November '07' - 22nd Infantry Regiment Society

2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment
Volume 1, Issue 2
November, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Changes are Coming!
Greetings to all! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had a nice
calm day both on FOB Warrior and at our outposts, with
most Soldiers having the opportunity to relax a little and have a great meal of turkey, stuffing and all the
other great items that make Thanksgiving so special. Even though we are away from loved ones this
Thanksgiving, we have much to be thankful for. Kirkuk is improving, and for most of us we are thankful
knowing our loved ones are home safe in the great U. S. of A.
We have had a busy November with the month quickly passing. The Battalion has been doing great
and as you look across our battle space you can clearly see that we are having a positive effect,
improving the security of the Province for all Iraqis to safely live and prosper. I am very proud of all our
units and our Soldiers. It is clear our hard work back at Fort Drum is paying dividends in this tough fight.
Changes are ahead. In the next couple weeks we will be sending Charlie Company to Patrol Base
Doria and Alpha Company will return to FOB Warrior temporarily. The reason we are doing this is
because in the next couple months we will be loosing Alpha Company to be cross attached to the
brigade’s 1-71 CAV Squadron for another mission. They will train with 1-71 in late December and then
turn in equipment in January and move to FOB Speicher. Their new mission will remain what the Infantry
does best which is closing with and defeating our enemy. The mail address for A Company will change,
but that will not occur until late in January, so keep sending their Christmas packages! This footprint
adjustment is necessary as the forces in theater decrease. There is a saying in our Army that the only
thing that is certain is change itself. This will be a great mission for Alpha Company. We will definitely
miss their daily contributions here in AO Courage. This change is intended to last the rest of the
deployment. We will try to make this transparent to our Family Readiness Group at Fort Drum and keep A
Co FRG aligned with our Battalion as it currently is. There are still details to be worked out in this plan
and we will keep you posted. Despite the swap of Alpha Company and Charlie Company at Doria, we will
continue our normal operations here throughout December.
The holiday season is now upon us. We already have several Christmas trees set up throughout the
battalion and company areas. CSM Smith was quick to get the tress up. (If we were in the US, I think he
would have his Christmas shopping done by now too.) We hope everyone has a great Christmas and
never forget you are in our prayers. Thanks for all you are doing and the sacrifices you’re enduring.
Dennis Sullivan
Triple Deuce Commander
Greetings, and once again it is my pleasure to provide you with information about the
Triple Deuce family here in Iraq. November rolled in and out very quickly and the “Mighty
Triple Deuce” rolled right with it. The morale and discipline of the unit has changed since
coming to Kirkuk, it has risen to new heights and continues to grow day to day. As I
mentioned in my last letter, it is truly an honor to serve as the CSM for these outstanding
men and women.
The unit conducted numerous missions and patrols throughout the month, all to
standard, and as professional Soldiers. One area that I would like to point out is Patrol
Base Doria. 1SG Carr and the rest of “Team Anvil” have done a superb job in
transforming the base into one of the best small patrol bases in Iraq. That is not just my
opinion, but the words of the 1st Armored Division Commanding General and Division
CSM. A testament of the units commitment to duty, service and quality of life!
There was one mission earlier in the month that really made me feel great about being a
Soldier. During that mission the Triple Deuce Soldiers made new friends throughout the
village by providing humanitarian supplies to the schools, health clinics and items for the
elderly. When we went to the school to give out supplies, the commander posted me
outside with the security element to assist with security. Knowing the little ones
desperately wanted to see me, I could not disappoint them, so I ran to the windows, and
just seeing those happy faces peering at me from the windows and waiving brought
about a good feeling of joy and happiness. Then I quickly resumes my post and duties,
but smiling.
