Stadium Communities Inc.

“The Industry of Building Fine Brokered PATENT ‘Ag’ Cities” ’©®™sm
(Patent Applied for, September 11, 2002)
‘Back-to-the-Basics-City-Movement’ ’©®™sm
Copyright Registered Trademark Servicemark
Donald Dean Carlson, Inventor…
‘The Stadium Communities’ ’©®™sm, Inc.
Monterey, Ca. 93942-1468
My Family
Research Librarians
Investors Who Can and Do, Now.
‘The Industry of Building Brokered PATENT Ag Cities ’©®™sm
‘Back-to-the-Basics-City-Movement ’©®™sm
“Building New ‘PATENT’ ‘Ag’ Cities Defining…
(Patent Applied for…)
Corporate Provisions…
‘The Stadium Communities’, Inc. provides comprehensive master-planning,
chartering and incorporation services to existing cities which may or may
not be incorporated chartered in the formal/state sense and new city-sites as
determined by ‘The Stadium Communities’, Inc. Research for each
proposed or existing city = “A Univer’City’ in Miniature” ’©®™sm i.e.
“The Univer’City’ of Carmel” ’©®™sm
Our Research and provides this comprehensive service…
“New PATENT ‘Ag’ Cities” ’©®™sm defining…
The ‘NEW MARKET ECONOMY ‘ ” ’©®™sm
(Letter of Patent Applied for…
U.S. Department of Commerce
September 11, 2002)
• Governance
• Residential
• Education
• Architecture
• Business
The Stadium Communities’ corporate design in research represents the best as foreseen by our
nations founders who foresaw the great need in ‘environmental determinism’ (even though the
statement may not have been known to them) – determining in 1776 an opportune time to secularize
the governance; business and religious concerns of the society into a healthy civil climate.
In California a national concept has emerged called ‘urban sprawl.’ In California a new national
concept is emerging…
‘Cap-Cities ’©®™sm
(‘In California…’ As California goes so goes the nation…
or ‘In California, Life as it can be’)
The need for corporately-designed ‘Cap Cities’ ’©®™sm
is evident. No ‘Distintive-City-Deliniations’ ’©®™sm
make for an unidentifiable future. =
“New Fine PATENT’Ag’ Cities” ’©®™sm
The ‘NEW MARKET ECONOMY ‘ ” ’©®™sm
(Letter of Patent Applied for, U.S. Department of Commerce, September 11, 2002)
Reflecting Western Civilization…
A families’ economic status need not be reflected in the home whether it
be a cottage or castle. Why not allow the millionaire the choice to select
such? = …
‘The Neighborhood’ = fond memories. ‘Cities’ are cool but it is ‘The
Neighborhood’ which influences us the most.
It is always ‘…a lovely day in the neighborhood’, thanks to Mr. Rogers
and when the neighborhood reflects the
‘The Eclectic Fullness of Economics and Ethnicity’©®™sm
This is the best in architectural expressions so chosen.
As addressed correctly we set aside the typical urban neighborhood
planning re. ‘sameness’ – structures reflecting one economic
status/code BORING!!
Diversity is always the best. Differences attract.
= Eclectic-Planning –
‘Always the Best from TheCottage to Castle ’©®™sm
RESIDENTIAL (continued)
e·clec·tic adj.
Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles: an
eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy.
Made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources: “a popular bar patronized by
an eclectic collection of artists, writers, secretaries and aging soldiers on reserve duty”
(Curtis Wilkie).
Every neighborhood is complete in itself re. the mores of the city-at-large so chosen.
mo·res P Pronunciation Key (môrz, -z, mr-)
The accepted traditional customs and usages of a particular social group.
Moral attitudes.
Manners; ways.
“You think education is expensive try ignorance!” Derek Bok, Harvard
‘THE STADIUM COMMUNITIES’, ’©®™sm INC. educational systems not only expect and
encourage the best for our..
