…….WRESTLE-MANIA……. PROBLEM STATEMENT:The aim of participating team is to construct a robot to eliminate the opponent by either immobilizing it or by pushing it out of the arena. Arena:- The arena is a circular area of radius 3 feet.Each team is allotted one half of the arena divided along its diameter. Positions were also marked for placing robots. Arena has two pits for negative marking. Rules:1. Maximum team size: 4 members per team. 2. The robot must not cause any damage to the arena. If it happens, the team would be disqualified. 3. Time: Total time is divided into 2 halves of 2.5 minutes (Qualifying)3.5 minutes (Finals) 4. At any point of the match, participant cannot touch their robot. 5. No damage should be cause to the opponent’s robot on arena. 6. Maximum two time outs of about 60 seconds will be allowed, points shall be deducted for doing so. 7. A BOT will be declared KNOCKED-OUT, if it is unable to move 2 inches in 15 seconds. 8. In case the match ends with no result, then any type of tiebreaker round arranged by judge or agrresion will be counted for judgement. 9. The participants will be provided with 220 Volts, 50Hz standard AC supply. Participants will have to themselves arrange for any other power supply. 10. Aggression of robots will be considered for points. 11. Size of robot do not exceed maximum size limit any time during commencement of event. 12. Length of Wire should be at least 5m. Electric point will be given to both teams. 13. The competitions will be on knock-out basis. 14. The decision of judgment team is final. Robot Specification:1. The robot(s) may be of wired or non-wired type but should be manually controlled. 2. Robot(s) do not exceed 30cm x 30cm x 30cm at any time during commencement of event. 3. In case of wired robots, wires should remain slacked. 4. Wires should be properly insulated. 5. Weights of robot do not exceed 5kg. 6. Ac motors are not allowed. 7. Dc voltage does not exceed 12volts at any point. 8. Use of Lego kits and readymade bases is strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification of team. Readymade gear boxes may be used. 9. In case of radio controlled robots, the ROBOTIX team will not be responsible for any interference. Participants will have to tune it into suitable frequency of their own. Registration fee:- 200 rs. per Team 1. CASSIPEON WARS INTRODUCTION:It will be brutal. It will be vicious. Gears will grind and sparks will fly, much more is at stake as the robots battle it out in a bid to be the best. These messengers of destruction will duel for honour and denomination with pneumatic pincers, weedy axes, chain saw tails, hurling maces, flamethrowers and loads more. Get ready to feel the chills and shivers down your spine. Get ready to listen to the deafening alarm of annihilation. Get ready to be a part of Robowars. TASK:Design and construct a wired/wireless robot proficient in fighting a one-on-one battle. SPECIFICATIONS:1. The machine should fit in a box of 750*750*1000 (ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN mm) at any point of time during the match. 2. The machine should not exceed 40kg (60kg with battery on-board). 3. The robot should have either wheels or tracks for moving around. Jumping or hopping is not allowed. 4. The robot which are controlled by wires, their wires should remain slack and should be properly insulated. Loose connections or improper wiring and using the wire for pushing or pulling would lead to immediate disqualification. 5. Length of the wires should be at least 5 metre. 6. Only 1 remote is allowed. BATTERY AND POWER:1. AC power source will be provided. 2. Electric voltage b/w any 2 points should be less than or equal to 18V (DC). 3. IC engine is not allowed. 4. AC voltage has to be converted to DC before using it. 5. Battery terminals should be protected from a direct short, failure to do so will cause direct disqualification. WEAPONS:1. The robot may have weapons like cutters, flippers, saws, lifting devices. 2. The following weapons are strictly prohibited a) Liquid projectiles, b) Inflammable liquid, c) Flame-based weapons, d) Nets, tape, glue, e) Electromagnets. 3. In no case should the arena or any person be damaged by the robot. TEAM STRUCTURE:1. A team can have a maximum of 6 members. 2. Students from separate semester, branches and college may participate together as the members of a team. CRITERIA FOR VICTORY:- 1. A robot is declared victorious if its opponent is immobilized. 2. A robot will be declared immobile if it cannot display linear motion of at least one inch in a timed period of 30 seconds. A bot with one side of its drive train disabled will not be counted out if it can demonstrate some degree of controlled movement. In case both the robots remain mobile after the end of the round then the winner will be decided subjectively. 3. A robot that is deemed unsafe by the judges after the match has begun will be disqualified and therefore declared the loser. The match will be immediately halted and the opponent will be awarded a win. 4. If a robot is thrown out of the arena the match will stop immediately, and the robot still inside the arena will automatically be declared as the winner. 5. Robots cannot win by pinning or lifting their opponents. Organizers will allow pinning or lifting for a maximum of 20 seconds per pin/lift then the attacker robot will be instructed to release the opponent. If, after being instructed to do so, the attacker is able to release but does not, their robot may be disqualified. If two or more robots become entangled or a crushing or gripping weapon is employed and becomes trapped within another robot, then the competitors should make the timekeeper aware, the fight should be stopped and the robots separated by the safest means. 