(Microscope Lab) Histology Assignment Due by end of class. Objective: Learn histological characteristics of various tissue types. For each of the following tissues, do the following: 1. Set up the slide on the mechanical stage of the microscope. 2. Examine the slide at low, medium and high magnifications 3. Scan the slide to find a portion comparable to the photograph found in the textbook. You may need to increase or decrease the magnification. 4. On separate paper, draw & label each tissue type (2-4 illustrations per page). a. Draw what you see through the microscope, using textbook illustrations/iPad as guidelines. Tissues to draw: 1) SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM Label: basement membrane (basal lamina), cell nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, free (apical) surface 2) SKIN: STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM Label: basement membrane (basal lamina), strata (layers), cell nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, free (apical) surface, hair follicle (if present) 3) SIMPLE CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM (use Kidney section) Label: basement membrane, cell nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, free surface 4) HYALINE CARTILAGE (use TRACHEA section) Label: extracellular matrix, chondrocyte, lacuna, perichondrium 5) GROUND BONE (use cross-sections, usually indicated by X or XS, on the slide label. Do not use developing bone or metaphysis slides) Label: extracellular matrix, osteocyte, lacuna, canaliculi, haversian canal (central canal), osteon 6) BLOOD SMEAR Label: red blood cell (erythrocyte), white blood cell (leukocyte), platelet (thrombocyte) 7) SKELETAL MUSCLE Label: individual skeletal muscle cell, nuclei, striations, cytoplasm, sarcolemma (cell membrane) 8) CARDIAC MUSCLE (use longitudinal sections) Label: nuclei, striations, cytoplasm, intercalated disks 9) NEURON (use either SPINAL CORD or GIANT MOTOR NEURON sections) Label: nucleus, cytoplasm, axon, dendrite 10) SIMPLE SQUAMOUS 11) **EXTRA SLIDE (each group is different: lung, cornea, stomach, etc.)