One of the biggest reasons that the Soldiers have stayed motivated and executed their
duties as professionals is due to the large amount of support we get from all the
supporters back home. Words cannot express how the support of the many individuals,
groups, and organizations have helped this unit. The numerous items and gifts provided
to the Soldiers, along with the thoughts and prayers has had a tremendous positive
impact on the unit. In the days and months to come, the commander and I will recognize
those supporters and send a Triple Deuce token of appreciation. Thanks to all, and take
“Deeds not Words”
Alonzo J. Smith
Triple Deuce CSM
As time rolls by and the days begin to blend into one another due to operational tempo mixed in with
construction of the company’s outpost south of Kirkuk, Anvil Company found itself pleasantly surprised
by the arrival of Thanksgiving and a well-deserved day of feasting and light duty. One of the staples of
morale at the patrol base was, is, and always will be quality and quantity of food available to Soldiers
when they aren’t patrolling or building. The company has been blessed with the addition of hardworking and knowledgeable cooks from 2-22 IN’s forward support company, Echo Company 10th
Brigade Support Battalion. Through their hard work, they have had a huge impact on the morale and
welfare of Anvil Company Soldiers who are now calling Patrol Base Doria “home.” The same rang true
on Thanksgiving Day.
The list of visitors was comprehensive and all-encompassing. LTC Dennis Sullivan, 2-22 IN’s
battalion commander, and CSM Alonzo Smith, the battalion’s senior non-commissioned officer, came the
day prior to check up on Soldiers, see how they’re living, and help serve dinner on Thanksgiving itself.
The brigade commander, COL David Paschal, with a full calendar of places to visit to support his
Soldiers across the brigade, stopped in for about 30 minutes to look at the improvements made since
his last visit and say hi to his boys. He also awarded two of the most influential cooks, SPC Paul and
CPL Bruss, coins for their efforts and the impact they had made. After his quick stop he was off again to
visit other outlying fortifications. Finally, 1st Armored Division’s Deputy Commanding General for
Support, COL Thomas, stopped in for about an hour to check on morale and welfare as well as patrol
base improvements. CPT John Binkley, Anvil Company commander, and LTC Sullivan showed him
around, highlighted improvements, introduced him to the majority of Anvil’s Soldiers, and brought him
to the chow tent so he could award CPL Bruss and SPC Paul Army Achievement Medals for their efforts
at Doria. He then departed, too, with LTC Sullivan and CSM Smith back to Warrior, leaving A CO to
spend a slow but relaxing evening watching movies in the chow tent and eating leftover desserts.
All in all, the day was successful, bringing just enough American tradition to the hinterlands of Iraq to
make the Soldiers, even a few members of the Iraqi Army, feel as close to home as they could get.
Surrounded by their deployed family, plentiful food, and commanders that care, Anvil Company
celebrated the first of two Thanksgivings that will mark their time in Iraq in good spirits.
Deeds Not Words!
A Co enjoying the Thanksgiving Feast
A Co celebrating thanksgiving by playing football
B Co 2-22, Bushmaster Combat Patch Ceremony
On 11 November 76 highly motivated Bushmaster Company warriors were awarded
the Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (a.k.a the Combat Patch) for Wartime Service at
Bushmaster Base, FOB Warrior Iraq. After two months of presence patrols, jigsaws,
raids, ambushes, snap TCP’s, key leader engagements and cultural immersion, these
Soldiers were recognized for there daily sacrifice to the Global war on Terrorism. The
Combat Patch identifies the Soldier as a Combat Veteran. All infantrymen share the
common goal of earning the right to wear the Combat Patch and eventually the Combat
Infantryman Badge (CIB). All soldiers want to say they have been down range.
As the Company Commander Captain Matthew Lee and 1SG Richard Haddard
awarded each Soldier in formation, the realization how much these young Soldiers
sacrifice everyday to secure this country and allow them to feel the same pride that past
service members felt as Americans. As Captain Lee and 1SG Haddard placed the 10th
Mountain Division patch on the right shoulder of each Soldier, it gave them an
opportunity to reflect on each Soldiers individual and team contribution to our
Company’s success. Every Soldier in formation has a story to tell, a place in the history
of the Triple Deuce, the Warrior Brigade and the 10th Mountain Division.
65 Bushmaster’s have already been awarded the Combat Patch and the CIB from
previous deployments with different units. The Combat Patch Ceremony unifies the 131
Soldiers of Bushmaster Company as we proudly share the same Combat Patch on our
right shoulders. The Combat Patch ceremony provided the first opportunity in two
months to gather the Company in one location and take the first company picture of this
combat tour. They proudly displayed the banner from our families back home that
fittingly says “we are always with you”, one team one fight.
