Election Literature - CSUSM Accounting Society

CSUSM Accounting Society
Fall 2013 Elections
A Word from the President-Elect
Congratulations on your perseverance this semester! Achieving a degree and career in the accounting
field is a difficult and rigorous task. Your continuing dedication to your studies, this university, and
the Accounting Society is a testament to your ability to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. I
am honored to study with and support you through this chapter of your life.
With Accounting Society elections upon us, I would like to briefly convey my support of student
leadership in this university’s finest student organization. I became involved in the Accounting Society
after a single semester of membership, and I am glad I didn’t hold back. Running for and being
elected to a Board position has given me incredible networking opportunities with students, faculty,
and accounting resources that I never would have been exposed to had I let my membership lapse
after finishing that initial Accounting 301 writing assignment! I realized the opportunities that this
society provides its members, and the value that can come from being involved.
I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to get involved with the Accounting
Society. It is not only an excellent way to develop your communication and leadership skills, but also
for making connections with your fellow students and the outside accounting community. While
holding an officer position takes commitment and sacrifice, it is well worth the rewards of seeing our
organization grow and realize its potential. I welcome anyone to contact me regarding officer
positions, campaigning, and/or running for office. I can be reached via e-mail at
ahmed006@cougars.csusm.edu. Best of luck!
Shauna Ahmed
CSUSM Accounting Society
CSUSM Accounting Society
Nominations begin October 14th, 2013. Applications are accepted through November 4th at midnight
in the Accounting Lab, MH 128. Nominations can also be e-mailed to Shauna Ahmed via email at
In accordance with The California State University memo AA-2012-05 regarding Student Academic
Support, all students holding a minor representative officer position defined as President or
Treasurer must earn 6 semester units per term while holding office.
In accordance with the Accounting Society’s by-laws, all students holding any officer position in the
society must be in good academic standing with Cal State San Marcos and the College of Business
Executive Board Positions
The following is a descriptive overview for the available officer positions:
Main Focus:
Actively training and learning to becoming president for the following
Community College Liaison, Scholarship, Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance, Professional Organizations
The President-Elect shall assist the President at the organization
meetings, learning the procedures and duties that he/she will assume
the following semester. He/she will develop relationships as needed as
President, oversee special projects, assist other officers as needed, and
coordinate the sales of Accounting Society T-shirts and sweatshirts.
Vice President of Internal Affairs
Main Focus:
Manage On-Campus related business
Inter-Club Council, Membership Mentor, Policies & Procedures,
The Internal Vice President shall preside at the organization meetings in
the absence of the President. He/she shall perform duties related to
CSUSM Accounting Society
Accounting Society internal operations and affairs. He/she shall
schedule meeting rooms and notify all members of general/speaker
meetings. He/she shall preside at general/speaker meetings. He/she
shall coordinate monthly Chairperson Reports. He/she shall continue
the development of the organization's bylaws and the officer's policies
and procedures manuals.
Vice President of External Affairs
Main Focus:
Develop relationships with accounting industry representatives.
Social Events
The External Vice President shall perform the duties related to
Accounting Society external promotions and contacts as assigned by the
President. He/she shall schedule speakers from public, private, and
government accounting entities. He/she, through the Internal Vice
President, shall notify all members of these events. He/she shall greet
and introduce speakers at speaking engagements. During the spring
semester, he/she along with the aid of the Career Center will procure
possible employers (public, private, and government entities) for oncampus mock interviews.
Main Focus:
Maintenance of budgets and funds.
The Treasurer shall handle all financial affairs and budgeting of the
Accounting Society. He/she shall work with officers to develop a
semester budget. He/she shall monitor the budgets, and ensure proper
financial controls. He/she is responsible for raising the funds necessary
for the Accounting Society to operate, with the assistance of the Fund
Raising Chairperson. He/she shall maintain bank accounts in the
organization's name, requiring signatures from the Faculty Advisor,
President, and Treasurer for authorized disbursements. He/she shall
interact with CSU San Marcos Associated Students re: payments and
CSUSM Accounting Society
Main Focus:
Maintain all records of the organization.
Historian, Newsletter Editor
The Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings of the organization,
keep these on file, and submit required copies to all of the organization
members. He/she shall be responsible for all organization
correspondence and shall keep copies thereof on file. He/she shall track
member points, and maintain accurate records of all semester activities.
Director of Communications & Technology
Main Focus:
Maintain open communication with members through various
The Director of Communications and Technology shall be responsible
for updating the website, preparing newsletters, sending out weekly
meeting reminder emails, preparing marketing materials, preparing TV
ads, and maintaining social media sites.
Campaigning procedures and guidelines are outlined in the Accounting Society bylaws and were
written in accordance to CSUSM’s Student Life & Leadership rules and guidelines. A copy of the
campaigning procedures and guidelines are available upon request.
Elections will be held on November 5th during U-hour at our general meeting. Nominated candidates
will present campaign speeches during the meeting and voting will commence after the final speech
has been delivered.
Electronic voting will be available through the Accounting Option portion of Cougar Courses
Community Sites. Only Accounting Society members will be eligible to vote and only one vote is
counted per voting member.