Rome_Notebook Pages - JessicaSimo

What are cultural, political, and religious
characteristics of Ancient Rome?
How does it compare to Ancient Greece?
Warm Up: Geography of Italy Reading and
Guiding Questions
Read the selection and fill in guide.
WIO: Ancient Greece and Rome Comparison
Use a Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast
these two civilizations. Need at least 4 FACTS in
each category.
3.4.13 B
Rome Web Quest
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HW-Rome Vocab
2. Rome Web Quest using BYOT
3. Class Discussion
4. WIO
Homework: Draw at least 3 images
describing your findings about Rome. Use
Color! Put on web quest or on p. 92 in NB
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in NEAR
Page 91
Page 92
What are cultural, political, and geographical
characteristics of Ancient Rome?
How does it compare to Ancient Greece?
Warm Up: Greece Test Unit Tracker
WIO: Ancient Greece and Rome Comparison
Use a Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast
these two civilizations. Need at least 4 FACTS in
each category.
3.6.13 B
Rome Web Quest
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HW-Rome Vocab
2. Rome Web Quest using BYOT
3. Class Discussion
4. WIO
Homework: Complete the TAKE-HOME QUIZ
using ONLY the Web Quest Answer Sheet
from class.
*Do not use a friend at all. 
*This will be collected for a grade!
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in NEAR
Page 91
Same Pages as Last Class
Page 92
How do military and political conflicts and
conquests create a powerful Roman Empire?
3.12.13 B
Roman Empire Expansion
Warm Up: Map of Roman Empire
Using map of Roman Empire displayed on board,
color in the regions of the Roman Empire at the
two different time periods on your map of the
Mediterranean world
WIO: Cause and Effect Chart on Roman
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HW-Punic Wars
Reading. (p. 94)
2. Classzone on Roman Empire
Expansion- Fill in Notes
3. Roman Empire Mapping ActivityPair Work
4. WIO
5. Class Discussion
Homework: Complete Readings and
Questions for Patricians and Plebeians
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in NEAR
Page 93
Page 94
How has Rome contributed to US
government today?
3.14.13 B
Roman Government Notes
Warm Up: Read quote and answer questions in
complete sentences.
“I came, I saw, I conquered.” Julius Caesar
1) What do you think the quote means?
2) How can this apply to something in your
WIO: Roman Republic and US government TChart
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HWPlebian/Partisan Reading
2. Roman Republic Notes from PPT
3. Brain Pop Videos for review
-Vocabulary Matching
4. WIO
Homework: Background , Pic, and status
update ONLY of Roman Person Facebook
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in NEAR
Page 95
Page 96
3.18.13 B
How do technological developments impact
the growth or decline of a civilization?
Roman Facebook Notes
Warm Up: WIO from last class- Comparing US
and Roman Government.
List 3 comparisons items for each.
WIO: Write at least one INTERESTING fact for
each topic on the MANKIND viewing guide.
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HW-Facebook
Profile Part 1
2. “Mankind”- Rome with viewing
guide and interest discussions
3. Roman Contributions Poster
4. Class Presentation of Posters
Homework: Finish Facebook Page:
Comments, groups, friends sections. Pick
one of the 4 Key People (Constantine, Julius
Caesar, Hannibal, or Spartacus)
*Template is on Wiki
* Use my info sheets and/or research for
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in NEAR
Page 97
Page 98
How did both internal and external factors
lead to the fall of the Roman Empire?
3.18.13 B
Fall of Rome Notes and Causes Chart
Warm Up: Causes for the Fall of Rome
PREDICT possible reasons for the fall or collapse.
Brainstorm at least 3 specific reasons.
WIO: Ancient Rome 3-2-1
3- things you know about Ancient Rome
2- things you are interested in
1- question or thing you are still confused about.
Ticket Out the Door!
Page 99
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HW-Facebook
2. Gallery Walk to view Facebook
3. “Fall of Rome”
viewing guide
4. Causes for Fall of Rome Chart
5. Class Discussion
6. WIO
Homework: Study for Quiz on Ancient
Rome. Study pages 91-100!!
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in
Page 100
How do the Ancient Roman leaders and society
influence the beginnings of Christianity?
Warm Up: Read quotes about Christianity in the
Roman Empire and answer the questions from
the primary source.
WIO: Christianity Web
3.22.13 B
Christianity in the Roman Empire
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up
2. Rome Quiz
3. Christianity and Christianity in the
Roman Empire Reading and
Question Sets
4. Class Discussion
5. WIO
Homework: Constantine and Christianity
Reading. Put on P. 103 in NB
*Chunk text
*Answer questions
Missing work and corrections Due Thursday!
**Prepare for a potential Notebook Check in
Page 101
Page 102
How have the major religions in history
impacted their respective cultures and how
do they compare to each other?
Warm Up: Sorting Religions Activity.
Given a list of the major world religions, sort them into
categories based on your background knowledge and
in how they can relate or be similar to each other.
Sort: Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism,
Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
WIO: What are some common features of the 4
major religions that you read about today? 5-8
sentence paragraph response
3.26.13 B
World Religions Webs
Class Work:
1. Warm-Up/Check HW- Christianity
and Constantine Reading (p. 102)
2. World Religions Centers Activity
3. Class Discussion
4. WIO
5. Explain HW
Homework: STUDY for Ancient Rome and
World Religions Test! P. 91-104!
*Optional: complete review guide to help
you review key terms
Page 103
Page 104