‘Intentionally-Educated’ ’©®™sm
citizenry but this provision is made re. our …
All Public Distinctively Complete Educational Systems = …
‘Tailored Education ’©®™sm
from publicly-sanctioned and encouraged Home Schooling to the University…
‘City-Class ’©®™sm Universities
‘’The Univer’City’ of Carmel” ’©®™sm “The Univer’City’ of Oakland” ’©®™sm
“The Univer’City’ of Chualar” ’©®™sm “The University of Fort Ord” ’©®™sm
EDUCATION (continued)
The ‘Home-Schooled’ has access to all science labs, the arts, and
athletics at the parents discretion and school administrations
President Lincoln exemplifies the home-schooled child. While not his
chosen avenue to education but this gentleman succeeded in his public
service beautifully and surely each generation has the ‘Lincolns’
‘Washingtons’ ‘Franklins’ ‘Jefferson’ ‘Adams’ ‘Hamiltons’ ‘Gates’, etc..
This is the educators responsibility to identify and cultivate each citizenstudent according to their genetic and home-environs – to be all they
can be, educationally identify on interest shown.
It may be well worth the public’s investment to employ the family to
school their child at home. Some student-citizens, in their path to
education, just do not behaviorally ‘fit’ the public classroom setting.
The corporation provides the financial employment for them to be
schooled in the home for as long as the parents and administration
deem necessary.
Education (continued)
‘The Stadium Communities’ ’©®™sm high schools, ‘The Teen Villages ’©®™sm …
‘Cities in Miniature’ ’©®™sm
model the California Middle College concept on the high school campus.
The student begins college their junior year in school on a 640 acre setting = the provision to learn ‘city’ in
‘The High School Academy-Village’ ’©®™sm .
At graduation ‘The Stadium Communities’ ’©®™sm , Inc. chartered-city high school student graduates
have both their high school diploma and their Community College Associate of Arts Degree = their
Junior and Senior years with the college; forty-percent less time in the classroom.
In this setting the Junior and Senior students are introduced to the Arts, Athletics, and Commerce. Our
high-schools raise the bar for the students’ future. We encourage but see no great need for the highschool graduate to enter college right out of high school. Through their commercial endeavors, as
begun in their Teen Village, they may just be ready for a financially successful life right out of high
As financed through their commercial success they then pursue the academic in
‘The Stadium Communities’, ’©®™sm Inc. chartered cities..
‘City-Class ’©®™sm
“The Univer’City’ “ of Carmel” ’©®™sm
provides lifelong learning programs and degrees of the resident students choice. in the …
‘Stadium Communities’ ’©®™sm , Inc.
Chartered Cities ’©®™sm
As based on a national ethnicity…
‘Carmel, California, Inc’ ’©®™sm
The United States of America
December 7, 2002
(American / Swedish)
Whether it be the residential, business, or educational venues – all distinctive areas of the city are
given their distinctive architectural ambiance as desired. The working out of this policy opens
doors not previously opened in California.
For example; the beautiful classic ‘California Bungalow’ – a cottage appearance now a
distinctive California architectural contribution. With ‘Carmel, California, Inc.’ ’©®™sm The
Stadium Communities’…
“New Fine PATENT ‘Ag’ Cities” ’©®™sm defining…
“The ‘NEW MARKET ECONOMY ‘ ” ’©®™sm
for its core ‘Stadium Community’ center and neighborhood planning as an ‘ag’ city we bring the
Swedish ambiance to this historically significant city both past and present.
Architecture (continued)
Of course, we do not limit our city-building to western civilization but it is fair to
say the European influence inaugurated our country as we now know it.
Included in this immediate plan/path for one of our projected fifty California cities
is a city outside the European ethnicity…
‘American/Persian’ ’©®™sm
(Origin of ‘Cities’)
Land of The Kings.. “We three kings of orient are..”
city. Site to be chosen.
As the focus for business and governance each stadium architecturally reflects the
designated national culture. You may note the corporate logos, as designed by
Mark Vinson, AIA, expresses the most well-known and copied stadium ‘The
Roman Coliseum’. Our stadium/business/governance complexes = …
‘The Complete Stadium Community’ ’©®™sm
President Abraham Lincoln recognized the value and
relevance of the business community to our nations wellbeing. The business enterprises were and are the economic
wherewithal for our realization and provision from and of
our declaration of independence from monarchial rule =
secularize the first nation - America.