CPT Lee and 1SG Haddad award the Combat Patch
B Co displays the banner made by Bushmaster families
SGT Sumpter Handing out book bags
PV2 Roller before a mission
Inside this Issue
Monthly Summary
HQ Platoon Updates
1st Platoon Updates
2nd Platoon Updates
Chaos Company, 2-22 IN Monthly Newsletter
3rd Platoon Updates
1SG’s Corner
Commander’s Corner
• 1LT Aaron Dombroski
• 1LT Matt Hoffman
• 1LT Drew Ferguson
• CPL Max Steiner
• PFC Eli Maldonado
• PV2 David Ryan
(2nd PLT)
• 1SG Galindo
• 1SG Lester
The month of November has proven to be a truly busy and productive
month. As the Chaos company finds its groove or “battle rhythm” as we
like to call it, greater expectations have been established and met across
the board. During early weeks of November, Chaos company was
chosen as the Battalion main effort for an Air Assault mission in 1-87’s
Area of Operation. It was a 2 day mission in which Coalition Forces
partnered up with Iraqi Police to search towns and villages for enemy
activity. Chaos also completed an Air Assault mission with elements of
the Iraqi Army’s soldiers. This operation took our Chaos soldiers south
near the more treacherous terrain of the Hamrin mountains (below, left).
There, they spent 2 days traveling amongst the farming village
communities in search of terrorist activity. Morale amongst the Chaos
family remains high as we continue to take pride in our efforts to remain
the hardest working company in the “triple deuce” battalion.
When Chaos is not hard at work planning major operations, daily patrols
are out roving our sector. Soldiers get a chance to talk with the Iraqi
citizens to develop relationships, share information and often a good
meal together (below, top). Highlights from November’s daily patrols
included humanitarian aid drops of school supplies and backpacks in
rural villages, training up Iraqi police on first aid, and uncovering a large
enemy weapons cache.
As Thanksgiving and the holiday season approaches we are all thankful
for the endless support our friends, sponsors, and loved ones send day
after day. The care packages and letters are truly appreciated. Thanks
again to all who have supported us.
• SSG Dupree
31 OCT 07:
CPT Serie on the radio as 2nd
PLT hits the ground after their
Air Assault.
Chaos soldiers get an invite
from a local sheik to eat a
hearty meal.
HQ Platoon Message- SSG Hadley:
From the FIST and Mortars to the Supply and TOC Sections, the adaptation to the deployment
mission has progressed smoothly and effectively. The missions of the HQ PLT facilitates the
success of the rifle platoons by giving them the support and information for mission
accomplishment that they need. Many of the sections have taken on roles outside their normal
scope of training and have adapted quickly to meet the needs of the campaign. From
administration and logistics to patrolling of the streets, soldiers and leaders in the HQ PLT have
stepped up in every facet . They have done exactly what is needed to make this a successful
deployment and bring our long term objectives that much closer to reality. Spirits are high on an
everyday basis because we know we have you all supporting and praying for us back home. Our
hearts are with the ones we left behind but our heads will remain in the game until we are with
you again. Keep up all the invaluable support you’ve shown so far and we will continue to do the
job we came to do and be home in due time.
Left: SSG
taking a
break after
the Air
Daily Tactical
Center (TOC)
in action.
and SGT
1st Platoon Message – 1LT Lorin Veigas
Earlier this month first platoon came home to Chaos Company for one mission to participate in an out of sector air
assault that was part of a large scale brigade mission. Early in the morning on the tenth, first platoon, along with third
platoon and the company headquarters flew on Chinook helicopters to Al Khan, a small village outside of Kirkuk. They
spent two days on the ground there conducting a cordon and search of the village and ended up apprehending a high value
arms smuggler linked to one or more insurgent cells. The overwhelming majority of the people we interacted with were
very pleasant, welcomed us into their homes, served us chai (tea), and offered us food. For most soldiers in first platoon
the most rewarding experiences were the interactions with the children. By the afternoon of the second day we even had a
small hoard of friends following us through the village. In addition to detaining a handful of suspected insurgents, first
platoon achieved a great deal through the promotion of the coalition sponsored Concerned Local Citizens program, a local
watch program aimed at improving security in small villages like Al Khan.
