Proposed 2009 Amendments to the 2005 State Building Code Presented by Christopher R. Laux, A.I.A. Architect/Building Official/Consultant Contact Information Christopher R. Laux, A.I.A. Post Office Box 636 Woodbury, CT 06798-0636 Phone/fax: (203) 263-5787 Email: Disclaimer This presentation covers only the highlights of “important” changes to the 2005 State Building Code. A thorough understanding of the code can only be obtained by reading, reading, reading, and then calling a consultant This presentation is based on the version available on the OSBI website Why the 2009 Amendments? To add specific statutory requirements To fix some “oops’s” To bring in some good information from more recent codes Most importantly - because you were beginning to understand the 2005 version Timeline Approved end of April Adoption date 8/1/09 – applies to all building permits applied for on or after 8/1/09 IBC & IRC Administration 101.2: clarify that buildings being moved can use IEBC 101.2: clarify that the permit applicant makes choice to use IEBC at time of permit application 105.1: Permit required to move a lot line that affects an existing structure IBC Administration 105.2: portable grandstands or bleachers under 100 occupants exempt from permit must be outside building (for fields) 105.2.5: Federal agencies exempt from building and demolition permits Post offices, courthouses, prisons, etc. On owned or leased land Other Administration IEBC: MOE in existing buildings must meet Part IV of CSFSC IRC R101.4.7: Added reference to State Demolition Code IBC/IRC Section 117: Added section regarding vacant buildings – new tool for dealing with abandoned or temporarily “mothballed” buildings IBC/IRC: additional required electrical inspections IBC – Chapter 3 Group B 304.1: Includes non-accessory spaces used for assembly purposes by fewer than 50 persons Includes “Training and skill development not within a school or academic program” In-home business occupancies in a onefamily home w/ maximum 1 non-resident employee are R-3 or can use IRC IBC – Chapter 3 Consumer fireworks 307.5.1: follow NFPA 1124-2006 for fireworks sales over exempt amounts CT restricts amount stored through amendment Group R 310.1: R-3 (and IRC) allows up to 6 lodgers or boarders – needed to help define Group R-1 Bed and Breakfast Establishment IBC – Chapter 4 Smoke control scoping simplified: 404.4: not required in two-story atriums. 402.9: required in covered malls of 2 or more stories. IBC - Chapter 5 New 506.4.1: provides methodology for determining maximum size of buildings that are mixed occupancies – separated Sum of ratios for areas on all floors totaled shall not exceed 2 for two-story or 3 for three-story and higher IBC – Chapter 9 903.2.7: sprinklers required in new R and if R occupancy introduced by change of occupancy or addition Not required by repair, alteration or addition to existing R provided not required by previous code or other sections (ie: height & area) Sprinklers req. only in addition if 1-hour separation between new & existing Additional exceptions for existing buildings actually more restrictive IBC – Chapter 9 903.2.1.2: new sprinkler exemption for A-2 restaurants built as A-3 that increase fire area to 12,000 s.f. maximum 910.1: automatic smoke & heat vents not required with ESFR sprinklers IBC – Chapter 9 903.2.7.1: 13D system permitted in R-4 small residential care/assisted living if: No mixed occupancy in building 6 or fewer occupants excluding staff 2-stories, 40’ max. height limit 30 minute water supply All habitable and usable areas, including closets, must be sprinklered Meet valve supervision requirements IBC – Chapter 9 903.3.1.2: clarify 13R system can be used only in buildings up to and including 4 stories above grade and 60’ in height 903. 