President Lincoln called on the business community to
under- gird his valid perception of these founders to hold
our country together to war successfully.
These entrepreneurs answered the presidents call to hold
our country together when threatened with dissolution.
Thus, …
‘The United States of America’, Inc.
Business (continued)
A corporate call now goes out to the California Business Community to assist in defining…
‘The New Market Economy ’©®™sm
which as defined stabilizes our economy through home ownership, education, employment
and governance.
We have the future to serve. The business community leads the way in one of our fifty
“Patent ‘Ag’ Cities” ’©®™sm here in California preparing us corporately to go east – east
of the Mississippi River to build our cities for those citizen-owners who have decided
not to relocate to California.
Two-thirds of the nations population and all supporting services in city-living are east of the
Mississippi on one-third of the land mass.
Chicago is scheduled for the corporate headquarters. Our work here in California prepares
the company for this move.
The building of…
“New Cities Defining ‘The New Market Economy’ “’©®™sm
with the BUSINESS-feasible considerations of our concept of city-living.
‘The Stadium Communities’ ’©®™sm ,Inc.
• cap·i·tal·i·za·tion
p -tl- -z sh n)
P Pronunciation Key (k
– The practice or act of capitalizing.
– The sum that results from capitalizing.
– The amounts and types of long-term financing used
by a firm, including common stock, preferred stock,
retained earnings, and long-term debt.
– The total par value or stated value of no-par capital
stock issues.
• Credits:
Developed and Marketed
by the corporate…
‘The California Securities Exchange’
Developed and Marketed
‘The California Securities Exchange’ ’©®™sm
The Capitalization ...
The Carmel Company ’©®™sm
‘Carmel, California, Inc.’ ’©®™sm
‘A Charter Stadium Communities’ City ’©®™sm
Processing ...
Master Planning
‘The Central Valley/Gold Country
‘Antelope Valley’
‘Salinas Valley’
‘Carmel Valley’
‘Pajaro Valley’
Etc. etc. etc. …
‘The City of SanFrancisco, East’ ’©®™sm
Corporate Time Lines
1993 Introduced to Fred Anderson, Owner...
‘The Gold Miners’
CFL Football Team, Sacramento
1995 Summer of, Illinois State University, Normal Illinois, ‘Thesis’
1998 Incorporation, State of California Reg. #2112842
2000 S-1 Disclosure, Securities & Exchange Commission
Registration ‘Stock Issue Number 33360592
2002 U.S. Department of Commerce, Patent Office
‘September 11, Letter of Patent Application’
Serial Number 10-1284-496
August 28, 2003 Corporate & Exchange Relocation Transition
Monterey County, California
The Accredited Investor
‘Founding Families’
Engagement (continued)
‘Founding Families’
(Developing & Marketing...
Corporate Financial Instruments for one client…
‘The Stadium Communities’ ’©®™sm , Inc.)
‘Family Blood-Lines’ Ownership of Exchange
(Keeping the American Family Together through…
Business & Economics)
‘The California Securities Exchange ’©®™sm
“Builder of Fine ‘PATENT ‘Ag’ Cities” ’©®™sm
Defining ‘The NEW MARKET ECONOMY’ ©®™sm
Number of Seats/Positions: No limit…
Cost: Two-Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars Deposit Each
Toward Portfolio Capitalization: …
One.Two Billion Dollars Each
Exchange Ownership Benefits...
1. Floor trading
2. ‘Member’ Board of Governors
3. Corporate Commissioner re. ...
Corporate Representation for our First Fifty (50)
cities/twelve (12) corporate commissioners for each...
