(CPE) Diary

NHAA Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Diary
To fill out your CPE diary: See the Quick Guide overleaf and/or the full CPE Guide which includes an example diary (available from www.nhaa.org.au)
Got questions or need a hand? Call us on 02 9797 2244 or email cpe@nhaa.org.au
Member #
CPE period
(if relevant)
Total points required per year: 50
Points can be allocated to one category (Herb Med, Med Sci, Other) or divided among more than one if relevant 
No of
if relevant
Activity description
e.g. Book/Seminar/Study
Newsletter/Journal etc
Other details
e.g. Title, Presenter, Company, Subject, Database etc
I certify that this is a true and correct record of my CPE activities for the above period:
Subject Totals
Type or sign your name here:
Final Total (Min 50 pts/yr)
NHAA: PO Box 696 Ashfield NSW 1800 Australia. P: 61 2 9797 2244 F: 61 2 8765 0091 W: www.nhaa.org.au
CPE submissions to cpe@nhaa.org.au
(any subject)
Quick Guide to common points – please see the full CPE Guide for more detailed info.
FACE TO FACE Seminars / Conf / workshops and LIVE Webinars
RECORDED Content inc. seminars / conf / webinars (inc printed notes)
2 pts/hour
1 pt/2 hours of content
Presenting (to health care professionals)
2 pts/hour (max 6pts/pres’n)
Presenter (for health care professionals)
2 pts/hour (max 6pts/pres’n)
Presenting (to public)
2 pts/pres’n (max 6pts/yr)
Presenter (for public)
2 pts/pres’n (max 6pts/yr)
NHAA related activities – inc. AJHM CPE questionnaires
Mentoring / Supervision / Peer Group meetings
AJHM CPE (points per issue, max 4 issues/yr)
5 pts Herb, 3 pts Med Sci
Peer group mtgs (case share, networking etc)
2 pts/mtg
NHAA Chapter meeting (attend)
2 pts/meeting
Mentoring – mentor or mentee
1 pt/mtg or 4hrs (max 10pts/yr)
NHAA volunteers (chapter work, mailouts etc)
1 pt/3 hours
Supervision – supervisor or supervisee
1 pt/mtg or 4hrs (max 10pts/yr)
Books / Journals (hardcopy or E) academic / professional level only
Writing / Professional Research / Peer Reviewing
4 pts/item (max 16pts/yr)
Author pub. original research article (peer review)
8 pts/article
Journal subscription: 4 issues/yr
8 pts/subs
Author pub. not original research article (peer review)
5 pts/article
Journal subscription: more than 4 issues/yr
12 pts/subs
Author pub. book review (> 500 words)
3 pts/review
Company newsletters/professional updates
2 pts/Company (max 6pts/yr)
Author pub. book review (< 500 words)
2 pts/review
Studying and teaching - formal
Author pub. gen media article (min 250 words)
1 pt/ article (max 5pts/yr)
Formal study: Univ or VETAB course
1pt/10 hours
Author book (academic publication)
6 pts/chapter
1pt/6 hours
Author book (non academic)
2 pts/chapter)
Research work (academic prof publications only)
1 pt/6 hrs
Databases & Online content: Professional level
Database Access (full papers not just abstracts)
1 pt/ log-in (max 12 pts/yr)
Peer Reviewing books / papers
1 pt/3 hrs
Online Content inc. online CPD activities
1 pt/log-in (max 12 pts/yr)
Writing course material inc, curriculum unpacking
1 pt/4 hrs
What can’t I use for CPE?
 AJHM as a journal subscription (instead use the CPE questionnaires in the AJHM)
 Books & Magazines aimed at the general public (e.g. cookbooks, recipe books, Wellbeing, New Scientist)
 First Aid (this is considered a separate professional responsibility)
 Other memberships, however if they include a journal, database access etc you can use these
 Product only information (e.g. in databases or catalogues)
 Your general work, such as researching and reading (regardless of hours) for maintaining your practice, for a client condition etc
CPE is about keeping yourself up to date in your profession. The NHAA requires ALL full members (practicing or non-practicing) to complete documented CPE annually.
Taking a Break: Members can suspend membership for up to 12 months and not supply evidence of CPE for this period when rejoining. NB: This exemption does not
apply if a member remains financial; CPE must be up to date at the time you suspend; After 12 months, 50 CPE points (acquired within the last year) are required to rejoin.
NHAA: PO Box 696 Ashfield NSW 1800 Australia. P: 61 2 9797 2244 F: 61 2 8765 0091 W: www.nhaa.org.au
CPE submissions to cpe@nhaa.org.au