Chemistry 30 Tasks

Chemistry 30 Tasks to Be Completed:
Unit 1: Chemistry Review
Due Date
1.Fact File Timeline and More
2. Components of an Atom
3. Calculation of Atomic Weight
4. Atomic Scientists
5.Orbital Principles
6.Filling of Orbitals
7.Electron Configuration
8.Electron Dots
9.Periodic Table and Electron Configuration
10.Chemical families and formulas
11.Chemical Families
12.Types of Chemical Bonds
13.Table of Bonding Types
14.Classification of Compounds
15.Naming Compounds
16.Calculations of Molar Mass
17.Mole Calculations using a periodic table
18.Counting Atoms
19.Balancing using inspection
20.Writing Net Ionic Equations
21.Mole Recipes
22.Mole to Mole Stoichiometry:
23.Mass to Mass Stoichiometry (Gravimetric )
24.Gas stoichiometry
25.Review of Chemistry 20 Exam
Aug 30
Aug 30
Aug 30
Sept 1
Sept 1
Sept 1
Sept 3
Sept 3
Sept 3
Sept 3
Sept 3
Sept 9
Sept 9
Sept 9
Sept 9
Sept 13
Sept 13
Sept 13
Sept 13
Sept 13
Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 16
Unit 2: Solubility and Solutions
Classification Activity
Multiple intelligence Assignment on Solutions
Writing dissolving reactions
Molarity Calculations
Assignment: Percent, ppm and ppb
Dilution Calculations
Standard solution and serial dilution
Solubility Rules Lab
Predicting precipitates and writing net ionic equations
Separating Ions by Selective Precipitation
Cation Analysis
Calculating Ksp and Solubilities
Predicting Precipitates using Ksp
Solubility and Solution Exam
Sept 21
Sept 21
Sept 21
Sept 23
Sept 23
Sept 23
Sept 23
Sept 24
Sept 28
Sept 28
Sept 28
Sept 30
Sept 30
Oct 1
Unit 3: Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
Energy Sources and Uses
Demonstration of Molecular Enthalpy Lab
Lab on Drives behind chemical reactions
Graphing Relationships
Heat Calculation #:
using Q = m * (c) * T
Assignment; Communicating Enthalpy
Graphing Assignment
Assignment: Equation Method
Assignment: Using a Ratio
Assignment: Calorimetry
Calorimetry Lab
Assignment: Calculation of H using Hess's Law
Calculations using Hess's Law and heats of formation
Graphing Assignment on Gibb's Free Energy
Energy Changes Exam
Oct 5
Oct 5
Oct 6
Oct 7
Oct 8
Oct 13
Oct 13
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 15
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 19
Unit 4: Rates of Reaction
Graphing motion of objects.
Average and Instantaneous Rates of Chemical Reactions
Balanced chemical equations and rate.
Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction Lab
Lab on Concentration vs rate
Collision theory and Surface area
Collision theory and Nature of Reactants
Graphical Determination of Rate Orders
Method of Initial Rates
Reaction Mechanisms
Labs on Temperature and its Effect on Reaction Rate
Catalysts and Potential Energy Diagrams
Researching Catalysts
Rates of Reaction Exam
Oct 26
Oct 26
Oct 28
Oct 28
Oct 28
Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 3
Nov 3
Nov 4
Nov 5
Unit 5: Equilibrium
Concept Attainment: Le Chatelier's Principle
Assignment: Applying the generalizations
Researching Applications of LeChatelier's principle
Equilibrium Constant Expression
Calculating Keq given equilibrium concentrations
ICE Chart Questions
Mole ratios and algebra
ICE charts, Keq and Algebra
Equilibrium Exam
Nov 9
Nov 9
Nov 15
Nov 17
Nov 17
Nov 19
Nov 19
Nov 22
Nov 23
Unit 6: Acids and Bases
Assignment #1: Applications of Acids and Bases
Household Acids and Bases Lab
Assignment #2
Bronsted - Lowry Equations
Calculating [H3O+] and [OH-]
Calculating [H3O+] and [OH-] of Weak acids
pH calculations
Understanding how a buffer works
Procedure for calculating buffer ph
Writing Acid / Base Neutralization Reactions
Dry Lab Assignment: Plotting Changes in pH (Titration
Titration Calculations
Titration Lab
Acid and Base Exam
Nov 25
Nov 25
Nov 25
Nov 30
Dec 2
Dec 2
Dec 2
Dec 7
Dec. 7
Dec 10
Dec 10
Dec 13
Dec 15
Dec 16
Unit 7: Electrochemistry (Oxidation and Reduction)
Writing Net and half reactions
Activity: Developing Reduction Series
Activity: Predicting Spontaneity
Laboratory: Corrosion of Iron
Diagraming Electrochemical Cells
Predicting voltages of electrochemical cells
Electrochemistry Exam
Jan 5
Jan 5
Jan 5
Jan 7
Jan 7
Jan 11
Jan 12
Independent Study – You will pick a topic that you will research and develop a Multiple Intelligence
Project for with the use of the following link:
The best thing to do is to pick a topic that you are interested in and would want to learn a little more
about. Maybe you would like to learn about the use of chemistry in crime scenes, maybe you want to
learn a little more about the process of painting a car, or maybe …
Once you have a topic, and a plan, we will create a rubric for each group individually.
This project will be due on Jan. 20.