In the weeks since the brigade mission, first platoon has been aggressively patrolling and conducting raids
throughout downtown Kirkuk. Day to day patrols frequently entail visiting the many Iraqi Police stations, meeting with local
Muktars, and conducting mounted and dismounted patrols through the city’s marketplaces and neighborhoods. Like many
places in Iraq, the city of Kirkuk is not without its problems, but it is a place that seems to really be moving in the right
direction. The Iraqi Police are at a stage where they are patrolling on their own and taking responsibility for the security of
their city. Most of the problems they now face are relatively minor problems related to equipment and funding. We are all
confident that with more time and a sustained effort that Kirkuk can be a place that is rid of violence.
SSG Witt
and his
Some of 1st
before a
daily patrol
in the city.
2nd Platoon Message: 1LT Matt Hoffman
2nd Platoon has been among one of the busier platoons in the battalion, with our patrols averaging
around nine hours. The soldiers have been breaking in their new platoon leader, 1LT Hoffman,
while SFC Lester will be changing companies at the end of the month. Despite the winds of
change, the soldiers of 2nd Platoon continue to execute their mission as the true professionals they
are. In just the past week, our platoon was the main effort in a company Air Assault mission which
required them to walk in excess of 25 KM in the span of less than 72 hours. To our extended 2 nd
Platoon family back home, be proud of these men and what they have already accomplished in
this short amount of time in country.
SPC Hardman, SPC Weis, and PFC
Estrada (from top to bottom) man a gun
position while on patrol.
Members of 2nd Platoon gladly climb
aboard the first UH-60 Blackhawk that
offered us a ride home.
3rd Platoon Message – 1LT Aaron Dombroski
This month the platoon has been conducting numerous patrols both within the Chaos AO as well as
outside. Our patrols within the AO have brought us into close interaction with the local populace. During
these missions we gather information on each village in an attempt to figure out what their needs are, as
well as the primary focus of discovering what security concerns they have. On the lighter side, it seems
as though no mission is complete for us without at least one of our trucks getting stuck. Most notably
was a river recon mission where we managed to completely flood the engine in one of the trucks while
attempting to ford the river.
While conducting the Air Assault into 1-87’s AO the Platoon flew on two Chinooks to the target village.
While on the ground 3rd Platoon was responsible for securing the entire 1500 meter wide southern end of
the village. Then in the second phase of the operation systematically cleared the entire southern third of
the town. We gained valuable intelligence on a suspected IED emplacer as well as detaining another
suspicious individual on weapons charges.
Acting on suspicious activity witnessed from the south retransmission site, which first squad was
manning at the time, we discovered an extremely large weapons cache. Working alongside local Iraqi
Police this cache was dug up and then blown up by the Brigades’ explosives ordinance disposal team.
Pulling security at a halt.
On a dismounted patrol at sunset.
Interacting with locals in Smood.
1SG’s Corner
Chaos Family,
I have been in the company for 18 months and have
enjoyed ever second of it. I wish that my stay could
be longer. I will be moving over to HHC, 2-22 IN to
serve as 1SG so I will be saying good bye on the
25th of November. 1SG Hettinger will become the new
Chaos Company Family member. I would like to thank
all the Families for there support and all the Chaos
Soldiers who have made ever moment of my 18
months unforgettable. CPT Serie thank you for your great
professionalism and friendship, you have made this
company stand beyond all others. The future of this
company will continue to shine, and make history.
I could not have done this job with out the support and love from my beautiful
wife Jacqueline and daughters Tori and Skyelar. My wife and I have been together
for six years and only have spent two of them together how she has done it still
amazes me. She has been there ever second with support, faithfulness, and
understanding no matter. Thank you for everything, you’re the best.
Chaos 7 out.
