francis Scott Key,
imprisoned on a British ship, watches
Americans forces at Fort Mc Henry hold
off the British; he is inspired to write “
The Star Spangled Banner”
Events (cont’d.)
• December 24, 1814: Treaty of Ghent;
establishes a cease fire without resolving
the issues that led to the war.
• December 1814: Unaware that the
Treaty of Ghent has been signed, Andrew
Jackson wins a major victory against
British forces at the Battle of New
US-Great Britain establish peaceful relations: (1) commercial treaty reopens
trade; (2) 49th parallel become border of Louisiana Purchase (3) 10 year join
occupation of Oregon.
1817 – Rush-Bagot Agreement
Americans confirm the Revolution was not a fluke by winning the “second war
for American independence”
Nationalism in the United States grows.