05.03 Travel Journal Objectives for 5.03: Describe the social

05.03 Travel Journal
Objectives for 5.03:
 Describe the social structure of the Roman Republic
 Compare life in the Roman Republic for various social groups
 Describe the impact of Rome’s expansion on the economy and society
 Map the expansion of the Roman Republic and describe how the expansion impacted
the spread of Roman culture
 Explain the reasons for the decline of the Roman Republic
How did the social structure of ancient Rome affect the lives of its people?
Specific questions to answer:
Once Rome got “big” where did most of the people go to work?
Who were the Patricians?
Who were the Plebeians?
Who were the freedmen?
What role did the slaves play in Roman society?
a. *hint: for the questions above, use the “social pyramid” on page 1 of 7 from this
How was life for women and children in the Roman Republic different from life for women and
children today?
Specific questions to answer:
1. What role did men play in society of ancient Rome?
2. What were the opportunities people females in Rome?
3. What were the opportunities for children in Rome?
4. How did your place on the social pyramid affect your opportunities in Rome?
How were the people of ancient Rome able to change their government?
Specific questions to answer:
1. In what ways did the Patricians take advantage of the Plebeians?
2. What was the “conflict of order” and how was it resolved?
3. Why are the 12 tables important? What specific evidence can you provide from the text to
support your answer?
How did the diverse religions of ancient Rome reflect Roman life?
Specific questions to answer:
1. Read this paragraph and then explain why it was good that the Roman did not force
people to change their religion:
Your answer goes
How did trade in the Roman Republic lead to the development of the merchant class?
Specific questions to consider:
1. Reading paragraph #1, how did the large slave population affect the small farmers?
2. Using paragraph #2, explain how Rome’s expansion affected their trading. What new
items could they acquire with their conquests/size and who did they get these items
3. What role did the “negotiators” and the “mercatores” play in regards to the business
part of Rome and trading? (see paragraph #3)
What were the main causes of the decline of the Roman Republic?
Specific questions to consider:
1. Based on paragraph #1, would you say that Rome’s greatest problems came from external
sources or internally? How so?
2. Who made the first “Triumvirate” and what was the point of it?
3. What did Pompey ask Caesar to do? Did Caesar follow what Pompey said?
4. In paragraph #4, why did the Senate kill Caesar? What was the impact of his death?
5. How did Octavian become the first emperor of Rome?
Extra Practice, MAPS:
Consider the map below and observe the time it took for Rome to grow and conquer:
 Keys to reading maps:
o Identify a “key”
o Figure out how the “key” of the map explains the details
o Look for any patterns
Consider this map below:
Question to consider: This map shows the spread of Christianity between AD 325 and AD 476.
What similarities and differences do you see between the growth of the Roman Republic and the
spread of Christianity?