Commander’s Corner
Dear Family and Friends,
Like always I would like to start off
thanking you all for your support. This
past month has kept the company
very busy. We have conducted more
air assaults than any other company
in the battalion; all reaping an
enormous amount of benefits for our
mission here in Iraq.
This past month was tough for the company
with two of our most knowledgeable and dedicated NCO’s being assigned to
positions of increased responsibility. 1SG Galindo taking over as HHC 1SG was
no surprise since he is one of the most knowledgeable and dedicated NCO’s I
have ever worked with in my 13 years of service. I will miss his sound advice
friendship, and his wonderful family. SFC (P) Lester is another NCO who I will
miss as he moves to D Co to become their new 1SG. SFC (P) Lester will be the
type of 1SG that Commander’s dream of. There was no question why the senior
leadership from Chaos Company was chosen for positions of increased
responsibility, it is simply known that Chaos Company has the best leaders.
I would like to welcome 1SG Hettinger. I have known 1SG Hettinger since I
arrived at Ft. Drum. He is truly the right man to take responsibility of this company.
Please remember that SGT Robinson is back at Ft. Drum for you, use him. Also
my wife Cari is available to help you in anyway she can.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have started the hectic
shopping season. Thank you all for the support and prayers.
D co 2-22 IN November 2007
CPT Gregory Hotaling
SFC Juan Trevino
Commander’s Corner
Friends and Family of Destroyer Company:
I can’t believe that we are already up to another installment of the Battalion News
letter. Time to mark off another month on the deployment calendar. Let me start by saying
that the soldiers of Destroyer company have performed even better this month than last month.
We have added new faces to our ranks, we have trained hard to keep our skills sharp and we
have been continuously conducting operations to keep the good people of Kirkuk safe and
secure while also keeping the enemy off their game.
The last month saw Destroyer Company take part in the first Battalion Operation of
the deployment as well as the first Brigade Mission of the deployment. Both operations were
successes in that the enemy was disrupted, the citizens were protected and most importantly
no soldiers were injured in the process. Destroyer company partnered with the Iraqi
Emergency Services Unit on both occasions to great success. They were eager to learn and
very motivated to take action in the defense of their own country. There will be many joint
operations in the future for the Destroyers and with the help of the ESU they should all be
I would like to take the opportunity to welcome PV2 Schwappach (2nd PLT), PV2
Gayton (4th PLT), PVT Everhart (1st PLT), PVT Andrews (2nd PLT) as the newest members of
the Destroyer Team. The have hit the ground running by completing their initial in-country
training and are eager to head out on their first missions. We are very happy to have them
We are planning a Destroyer Company Barbecue here on FOB Warrior to celebrate
Thanksgiving. 1SG Trevino has been nominated as Destroyer Grill Master for the event. All of
the soldiers are looking forward to a day of good food and relaxation.
I could not be any more proud of the Destroyer FRG. They have been running the
show in the rear, putting out information, getting together for activities and keeping the home
fires burning for the soldiers out here. Both styles of Destroyer Company T-shirts (one for PT’s
and one for under ACU uniforms) are complete and ready for shipment. I know the guys out
here cant wait to get their hands on them to show some Destroyer Pride.
As I close I would like to leave you with this thought. Each of the soldiers out here
have a lot to be thankful for both here and back home. We are constantly reminded of those
things every day through pictures, emails and phone calls. All of us out here appreciate
everything that all of you back there do for us. Once again I am extremely proud of the entire
Destroyer Company Team. Until next month….
Destroyer 6
Deeds Not Words
Seek, Strike, Destroy
First Sergeant’s Corner
• We are working a Company Bar-B-Q for the men on
Thanksgiving Day, a Day of no patrols and a chance for the
leaders to give back and cook some chow for the boys.
• Please send posters, cards and anything else from home that
we can hang up in and around the building to remind the
Soldiers of their loved ones at home.
• The Destroyer Company Combatives room is about 90%
finished. It contains full surface mats, a heavy and light bag;
for those days when regular PT wont do.
The Destroyer Company T-Shirts were ordered this month and
are expected to arrive in the upcoming weeks. We ordered
extra for the new Soldiers and any family members that want
(Their going fast!!)
