Creating narratives for the Recovery Movement


Creating narratives for the Recovery Movement: the Good, the True & the Beautiful

9.00-Late Friday 26


September 2014

The Athena Centre, Queen Street, Leicester LE1 1QD

Bringing services & communities together

Leading figures from recovery communities & support services will present

Learn how the Recovery Movement can contribute to the development of the ‘5 th Wave in

Public Health’ & hear how we can work together to support recovery & wellbeing in our communities. Participate in the development of a Manifesto for the Recovery Movement & meet Recovery activists from all over the UK.

9.00-4.30 The UKRF Community Gathering 49 presenters from Services, Social Enterprises,

Creative Projects & Recovery Communities. 5 interactive Wellbeing Zones: exploring how we can Connect, Learn, Take Notice, Be Active & Give.

Exhibitions, Displays, Performance, Art, Poetry, Photography & Film. An opportunity to connect, share & learn.


Preview screening of the forthcoming documentary ‘Dear Albert’, premiering at film festivals later this year. Trailer:

7.30-Late The 2014 UK Recovery Month Party

Music, dance, performance, great food, good company & lots and lots of mocktails.

The 6 th National UKRF Event co-hosted by the Leicestershire & Coventry Recovery Communities

Professionals £90 Service Users £25

Some bursaries available to Community Members


for further details & booking www.coventryrecoverycommunity

The Programme (Confirmed Speakers):

9.00-9.30 Registration

9.30-9.40 Welcome from Leicester & Coventry Co-hosts & the UKRF

9.40-9.50 The Good, the True & the Beautiful Alistair Sinclair, UKRF Director

9.50-10.35 Re-making ourselves & building recovery

Wendy Dossett Chester University, Mark Gilman PHE Recovery Lead, Martin Murphy

London, Kingston RISE

10.35-11.00 Finding assets & opportunities for personal responsibility within deficit-based systems

Peter Sheath & David Ryan Emerging Horizons/Futures

11.00-11.15 Miggy Angel Poet (performance)

11.15-11.45 Break/Connecting

11.45-12.45 Five Wellbeing Zones 20 presenters from Services & Recovery Communities

12.45-1.45 Lunch/Connecting

1.45-2.15 Fallen Angels Dance Theatre & Risen Dance Theatre (performance)

2.15-3.00 Recovery, Past & Future - Jon Long ‘The Bristol Experience’,

Tim Leighton Director Education & Research Action on Addiction, Vivienne Evans Chief

Executive Adfam, Mark Brown Editor One in Four Magazine

3.00-4.15 Five Wellbeing Zones 17 presenters from Services & Recovery Communities

4.15-4.30 Building a Recovery Manifesto & Moving Forward UKRF

5.30-7.00 Exclusive pre-release showing of the ‘ Dear Albert’ Film

7.30-Late The 2014 UK Recovery Month Party

All proceeds from this event will be shared by the Leicestershire & Coventry Recovery

Communities (administered by Dear Albert & the Coventry Recovery Community) & used to support community-led activity in the two counties.

If you’d like a display/stand in our Service Area and/or would like to sponsor one of the

‘Wellbeing Zones’ please contact


Confirmed presenters:

Hosts: UKRF, Jon Roberts (Dear Albert) & Simon Morgan (Coventry Recovery Community).

The Main Arena:

Alistair Sinclair Director UKRF. Martin Murphy London, Dr Wendy Dossett Senior Lecturer & Co-Director of

CSARS Group, University of Chester , Mark Gilman Strategic Recovery Lead Public Health England, Kingston

RISE . Peter Sheath Emerging Horizon’s & David

Ryan Emerging Futures. Jon Long, Tim Leighton Director of Professional Education & Research Action on

Addiction, Mark Brown Editor One in Four Magazine , Vivienne Evans CEO Adfam.

The Wellbeing Zones:

Being Active: Kingston RISE, Carl Cundall Manager Sheffield ARC, James McDermott RIOT. Dear Albert.

Yaina Samuels Founder/Director Nu-Hi Social Enterprise South Wales , Eleanor Youdell

SoBar Nottingham, Jacqueline Bennett Founder Beyond Recovery, Coventry Recovery Community.

Giving: Poet Miggy Angel, Michaela Jones Director In2Recovery , Mags Burrett &

Lexi West Lancashire Affinity Magazine . Paul Husband Photographer.

Nicky Mortlock ArtiPeeps Cambridge Paul Bayes Kitcher Director Fallen Angels

Dance Theatre & Phil Ashby Risen Dance Theatre, RIOT Radio.

Learning: John Jolly CEO Blenheim, Andrew Brown Director Policy Influence & Engagement Drugscope, Elsa

Browne CO SMMGP, Carole Sharma CEO FDAP. Martin Smith & Sara Bains, Recovery & Wellbeing Leads

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Nigel Tedbury Development Manager Service User Involvement and Recovery Lead Cranstoun, Joanna Manning National Lead Substance Misuse The Children’s Society



Taking Notice: Vince Cullen

Buddhist Recovery Network, Elham kashefi PhD


& Dr Joe Delaney

Meditation Group.

founding member of Fifth Precept Group &

Founding Director

Consultant Principal Lecturer

Charter member International

The Tara Project CIC. Chris Shaw


in Integrative Medicine. Leicester Recovery Buddhist

Connecting: Peter Moorhouse Area Manager North Wales ARCH Initiatives, Leigh Proctor Wales Coordinator

SMART UK, Trish McKitterick & Damien Grainer Emerging Horizons, Coventry Recovery Community. Damien

Prescott The Olive Branch Wirral, Tim Sampey CEO 'Building on Belief’ London ,

Catherine Ingram CEO Derbyshire Voice & Mad Pride Organiser, Dear Albert. www.coventryrecoverycommunity