‘Stadium Communities Commissioned City’ ’©®™sm
‘Corporate Commission Number
‘Carmel, California, Inc.’ ’©®™sm
The United States of America
(December 7, 2002)
Number ‘One’
‘The Carmel Company’ ’©®™sm
‘The Carmel Securities Exchange’ ’©®™sm
‘The California Securities Exchange ©®™
White Paper…
The Corporate IPO’s
‘The Industry of Building Cities’ ’©®™sm
Underwriter’s Schedule ‘D’
Schedule ‘D’
Underwriting, Research, Initiating Expense
S-1 Disclosure - The Securities & Exchange
Commission (SEC)
Number of Shares: One Million (1,000,000)
Cost: Five ($5.00) dollars each
Type: Common – Counsel…
Minimum Purchase: 15,000 shares/$75,000.00)
Capitalization: Five-million Dollars ($5,000,000.00)
SEC Registration Number
Two-million Dollar Stock Registration
Assigned to ‘The California Securities Exchange’ ’©®™sm =
Internally/Corporately/Privately Transacted…=
‘Stadium Communities’,
Number of Shares; 40,000
Cost: Fifty-Dollars ($50.00) each
Type: Preferred = ‘Authors’…
(voting – Board of Directors -Commissioners)
Minimum Purchase: 1,500 shares
Capitalization: $2,000,000.00
‘Stadium Communities’, Inc.
Issue Number One
Number of Shares: 80,000,000
Cost: Fifteen-Dollars ($15.00)
Type: Common (no voting rights)
Minimum Purchase: 5,000 shares ($75,000.00)
Capitalization: One.two billion dollars
‘CaliforniaSecurities Exchange’ ©®™sm
Number of Seats – Unlimited…
Cost: Two-Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars each
Duration: Perpetuity
Each Member Portfolio Capitalization: One.two Billion Dollars
To expedite…
Information Received
Kindly respond.
Sincere Regards,
Donald Dean Carlson, Inventor/Underwriter...
‘The Stadium Communities’ ©®™
, Inc.
“Builder of Fine ‘PATENT’ ‘Ag’ Cities” ©®™
Corporate Intellectual Property
Donald Dean Carlson, Inventor &
Founding President…
‘The California Securities Exchange’
©®™sm Copyright Registered Trademark Servicemark
April 15, 2003
Berkeley, California
Kindly Remember the ‘Time Lines’ for..
this Business Engagement…
Information Received
Thank you
Do you have any questions?
Constitution ©®™
Secretary of State
State of California Board of Corporations
Domestic Stock Corporation
Registration Number 2112842
Employer Identification Number 330811065
©®™ Copyright Registered Trademark, June 30, 1998
'The Stadium Communities’ ©®™sm, Inc.
(Added to document as filed June 30, 1998)
Components/Purpose to satisfy our Investment Team that we know the value of
a corporate infrastructure to ensure the maxim -"Money handled properly flows“
This we do correctly.
Corporate 'Infrastructure': Definition: n "A substructure or underlying foundation;
esp., the basic installation and facilities on which the continuance and
growth of a community, state, etc., depend, as roads, schools, power plants,
transportation, and communication systems, etc."
Webster's New World Dictionary of American English, '88
copyright 1988 Simon & Schuster, Third College Edition
='The Stadium Communities’ ©®™sm, Inc.
“Patterns to Fly
Paths to Walk
Rails to Ride
Avenues to Drive” ©®™sm
= “The Creation of Fine-Custom- PATENT ‘Ag’ Cities” ©®™sm
Introductory Phase
To meet our corporate objective to properly build and rebuild California/America will
necessitate proper funding = correct approach = plan the work and work the plan for
the social benefit of cities properly planned and executed.
'The Stadium Communities’ ©®™sm Inc. is aware of the great civil need of addressing 'city
life' realizing the city as the host to civilizations past and for our state/country civilization future.
By addressing city life in this fashion we secure the best for our citizens re. the
infrastructure for our corporation as developed in our Research & Development/ a
‘University in Miniature' ©®™sm
The history of The United States is that of the history of the immigrant. Thus, we have
and continue to be the 'broker' of western civilization welcoming the next new citizens
re. Our entry cities here in California…
‘The New California Mission Immigrant Entry City’ ©®™sm
‘As such we build new cities for the new immigrant from the thirty-plus European
countries with our concentration for building our cities in California's - The Central
Valley/Gold Country = securing our state's agricultural assest re. Our reinstituting the
family farm in the valley with our new cities in the foothills on both sides of the valley.