• The Company continues to improve the environments in the
city of Kirkuk. We have found more IED making materials,
captured insurgents and continue to build on the relations of
the Iraqi Police in the city.
First Sergeant’s Corner (cont)
CPL Sarday has recovered from his injuries and has been
reunited with his platoon
We welcome the arrival of PV2 Schwappach (2nd PLT), PV2
Gayton (4th PLT), PVT Everhart (1st PLT), PVT Andrews (2nd
Awards and Promotions
 The following Soldiers were recommended for the
Combat Infantryman’s Badge (CIB) for their actions
during small arms fire from insurgents: SPC McDaris,
PV2 Folmar, PVT Sweet
 These Soldiers were recommended for the purple heart
for injuries sustained in combat: SGT Ward, CPL (P)
Sarday, SPC Guidy, SPC Clausen
 The following Soldiers were recommended for the Army
Commendation Medal with V device for heroism during
IED Strike with insurgents: SGT Ward, SPC Guidry, SPC
Casal (Medic)
Promotion Boards:
SPC Shipley and SPC Horning are scheduled to attend
the next board in December – the best of luck goes out
to them
Congratulations to SGT now promotable Leigh from 2nd
PLT for getting recommended during the November
Destroyers out on the Town
HQ Platoon
Woe’s Me, nobody told me I had to stay awake
The S4, D6, habib (our terp) with the ESU
Big doorway… or little guy? D17
Back on the FOB
PFC Harris and PV2 Gundlack posing with
Patriot cheerleaders
Combat Patch ceremony at Destroyer
1st Platoon earning their combat patch
Biggie and his boys get their patch too
Destroyer Combat Patch Ceremony
See You in January!
CPT Gregory Hotaling
SFC Juan Trevino
For many Soldiers within the Battalion this is the second or third deployment rotation
in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. However, for
the new Soldiers in the Battalion, the ones who have been in the army less than
eighteen months, this is there first deployment.
For many veterans, 11 November is a day that is a little more special than all the rest.
11 November is the day we say thank you to the servicemen and women who have worn
the uniform in America’s Defense. This day is Veteran’s Day and for the new Soldiers of
Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) Triple Deuce, 11 November will hold a
special place in the heart as well as on their sleeve. On this day the company held a
patch ceremony. This patch ceremony is when first time deployed Soldiers are formerly
authorized to wear the combat patch. The right shoulder was designated as the place
for Soldiers who went to combat to wear the patch of the unit they went to combat with.
Since World War I Soldiers, who have participated in combat, have been authorized to
wear their “combat” patch on the right side of the uniform as the uniform is worn as
long as the Soldier as served thirty consecutive days in the combat zone. This
ceremony may be held at any time after the thirtieth day of a Soldier being in the combat
zone. Since the thirty day mark fell close to the 11th the Company chain of Command
felt that it might give the Soldiers a little extra meaning to don the patch if done on the
day all Americans salute service members who have stood as the front line of defense.
CPT Armstrong giving his words of wisdom during
HHC Combat Patch ceremony
Happy Thanksgiving! The Hound team has put another month in the books here in
Kirkuk Province and your support has been absolutely vital, especially during the holiday
We have definitely settled into our battle rhythm here and can see the fruits of our labor
as relationships with our Iraqi counterparts are start to strengthen. Weeks are flying by like
We have supported two battalion level operations this month, we’ve made continual
progress towards training the Iraqi Police and Iraqi Army, and we have made substantial
progress throughout the area of operations due to the tireless effort of our Soldiers.
It was an honor to place combat patches on our Soldiers that had not yet received
them this month. The 1st Armored Division (our new Division HQ) Sergeant Major was there to
talk to the Soldiers prior to the ceremony. I would like to congratulate those Soldiers who
earned their combat patch and welcome them to the brotherhood of veterans.
Unfortunately we are saying goodbye (kind of) to our First Sergeant. Sergeant Major
Earle isn’t leaving the company but he is moving on to be the Operations Sergeant Major of
Triple Deuce. Still in the HHC family but he will be sorely missed as the First Sergeant. We
thank him for all that he has done as a leader and mentor. Taking over the First Sergeant
position right before deployment and making sure the company gets over to Iraq and gets
settled is no easy task and he could not have performed it better. The only thing that eases
this loss is the welcoming of our new First Sergeant, 1SG Galindo. He is no stranger to the
Triple Deuce family. He has served as the Charlie Company First Sergeant for well over a year.