13R cannot be used in mixed occupancy buildings except those that comply with Section 508.2 with only Group R above the horizontal separation IBC – Chapter 10 New 1003.8: security devices that emit any medium (ie: smoke) that obscures MOE prohibited New 1003.9: Mirrors shall not be placed on or adjacent to exit doors New 1004.1.2: Day care occupancies: 1 occupant per 35 s.f. net 1003.2: ceiling height in MOE increased to 7’-6” IBC – Chapter 10 1005.1.1: balanced egress capacity deleted and substituted with formula to determine the fraction of egress capacity required after loss of one exit: (R-1)/R = C; where R=number of required exits and C= minimum fraction of required MOE capacity after loss of one Applies to buildings and rooms/spaces Example: Building has 2000 occupants and 5 required exits (5-1)/5 = 4/5 or 80% Remaining exits must handle 80% of occupants: .80 x 2000 = 1600 IBC – Chapter 10 1006.3.1: MOE emergency illumination shall operate upon: Failure of utility or outside power supply Opening of breaker or fuse Accidental opening of switch controlling normal lighting 1009.11.2: intermediate handrails only required for stairs exceeding 75 inches - still only req. within 30” of required width IBC – Chapter 10 Ramp surfaces (1010.7.1) and edge protection (1010.9) refers to ICC/ANSI A117.1-03 Allows perforations in ramps 1011.1.1: floor proximity EXIT signs now required at exit access doors in addition to exits in certain occupancies IBC - Chapter 10 1012.2: B&B level guards must be min. 36” high with max. 6” space. Stair guards between 34” & 38” high 1013.2: 50% Group M MOE may travel through stockroom with restrictions New 1023.2.1: exit discharge doors must be remote (1/3 diagonal) when 2 or more required IBC – Chapter 10 1025.3 rescue windows: added exception to 44” maximum sill height for compliant permanent platform or steps 1024.2: assembly main exit language simplified to match statute IBC – Floor Proximity Egress Path Marking – New Section 1026 Required in exit access corridors in: Group A w/ more than 300 occupants Group B Medical Occupancies Group E (see exceptions for doors opening to exterior) Groups I-1 and I-2 Group R-1 hotels and motels Group R-2 dormitories Not required for work in existing buildings including additions Section 1026 Must be within 18” of floor Photoluminescent must be from 1” to 2” in width Must be listed and labeled and installed in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements 1026.4 gives standards for materials Section 1026 Shall not incorporate arrows, chevrons or patterns intended to lead occupant in any direction Exception for dead-end corridors Must illuminate within 10 seconds of power failure and stay lit for 90 minutes Photoluminescent must be illuminated by building’s normal lighting for 60 minutes prior to building occupancy IBC – Chapter 11 1107. Type A unit requirements in R-2 start at 20 dwelling or sleeping units IRC Townhouse accessibility requirements deleted from IBC and put in IRC No new requirements – just relocated and (hopefully) made easier to understand IBC – Chapter 11 1109.13, Exception 7: new exception for height of pool barrier hardware on accessible route (54” maximum, 48” minimum) IBC – Chapter 17 1704.2.2: specifies exact in-plant certification/quality assurance programs acceptable in lieu of onpremises special inspections IBC – Chapter 18 1805.2.1: Frostproof foundation exception raised to 600 s.f. – wind issues still apply New 1806.2: guards required at retaining walls with more than 4’ change in elevation and with walking surface within 2’ of high side. Clarifies that grass, planting beds & landscaped areas are not a walking surface IBC Miscellaneous 2702.2.20: standby power required for electric fire pumps in buildings with standby power for purpose of continuing occupancy or operations 3006.4:Remote elevator machine rooms permitted to be protected by automatic fire-extinguishing system or separated by 1-hour construction with ¾ hour opening protectives IBC – Chapter 31 3105.3: adds exceptions to high-wind design for awnings (meet 90 MPH) 3109.1.1: clarification of which pools are exempt from DPH regulations 3109.5: new entrapment avoidance requirements for public pools (information comes from IRC) IBC – Chapter 34 3403.4: Free pass on existing stairways is limited to maximum riser height and minimum tread depth 3403.5:MOE in all existing buildings must meet Part IV of CSFSC (also in IEBC) 3409.3:Change of occupancy accessibility additional requirements (also in IEBC): Min. 1 accessible toilet/bathing room per gender Min. 1 accessible MOE Type A and/or B units as per 1107 IBC – Appendix K Seismic spectral