(All citizens-of-the-world again invited
to the 'table' of America as modeled in …
‘The New California Mission Immigrant Entry City’ ©®™sm
Article I
A simple majority of investors @each board meeting determines business
decisions. 'Proxy' voting is accepted but not advised. It is best for board
members to enter in the discussion time prior to each vote or those
choosing to vote by mail may enter any of their concerns into the record in
writing or email.
Each 75,000 dollar investment secures one of sixty such board positions.
Commissioner(s) are selected with twelve commissions with five board
members each = a working Board of Directors. Commission decisions are
binding business decisions. Should there be decisions by different
commissions in seeming conflict the President, Director of R&D, and current
board chairperson will work out the differences to the resolve/satisfaction of
all commissioners.
Institutions select their representative for each year's investment of
$75,000.00 through registration of the representative with the secretary.
C. Voting: Secret Ballot or Show of Hands; depending on the delicacy of the
business decision as decided by chairperson
Article I
A. Business Meetings follow 'Robert's Rules of Order'
1. Chairpersons are elected @the beginning of each meeting = give many
leadership experience
2. Agenda is determined by all board members as submitted to the
secretary to distribute to all investor/members @least 30 days before the
3. Officers - Donald Dean Carlson/Principal Defers Business Decisions to
The Board of Directors and elected 'Interim Corporate Officers as elected by
The Board of Directors with the 'Thesis' being the guide. (see Appendix 'A')
4. The 'interim' phase ends as agreed upon by The Research &
Development Department and The Board of Directors before the
implementation re. Phase I.
B. Quorum: Donald Dean Carlson, being the Principal/Owner ‘Inventor’, i.e.
51% of the investments being apportioned to The Research & Development
of which Mr. Carlson heads; is the 'quorum'.
Constitution (continued)
Should the Research & Development determine an action/path be detrimental/
deleterious to the success of the corporation; any board or officer decision may
be put on 'hold/pause' until the proposed decision is fully reviewed by a full
session of R&D, The Board of Directors, and all Officers. The final decision of
such a session rests with R&D. Should the situation arise where Mr. Carlson
disagrees with R&D, The Board of Directors, and the officers re. any decision
he deems detrimental to the work of the corporation and a preponderance of
the investors @large agree with all but Mr. Carlson - Mr. Carlson will @that
time submit a portion of his 51% of the stock to The Board of Directors for
purchase = he would then not be head of R&D = the organization functions as
designed but not with Mr. Carlson's direct leadership.
Constitution (continued)
Article II
Corporate Officers
As determined in Research & Development, approved by The Board of
Directors, and implemented by the corporate officer team = any number of
executive officers; One President with any number of vice-presidents as
determined and selected by The President
Article III
As needed and as determined by Research & Development.
Approved by a two-thirds majority re. The Board of Directors; Investors
@large; and Officers in total.
Phase I will be entered in as The Introductory Phase is completed to the
satisfaction of @least a two-thirds majority re. The Board of Directors;
Investors @large; and Officers in total.
(Executive Summary)
A Private Development Agency Building New
and Reconstructuring Old Cities
The United States of America has been at war or on a war-footing forever especially the last eighty
plus years. There is no benefit of war other than, of course, to protect what we consider to be
most valuable, that is our nation, America-- beautiful beautiful America. Our more modern
expressions of war, i.e. 'War on Poverty' 'Korean War' 'Vietnam War' 'Gulf War' and now the 'War
on Terrorism' are 'police actions' = while on a war-footing not an encompassing focus.
Our focus is being recovered as we regain our stability from the September 11 attacks on 'The World
Trade Center' and the Pentagon. Focus we must and not lose our distinctives re. intent and
origins of our nations founding. Quite a task but we can and we will. In this context WE DO THE
During this time it is fair to say that we have neglected much of what our nation has been established
to promote; a constitutional secular democracy. As President Lincoln so aptly stated,
"The last best hope of the world."