We are all excited for him to build on what SGM Earle has established.
Thank you again for all your support. I can’t express what it means to our Soldiers,
especially during the next couple months in the holiday season.
SGT Crauder, SPC Wilcox, SPC Marr, and PFC Dupree pose in
front of the banner that Ms. Timko’s 4th Grade Class made for
the Medics
SSG Grenz just told 2LT Joyce that President Bush is on the
phone asking for an update on Kirkuk
SMG Travers and CPT Witherell are smiling because MAJ Friant
finally let them out of the office to do something cool
CPL Rios, SPC Jones, and PFC Doss are working on their
dramatic poses before going on mission
SPC Nowack just made a snide remark against the Red
Sox, which SGT Flynn wasn’t happy about
SSG Hernandez is keeping it real with his buddies
“Courage Support” Allows 2-22 IN to Expand Operations
The Soldiers of the Distribution Platoon, E Co, Triple Deuce (FSC) have certainly been
putting the prolonged warmth to good use. Taking the company motto “Courage Support”
to heart, the platoon has more than doubled the fuel, water and food capacity at the three
Triple Deuce outposts. In the 45 days since the 8 Oct 2007 hand over, the Distribution
Platoon has assisted in the expansion and improvement of each site, helping to upgrade
facilities and giving Soldiers more living space. Hundreds of pounds of new construction
material has helped better the site defenses and enhanced operational readiness. The
enhancements have raised the quality of life for the Soldiers living in the remote locations
outside FOB Warrior. Additional showers and water treatment equipment mean better
hygiene and warm water at remote locations. Extra storage space gives these sites more
room to store food, and allows them to offer a larger variety of meal options. Soldiers who
dreaded being “banished” to these locations now show a reluctance to go back to
FOB Warrior.
These improvements have also allowed the sites to become launching points for
extended Triple Deuce operations in their AO. Companies can remain out in sector longer
while using supplies already strategically located within their AO. Even non-Courage task
forces now make use of the new facilities, and these sites now have the flexibility to handle
unexpected guests. As the Courage AO widens, these sites become important logistical
waypoints, and this supports the
overall Triple Deuce mission.
With concern about the vulnerability of logistical convoys as high as ever, the higher
supply capacity ensures that resources are being maximized and Soldiers are not on the
road more then they need to be. Platoon Sergeant, SFC Glennis Jarvis, sees the additions
in a positive light and views them as a win for both Triple Deuce and the Distribution
“By giving them the increased food and fuel capabilities, we alleviate the need to send
additional vehicles on the road and are able to keep more Soldiers safe.”
The Distribution Platoon has taken a personal interest in the morale and welfare of the
Soldiers at these sites. One Soldier, SPC Sarah Whittington, has spearheaded a movement
to collect magazines, puzzles and other reading material to bring to the Soldiers living
outside the wire. The Echo Company First Sergeant lent his own expertise to the placement
of a pre-fabricated house designed to keep Soldiers warm during the upcoming winter. He
was on hand to oversee its placement and helped with the electrical wiring as they moved
the house to the northern site. Triple Deuce Chaplain, CPT Eichelberger, is a frequent
passenger on convoys, bringing spiritual guidance and a friendly face to the retransmission
sites. The Distribution Platoon Leader, 1LT Jean Scrivner, is proud of the advances her
platoon has made.
“The platoon has worked extremely hard and helped accomplished so much since we have
been here. We look at these places now and barely recognize them after all the
A Pre-Fabricated house is constructed for Soldiers with the help of the
Distribution Platoon, E Co, 2-22 IN (FSC )
E Co Soldiers unload food for Thanksgiving meal at PB Doria
PVT Brady and SPC Woke try to look busy at PB Doria
PVT Curtsinger is refilling the water tank at PB Doria
Chapel Courage
Be strong and courageous, do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD
your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
Proverbs 31:10-31
10 An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. 11 The heart of her husband
trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.
