Special Funds - East Carolina University

Mail Stop 203
East Carolina University
3800 E. 10th St. 2nd Floor
Anne Jenkins, Associate Vice Chancellor
Sherrilyn Johnson, Financial Director
David Price, Director Financial Reporting
The electronic Journal Voucher Entry (JVE)
process originated with the ECU Budget Office for
state fund budget transfers and has been
successful as a processing and approval method.
Using this process campus wide will:
◦ Streamline the JVE approval process and provide
◦ Drastically reduce processing time
◦ Allow for more efficient and accurate data entry
The electronic JVE process must be followed
correctly in order for entries to be accepted and
processed in a timely manner. The Banner Journal
Voucher Entry instructions have been updated on
the Financial Services website.
The approval process remains the same. You will
just be using email rather than campus mail to
route your JVEs.
To prevent duplication:
◦ No paper copies should be submitted.
◦ DO NOT “Cc” any of the accounting offices on your
e-mails. We want it coming to our inbox only one time.
Prepare the JVE in the provided Excel format. Type
your phone number, the date, and your name on
the “Prepared By” line. Save the excel file version
of your journal entry.
Gather supporting documentation for the entry
(ex. a Banner screen print, a copy of an invoice, an
email trail, a report, etc.). You will need to scan
this information into your computer as well.
Electronic Journal Voucher Entry Form
Determine the appropriate approver(s)
◦ In order for the entry to be processed, at least one
approver must have Delegation of Authority for the
ORGN being debited
Attach the JVE (as an Excel file) along with any
supporting documentation and send via email to
the appropriate approver.
◦ If the JVE needs approval from more than one individual
in the department/college, give instructions in the email
to the first approver to let him/her know who the JVE
should be routed to next.
◦ DO NOT “Cc” any of the accounting offices on your e-mails.
When you receive the email from the preparer,
review the Excel file and the supporting
documentation attached.
Click “forward” and type that you approve in the
body of the email. If changes are needed:
◦ Return the entry to the preparer for editing or
◦ Select “forward,” open the Excel file, enable editing, and
make the change. Close the Excel file and select “save”
when prompted.
Send the email to the next approver or, if you are
the final approver, send to the Accounting Office
receiving the Credit.
Banner Fund
Begins With:
Accounting Office
State Accounts
Email Address
12, 14, 23, 24, 25, 27,
310, 311, 312, 316, 317,
Institutional Trust Funds 2E, 6C, 6R, 6Z
Grants & Contracts
21, 159
ECU Foundation
ECU Medical Foundation M
Alumni Association