While in this war setting, our national social well-being in Economics, Employment, Education,
Environment, and Esthetics, have not had the proper attention in which to flourish. Now that we
are no longer in or at war, the 'cold' war is no more; we can now address in business and
economics what makes us so appealing as a nation to others from around the world defining 'The
New Market Economy'©™
Choosing a symbol for our cities, we choose The Statue of Liberty 'The Lady'. Our new cities are as
open as our nation has been to those who want to live here and improve their quality of life in one
Thesis (continued)
Thus, we believe the best manner in which to fully address our country's future business and
economic needs at this time is build new cities around an older community, i.e. Watsonville,
Laguna Beach, and Oakland, California, and Kewanee, Illinois, and new cities 'San Francisco,
East'©™ and 'Shingle Springs, California'©™; and others, now.
Building new cities is nothing new but for our country what we do is avante garde. Our corporate
chartering and reconstruction prowess speaks volumes in the restoration/renewing of a city.
Now is the best time in which to address such an opportunity and in most respects - such a great
Being an 'open' society - one in which we have the constitutional guarantees in association--we
believe through the implementation of building new cities with-'THE STADIUM COMMUNITIES, Inc.' ©®™sm
we provide the fresh choice in city living for this and future generations.
?: "What would the world be like without America?" ©®™sm We do have a destiny = a destination
country for our friends from around the world who want to join the 'party' …"America"
© Copyright/Trademarked THE STADIUM COMMUNITIES, Inc.
July, 1995(5755) Revised February, 2004 (5764)
Donald Dean Carlson, Inventor
‘The Stadium Communities’ ©®™sm ,Inc.
‘The California SecuritiesExchange’
Mission Statement ©®™sm
The California Securities Exchange - Center of Excellence in...
'Capital Investment Safety Without Question’ ©®™sm
developing the reputation in corporate Financial Instrument Research and Presents mirroring this
statement, thus an Exchange Environment that Fosters Creativity, Respects the Investor, and
the Culture of Cities where the Instrument originates in the totality of the context of the Corporate
Mission defining...
'The New Market Economy' ©®™sm
As such The Exchange seeks the cooperation and communication between all ‘Veritas Securities
Exchange’ Branches embracing the traditions and ethnicity of all our entry immigrant cities looking
to the future of the brokering of these multiple cultures in our American environment in California,
i.e ‘The California Securities Exchange’ ©®™sm The product of The Exchange is the proper capitalization of
the work of building the corporate concept of 'city‘…
Copyright Registered Trademark Servicemark
The Stadium Communities’ ©®™sm , Inc.
September 11, 2003
Monterey, California 03942-1468
(The following Slides ‘Veritas Securities Exchange’ ©®™sm should read ‘The California Securities Exchange’ ©®™sm )
'The Stadium Communities, Inc.'
'Veritas Securities Exchange'
(Corporate By-Law of The United States of America Constitution)
Article I
Title of Association
(In Association with 'The Stadium Communities, Inc.')
'The Veritas Securities Exchange'©™
Section 1. Subsidiary: This Exchange is the Corporate Securities Exchange of…
'The Stadium Communities, Inc.'
Section 2. Establishment: This Subsidiary
patent cities,
establishes Exchanges in each of our prospective or
Corporate Securities Exchange Subsidiary Number One (1)
Corporate Patent Number 29111
'The Carmel Securities Exchange'
'Carmel, California, Inc.’ ©™
The United States of America'
Page two of four ‘Constitution’
Veritas Exchange
Section 3. Subscription: Each 'Corporate Subsidiary Exchange' subscribes to this
‘CONSTITUTION’ in writing and functions @ the pleasure of the Corporate Board of Directors
Section 4. Purpose: The capitalization of the Corporation
Article II
(Participants - 'Members Only')
Section 1. Defined: Whether an individual, corporation, or institution; a 'member' subscribes
in writing to this ‘CONSTITUTION’ and the O fficers refer to such for clarification/direction re.