accelerations reduced for all towns in accordance with new ASCE-7 Should reduce seismic requirements for structural elements Deletes MEP seismic bracing for many buildings ICC/ANSI A117.1-03 1004.13: Requirement for accessible windows in Type B units deleted 504: Information on accessible stairs deleted (no scoping requirements) 1004.3: Accessible route to exterior spaces less than 60” deep in Type B units not required IEBC 101.13: minimum MOE requirements in all buildings is Part IV, CSFSC 804.1.1: Change of occupancy – sprinklers required when required by IBC, Chapter 9 for new occupancy 804.1.2: Change of occupancy – alarms required when required by IBC, Chapter 9 for new occupancy IEBC 812.5: new requirements for change of occupancy (match IBC): 1 accessible toilet/bathing facility per gender 1 accessible means of egress Type A and B units per IBC 1107 IPC – Chapter 10 1003.3: Grease traps connected to private, on-site septic systems comply with IPC. Grease traps connected to publicly owned treatment works via sanitary sewer must comply with DEP General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Preparation Establishments (FOG regulations) IMC – Chapter 5 510.1.1: defines laboratory for purposes of Section 510 (hazardous exhaust) as use of chemicals on nonproduction basis, rather than manufacturing 510.7 new exception: no sprinklers required in laboratory hoods or exhaust systems IECC Delete 2003 edition and adopt the 2006 edition. CT Amendments similar to 2003 Edition Shorter, simpler, easier to use: One climate zone for entire state Includes prescriptive alternatives to RES-Check and COM-check Results in more efficient buildings IRC – Chapter 3 New 309.2.1: Detached garages less than 10 feet from house need same fire separation as attached garages Rescue windows 310.1: added exception to 44” minimum sill height for compliant permanent platform or steps New 317.1: Common spaces in 2family dwellings must have 1-hour separation from dwelling units IRC – Chapter 3 301.2.1.2: in wind-borne debris regions (120 mph) can use wood structural panels to protect windows in 1st and 2nd story of 3 story houses Must be cut to size and supplied with fasteners, just as in one- and two-story homes IRC – Chapter 3 New 312.1: guards required at retaining walls with more than 4’ change in elevation and with walking surface within 2’ of high side. Clarifies that grass, planting beds & landscaped areas are not a walking surface IRC – Accessibility R322 All townhouse accessibility requirements now in IRC instead of reference to IBC: No new requirements Easier to understand IRC - Miscellaneous R403.1: Frostproof foundation exception for accessory buildings raised to 600 s.f. (DON’T FORGET WIND) New R806.4: language from 2006 IRC re: conditioned attic assemblies Allows unvented attics when 3 conditions are met Conditioned air supply not needed Most applicable to spray-foam insulation IRC - Miscellaneous N1101.2.1 & N1101.2.2: Glazing percentage limitations for prescriptive energy apply to walls of thermal envelope, not all exterior walls M1703.6: Mechanical combustion air systems must comply with manufacturer’s installation requirements for both the appliance and the air supply system IRC - Miscellaneous G2415.1: Gas piping in townhouses shall not pass through any unit not served by that piping (including basements and crawl spaces) E3509.7.1: CSST gas piping must be bonded per manufacturer’s requirements E3802.11: Bedroom smoke detectors must be on Arc-fault circuit IRC – Appendix G (Pools) AG102.1.1: clarifies can’t use IRC for Townhouse Complex pool – only applies to detached one- and two-family or as accessory to individual townhouse AG106.2: all pool/spa suction outlets (except surface skimmers) must comply w/ ASMR/ANSI A112.19.8M-2007 (newer edition) or be approved channel drain IRC Appendix G AG106.4: clarifies main drain separation is measured from near point of opening to near point of opening 2005 NEC 210.12: Bedroom smoke detectors must be on Arc-fault circuit 680.26: Swimming pool equipotential bonding grid: Not required for pools built of nonconductive materials Can use mesh in concrete deck as grid THE END Thanks for pretending to listen and stay awake!