UMBC Introduction To OOP/Java and C++ CMSC 331 Shon Vick 1 UMBC Introduction Data abstraction and OOP is a style or paradigm for system development Fundamental Notions data abstraction information hiding inheritance dynamic binding 2 Terminology UMBC Class Instance – Instance Variables Class Variables An object is an identified unit which has state and behavior The state is stored in instance variables (sometimes called member variables) Message Method 3 UMBC Basic OOP Notions Java Classes are the basic language construct for creating programmer defined data types that we'll use for encoding ADTs - also provide encapsulation through the use of visibility keywords private, public, and package 4 UMBC Basic OOP Notions Java Instance variables - describe the data in abstract data types (each object instance has its own copy of the data) Class variables - describe the data in abstract data types all object instances share the value of the data (called static fields in Java) Messages request for an operation Methods implementation of a request 5 Data and Methods/Interface Public Oper1 DATA Oper2 Oper4 UMBC Private Oper3 6 Messages and Methods UMBC Request Methods Message Message1 Args Method1 Message1 Other Args Method2 Message2 Args Method3 Response 7 UMBC What’s OOP Everything is an Object A program is a bunch of objects communicating Each object has its own memory made up of other objects Every Object has a type All objects of a particular type can receive the same messages 8 Message Passing OOP UMBC Message Method Mechanism depends on language C++ Virtual Table Smalltalk Method Table 9 UMBC Support for OOP Programming in Java Derived classes - provide a mechanism for reuse via inheritance. Data members as well as methods of derived class are inherited from a base class Java supports two constructs implements and extends involving derivation Inheritance of interface compared to inheritance of implementation Differences between Java and C++ 10 UMBC OOP Notions Virtual methods - let a derived class redefines methods from a base class (overrides a method) and have the dispatch happen at runtime - this is sometimes called Dynamic binding (also called runtime or late binding as opposed to compile time or early binding) In Java/Smalltalk most binding is dynamic In C++ you have options 11 UMBC Contrast with Imperative Programming Function/Structs not Class/Methods Fundamental Data Abstract Mechanism What’s lacking? Objects do not behave like other types No encapsulation enforced Creation and Initialization are divorced 12 UMBC References ettingStarted.html ctures/Summer00/OOP/Intro_To_J ava/ 13 UMBC JAVA and C++ CMSC 331 14 UMBC Platform independence javac shibby.class dibby.class doo.class java 15 UMBC Platform independence in Java Wait… so does it mean that Java is an interpreted language ? Yes, source is compiled into bytecodes. Aren’t interpreted languages inherently slower than compiled ones ? Yes. Why you should not care so much, though: Java trades speed for platform independence safety (more on this later) Java compilers are pretty darn good anyway Still, if you’re really worried about speed, you may always use the so-called just-in-time (JIT) compilers. 16 UMBC Safe and easy to learn The first thing to note here is that these are relative terms In this talk, we’ll compare Java and C++ The general consensus is that Java is easier to learn and use than C++, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. Is Java safer than C++ ? 17 UMBC Safer than C++ ? What do we mean by “safe” anyway ? Less prone to programmer mistakes Java achieves better safety than C++ by checking every array access for out-of-bounds errors eliminating direct access to pointer operations automatically reclaiming any (heap) memory space not in use (automatic garbage collection) having a less fragile approach to multiple inheritance making every function virtual providing, generally speaking, a simpler syntax than C++ 18 No pointers ? UMBC Some people claim that Java has no pointers… Not true! All objects are accessed through references, which are automatically de-referenced pointers However, the pointer nature of these references is hidden from the programmer. Why ? Reduced errors number of pointer-related 19 UMBC Automatic garbage collection Objects are always allocated in the heap, using new, as in Foo f = new Foo(); itself is always allocated in the stack the object referenced by f is allocated in the heap recall that memory allocation in C++ is not so simple Java keeps track of how many valid references exist for each object – when an object has no more references to it, the memory space it occupies in the heap gets reclaimed No, it doesn’t mean that you may be sloppy Automatic garbage collection has pros and cons Pro: prevents many common memory allocation bugs Con: has a negative impact on your program’s efficiency f 20 UMBC C++ inheritance forces the inheritance of both data and behavior (code) That’s a very fragile approach – in order to inherit some behavior your class may have to gain some data as well, even if it’s not really needed Java solves that problem and at the same time eliminates the need for multiple inheritance by defining something called an interface No multiple inheritance ? Interfaces only define the expected behavior of a set of functions, like a contract – no data and no implementation A class may implement as many interfaces as needed Of course, regular inheritance between classes is still allowed, but a class may inherit from only one other class - no multiple class inheritance in Java 21 UMBC All (non-static) functions in Java follow a latebinding process Functions are always virtual Which function code is actually executed depends on the actual run-time type of the object on which the function is being called, not on the object’s declared type at compile time In C++, unless one declares a function to be virtual, the code to be executed is decided at compile time Thus, in Java, all (non-static) functions are virtual Late-binding is a little slower but prevents common hard-to-find bugs 22 UMBC (Almost) everything is an object Only primitive types (boolean, char, int, long, float, double) are not objects Object is the common parent of evry Classes (except Object) Function arguments are always passed by value Other differences between Java & C++ Objects are not copied – only their references are Neat solution to name collisions (packages) No separation between header and implementation No operator overloading No structs No generics (templates) and no enums (constant enumerations) until Java 2, 1.5 23 Other cool stuff UMBC Javadoc Auto-documenting your code Your comments are nicely formatted into a set of HTML pages C++ has something similar: Doxygen Swing Dynamically pluggable look-and-feel (plaf) Powerful, easy-to-use GUI toolkit 24 UMBC javadoc Extracts an interface from a class definition. May not need full blown details for AP course, but be consistent with javadoc. Comments before method headings: /** javadoc comment style. 