13 She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight. 14 She is like merchant ships; She
brings her food from afar. 15 She rises also while it is still night And gives food to her household And
portions to her maidens. 16 She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She girds herself with strength And makes her arms strong. 18 She senses that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out at night. 19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands grasp
the spindle. 20 She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy. 21
She is not afraid of the snow for her household, For all her household are clothed with scarlet. 22 She
makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is known in the
gates, When he sits among the elders of the land. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, And
supplies belts to the tradesmen. 25 Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future.
26 She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. 27 She looks well
to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children rise up and bless
her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying: 29 “Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel
them all.” 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be
praised. 31 Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates.
Have you ever felt like what you are doing stinks or that your work seems insignificant? Sometimes
the world paints a perfect picture of how you should be and what you should accomplish, but the world’s
picture might not be your image. Above we read about the ideal woman/wife. The virtuous women/wife
described not only manages her household well, makes clothes, but also brings home income even
while her husband is talking over important stuff (sports) with the fellas. To top off everything her
children listen to her and everyone praises her for her work. Does this sound like your household?
The good news in all of this is that God loves you just like you are. We are all different and many of
our families are not what you might consider the ideal family. You may not be the storybook wife or your
husband may not be the storybook husband, and that is okay. We can improve our marriages when we
learn to see things from one another’s perspective and to accept each other’s faults. Improvements
come when we accept that we are on the same team working together for our marriage/family. We can
grow together in our time of separation, but we must remember to improve showing our appreciation
and acceptance of one another.
Chapel Courage
Be strong and courageous, do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD
your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
You are there, and we are here, and everyone should be putting in an honest effort to work for the good of
the marriage/family. Remember at this time of the year to be thankful for what we have and try to better
appreciate what you have as a couple/family. Do not give up on doing good and working to strengthen your
marriage/family. We Soldiers are thankful to have our spouses supporting us and we realize that life would
be more difficult, if not impossible, without you all. Continue to strive to honor God with your marriage and
He will continue to strengthen us together even in our time away.
Note: The stinky job pictured below (Hint: there are no flushable toliets at Doria) ended up
bringing guys together making the job/time more bearable. Talk together, work together, and stay
Miller Eichelberger “Ike” – the chaplain
We continue to retain quality Soldiers in our Army through reenlistment.
Reenlistment in a combat zone shows a great commitment to our nation
and our Army…and the monetary bonuses are also tax free. Although
the money is a nice incentive, our Soldiers continue to reenlist because
they believe in what they are doing and want to be a part of something
much larger than themselves. Our reenlistments continue to take place
at various locations such as the palace in Baghdad to the patrol base in
our area. We congratulate and thank the 4 Soldiers and their families
that have reenlisted in the past 30 days. Their names are:
PFC Kederick Younger A Co- 6Yrs Fort Carson
PFC Michael Brower A Co- 6yrs PDA
PFC Terry Adams
PFC Kenneth Jackson A Co- 6Yrs PDA
PB Doria after another long day
1SG Carr and CSM Smith having a thanksgiving
SPC Caputo made some new friends
SPC Xiong showing his happy face
D Co Showing the Patriot Cheer Leaders how big
their guns are
C Co clearing a house during Operation Courage
The future of Iraq
CSM Smith now is a legendary comic book hero!
Mortars stand on guard during a Kirkuk Traffic
Police ceremony
SFC Lester and SFC Hettinger getting ready to be
promoted to 1SG
Triple Deuce Soldiers stand in formation waiting
for the beginning of the 1SG ceremony
PFC Candler and SGT Oliver contemplating the
meaning of life
1LT Holmes,1 LT Ferguson, 1LT Burgess, 1LT Archer promotion
E Co Convoy brief
Chaos Company making a dramatic entrance
SGT Shustack in action
Deeds, Not Words! Lead with Courage!
Soldier’s Rank and Name
Company/2-22 IN 1/10 MTN
FOB Warrior
APO AE 09338
CPT McNally
SFC Grady
Phone (312) 774-3751/3750