6. Points will be given on the basis of aggression, damage, control and strategy. Aggression – Aggression is judged by the frequency, severity, boldness and effectiveness of attacks deliberately initiated by the robot against its opponent. If a robot appears to have accidentally attacked an opponent, that act will not be considered Aggression. Control – Control means a robot is able to attack an opponent at its weakest point, use its weapons in the most effective way, and minimize the damage caused by the opponent or its weapons. Damage – Through deliberate action, a robot either directly or indirectly reduces the functionality, effectiveness or defensibility of an opponent. Damage is not considered relevant if a robot inadvertently harms itself. Also, if a pressure vessel or a rapidly spinning device on a robot fragments, any damage to the opponent will not be considered "deliberate". Strategy – The robot exhibits a combat plan that exploits the robot's strengths against the weaknesses of its opponent. Strategy is also defined as a robot exhibiting a deliberate defence plan that guards its weaknesses against the strengths of the opponent. NOTE: Qualification of a robot to next level is subjective and totally on the decision of the judges. A robot winning in a round against its opponent doesn’t guarantee its entrance into the next round. If the judges found the winner robot incompetent to enter into the next round, it may get disqualified. Judges can disqualify both the robots of a match from advancing to the next round. All the decisions taken by the judge will be final and binding to all. Any queries afterwards will not be entertained. ARENA:- The arena dimensions are 3m*3m. REGISTRATION:- Registration Fees - Rs.600/- per team 2. RUSH ALONG INTRODUCTION:“More speed, more power with minimum time” Design a manually controlled ROBOT that has capacity to cover maximum distance in shortest possible time, challenging the hurdles and be one of the best opponents. Think your robot can overcome any obstacle-big or small in the least of time. If so get it on the track and let the game begin. And bear in mind that maximizing RPM does not make you winner but winners are those who have good presence of mind, sharpness and practice. ROBOT SPECIFICATIONS:1) The maximum dimension of the robot can be 30 x 30 cm (l x b). 2) The robot may be wired or wireless. 3) The length of the wire (for wired bots) should be long enough to cover the whole track and wire should remain slack during the complete run. 4) Max weight must not exceed 5 kg. 5) The power supply will be provided maximum up to 24Volt. 6) Readymade toys car are not allowed. PHASES IN THE EVENT:1) The competition is based on time trail system. There will a qualifying round for each team. 2) The top team from qualifying round makes it to the final round on basis of time trials. 3) Three hand touches are allowed with penalty of 10 seconds. For each hand touch, penalty time will be added further to overall time required by robot for completion of specified round. 4) If any of the robots starts off before start up call, the counter would be restated and the machines will get a second chance. If repeated again then team will be disqualified. 5) Your robot must be ready when call is made for your team. 6) Decision about your robot will be taken by the organizers. RULES AND REGULATIONS:1) Robot should be as per the given specifications. 2) Each team can have maximum four members. Students from different institutes can form a team. 3) Each member of the team must contain the identity card of his/her respected institute. 4) Unethical behaviour could lead to disqualification. Faculty-coordinators have all the rights to take final decision for any matter during the event. 5) Judge's decision will be considered final. ARENA:- REGISTRATION:Registration Fees - Rs.200/- only per team. 3. GRID WARRIOR INTRODUCTION:He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader. This basic robot has to follow the black line on the background, taking the right turns. The follower has to complete the race without losing the line. Each team gets one chance, and the team which finishes the race accurately in the least time wins. ROBOT SPECIFICATIONS:Teams have to build an autonomous line follower which can follow a black line on a white surface. 1) Max dimension: 30*30*30 cm^3 2) Lines will be 1” (One inch) thick all around. 3) All turns will be greater than 90 degrees. 4) Bots will start at the START mark and stop after the crossing or detecting the 2nd perpendicular black line (labelled in the illustration). 5) Maximum number of participants per team is 3. 6) The participants will be provided with 220volt, 50 hz Standard AC supply. PHASES IN THE EVENT:1) The competition is based on time trail system. There will a qualifying round for each team. 2) The top team from qualifying round makes it to the final round on basis of time trials. 3) Three hand touches are allowed with penalty of 10 seconds. For each hand touch, penalty time will be added further to overall time required by robot for completion of specified round. 4) If any of the robots starts off before start up call, the counter would be restated and the machines will get a second chance. If repeated again then team will be disqualified. 5) Your robot must be ready when call is made for your team. 6) Decision about your robot will be taken by the organizers. 7) All about final round will be notified on the final day. RULES AND REGULATIONS:1) Robot should be as per the given specifications. 2) Each team can have maximum four members. Students from different institutes can form a team. 3) Each member of the team must contain the identity card of his/her respected institute. 4) Unethical behaviour could lead to disqualification. Faculty-coordinators have all the rights to take final decision for any matter during the event. 5) Judge's decision will be considered final. ARENA:- REGISTRATION:Registration Fees - Rs.200/- only per team