25 */ UMBC Some Similarities between C++ and Java Simple (primitive) types: int, double, char Control Structures if-else, switch, while, for Arithmetic expressions Both have a string type: C++ string, Java String. Arrays Both have classes. Both have a "main". 26 UMBC Some Differences between C++ and Java Java has automatic garbage collection. C++ does not. C++ has operator overloading. Java does not. C++ says "function". Java says "method". 27 UMBC C++ and Java divide a program into pieces (for separate compilation) in different ways. 28 UMBC C++: Traditionally has an interface (header) file, implementation file(s), application (driver) file. C++: Can confine a program to a single file if you want. 29 UMBC Java: A compilation unit is always a class definition. Every public class is in a separate file (except for some special cases). No header files. Normally, you have no one file programs in Java. 30 UMBC More Subtle Differences C++ has pointer types. Java has no pointer types . Assignment (=) and equality comparison (==) have minor differences. C++ gives a choice of parameter types. Java: No choice of parameter types. Exception handling can be avoided in C++ Exception handling is needed for some fundamental things in Java, e.g. file I/O. 31 UMBC Java has no pointer types But Java does have "pointers". In Java class (and array) types are REFERENCE TYPES. A reference is a "pointer". All class values in Java are handled as references, but it is all automatic. In Java primitive types are just like in C++. 32 UMBC In Java a primitive type variable holds values, just as in C++. int n = 42; Java a class type variable contains a reference ("pointer") to the object (value). However, this is all automatic. There are no pointer types as such in Java. PetRecord myDog = new PetRecord("Fido", 3); Note that all class objects are created 33 dynamically. Assignment UMBC (=) and equality comparison (==) have minor differences. On primitive (simple) types, = and == are the same in C++ and Java. In Java, = and == on classes (or arrays) are comparing references ("pointers"), and you cannot overload (redefine) = and == in Java. 34 UMBC Assignment (=) and equality comparison (==) have minor differences. If (n = 0) …. In C++ this is probably an error with no error message, assuming you meant to use ==. In Java this generates a compiler error. In Java ints neither are nor can they be type cast to Booleans 35 C++: a choice of parameter types. UMBC Java: no choice of parameter types. C++: Call-by-value C++: Call-by-reference void f(int n); void f(int& n); Other C++ variants: void f(const int& n); void f(const int n); 36 C++: a choice of parameter types. UMBC Java: no choice of parameter types. Java all parameters are call-byvalue. But, it is almost like there are different parameter types for primitive types and classes. 37 Java: no choice of parameter UMBC types, but All primitive type parameters are automatically call-by-value. public void f(int n) {...} All class types are automatically something very much like call-byreference. public void f(String n) {...} 38 C++: a choice of parameter types. UMBC Java: no choice of parameter types. Java Full Story: In Java primitive types are just like in C++. In Java class (and array) types are REFERENCE TYPES. A reference is a "pointer". All class values in Java are handled as references, but it is all automatic. All parameters are call-by-value of a reference. 39 C++: a choice of parameter types. UMBC Java: no choice of parameter types. Java Full Story: In Java all parameters are call-by-value. Parameter is a local variable initialized to the value of the argument. Primitive types no surprises. Class type (local) variables hold references. Class parameters are call-by-value of a reference. 40 UMBC Java: no choice of parameter types. public void change(PetRecord r) { = "FooFoo"; } This really changes its PetRecord argument. public void change(int n) { n = 42; } This does not change its int argument. 41 UMBC Java: no choice of parameter types. public void change(int n) { n = 42; } This does not change its int argument. There is no way to write a Java method that has a parameter for an int variable and that changes the value of an argument variable. 42 There is no way to write a Java method that has a parameter for an int variable and that changes the value of an argument variable. So, how do you manage to cope? UMBC int n = computeNewValue(); OR use class objects. 43 UMBC public class Stuff { private int n; .... public void changeTheN(Stuff s) { s.n = 42; } } 44 UMBC Exception handling Can be avoided in C++ Exception handling is needed for some fundamental things in Java, e.g. file I/O. All exceptions inherent from Exception 45 UMBC Exception handling in Java Fake it with "magic formulas" approach: public class TextFileOutputDemo { public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOException { PrintWriter outputStream = new PrintWriter(…)); outputStream.println("To file"); 46 UMBC public class TextFileOutputDemo { //without magic formula: public static void main(String[] arg) { PrintWriter outputStream = null; try { outputStream = new PrintWriter( new FileOutputStream("out.txt")); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {…} 47 UMBC Style Comparison C++/Java Java uses loooong names: e.g. FileNotFoundException while C++ uses some abbreviations Java spelling conventions: ClassName, variableName, methodName, LITERAL_NAME Java has an official commenting style: javadoc 48 UMBC Questions? Wrap Up 49 UMBC Advanced Features For a good discussion of the features added in Java 1,5 see 005/cmsc132/lecs/lec35.pdf 50 UMBC References pt rC++ 51