the successful fulfillment of their responsibilities
Section 2. N umber – no limit
Section 3. Cost: Two- million dollars ($2,000,000.00) ‘Founding Family’
Article III
Section 1. President
(a) Serves @ the pleasure of The Board of Directors
(b) Presides; Corporate Certification
(c) Determines rules
(d) Select Vice-President/s
page three of four
Veritas Exchange
Section 2. Vice-President/s
(a) The Vice-President/s serve @the pleasure of The President
(b) The Vice-President/s is corporately certified to serve
(c) The Vice-President/s selects the Secretary and Treasurer and gives oversight
Section 3. Secretary ‘Corporate Notary’
(a) Serves @ the pleasure of the Vice-President
(b) Is corporately certified to serve as ‘Corporate Notary’
(c) Is responsible for all Exchange Registration and Recordation
Section 4. Treasure 'Keeper of the Purse'
(a) Serves @ the pleasure of the Vice-President
(b) Corporately certified to serve
(c) Responsible to record with the Secretary all financial transactions of the Exchange
Section 5. Budget - Each office determines and submits to President
Section 6. Employees - Each office recruits and employs their own
Page four of four ‘Constitution’ Veritas Exchange
Article IV
Financial Instrument Issues
As determined by Research & Development in Consultation with Exchange Presidents
Purpose: Must add 'value' to corporate capitalization and existing Portfolios
Article V
This ‘CONSTITUTION’ for 'The Veritas Exchange' is not changeable and cannot be amended
As the 'Functionary Veritas Exchange Document' each officer subscribes in writing
Being an objective document this CONSTITUTION provides the structure for each Exchange and is
readily adaptable as based on the objectives of the Officers to succeed in their duties to properly
capitalize the company
The building of our cities necessitates substantial sums of capital. To assure we have this capital on
hand as
needed this ‘CONSTITUTION’ is extended to each Exchange. As the axiom so aptly states …
'Money Handled Properly Flows'
Each Exchange President and Officer Team operates accordingly
Our 'Capital Reservoirs'©™ must be full and clean @all times
Our ‘Corporate Cities’ ©™ prosper accordingly
©Copyright, 'The Stadium Communities, Inc.', Donald Dean Carlson,
Owner/Inventor "Principal", January 21, 2003 Berkeley, California
Donald Dean Carlson,‘Captain of the Ship’
A Note from the ‘Captain’..
April 15, 2003
Employees & Investors
“A kindly note is in order.
As the ‘Captain’ of the ‘ship’ I ‘pipe’ welcome you ‘on board’. ‘Welcome mates.’
As you may surmise I enjoy using nautical terms, thus easy to visualize with the mind’s eye.
‘Ships’ are created to cruise/journey/navigate long distances with the ‘cargo hold’ filled with the
marketable contents with the objective at the end-of-the-journey - submit our merchandise
into our ‘market/port’ city for sale.
As a ‘hand’ being a security-equity owner you have a voice in the commercial deportment of the
‘Ship-inJourney’ to a point. The ‘point’ being I am the Captain and as such I have studied and
prepared oh so very carefully our …
‘The Stadium Communities, Inc.’
“SHIP OF STATE” and its destination …‘Destination Cities’ ©®™
“New PATENT ’Ag’ Cities defining ‘THE NEW MARKET ECONOMY’ ©®™ (cont.)
Captain (continued)
As the inventor of this venture it may be said I have the greatest investment.
This statement does not minimize in any way your investment. Without the proper capitalization
our sails are limp and listless. But, Friend, I stake my life on this endeavor; like that of our
nations Founding Fathers re. their …
‘Declaration of Independence’…
‘I, Donald Dean Carlson, declare now is the accepted time to build cities reflecting the
intent of our nation re. a secular/pluralistic ‘FREE’ nation; the first in history.
As President Abraham Lincoln so aptly stated…”The last best hope of the world.” And we are
still just that and more actual influence than ever. In defining our citizenship …‘A
government of by and for the people…’ the most revolutionary statement made and the
revolution has not peaked – we have the future to serve.
Having ‘hailed’ from Illinois, ‘The Land of Lincoln” I was educated re. the importance of
identifying the pressing social issues then addressing them, correctly.
My home residence was in a most pleasantly planned city; the product of the historic ‘English
Garden City Movement’, Kewanee, Illinois. In emmigrating to California I bring this
knowledge of planned city-living with me = my frame-of-reference for city-life = I am most
prepared to bring to correct fruition my perception of living-in-the-city = my life, now.
‘The Stadium Communities’,
Link to…
Governor Schwarzenegger
White Paper " 'Business Day' CODA"©®™
• This concludes this slide presentation
• ? Do you have any questions
Thank you.