- projetMo2

Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
The "Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne" call for projects is an accelerator program for
projects and businesses related to mobility and air quality improvement issues in
mountainous areas. This call for projects has been initiated, organized, and financed
by Transdev Alpes, with the support of TRANSDEV GROUP and TRANSDEV SA as well
as by its institutional, financial, and media partners and structures that assist in startup
and business innovation.
Its goal is to detect, accelerate, and promote projects or businesses that develop
innovative solutions to improve air quality in mountainous areas by means of
innovative mobility solutions.
The program is divided into three phases:
Phase 1 : a call for projects phase consisting of identifying and selecting
project supporters or businesses that are each developing a solution that could
fulfill the project's specifications.
Phase 2 : a project selection phase for projects that meet technical criteria
defined by a panel of experts in mobility, innovation, and environmental issues,
leading to an acceleration phase for matching projects to regions and local
Phase 3 : a presentation phase intended to select one or more winners whose
projects could be tested out in the region and move the region forward in terms
of mobility and the environment.
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
The "Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne" call for projects aims to bring together all players
who are thinking or taking action in issues of mobility and the environment in
mountainous areas in order to identify and find innovate solutions that can meet the
needs of the mountainous areas in those fields.
The goal of this call for projects is to :
Detect startups, entrepreneurs, or associations whose products or services
are under development, and whose prototypes are ready for a trial.
Identify innovative small and medium businesses currently developing
solutions that may be suitable for mountainous areas
Develop a system of guidance and swift acceleration that integrates the
innovation ecosystem of the Rhône-Alpes region, as well as the mobility and
environmental sectors, and the coaches and contact persons of the geographical
area in question, between phases 2 and 3 of the call for projects.
Conduct a short-term trial (18 months) of the chosen product or service in a
mountainous area to be defined with Transdev Group and its partners,
particularly institutional ones.
Number of participants and schedule of the call for projects
The number of finalists is not defined; it will depend on the project's level of excellence
and its operational status, with those criteria being defined by a technical panel whose
members will be named on the call for projects website.
The call for projects is to be launched on January 11, 2016.
Applications may be submitted between January 11, 2016 and March 15, 2016 at
12 p.m.
The technical selection panel will convene before March 31, 2016.
The finalists will be announced no later than March 31, 2016.
The on-the-ground acceleration phase will take place between April 18 and 30,
The final phase and awarding of prizes will take place in May 2016 in Chamonix.
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
The precise schedule of the call for projects will be updated on the dedicated website
(www.projectMo2.com) which will also indicate the contact information of the people in
charge of informing candidates (both technical and administrative information).
Status of participants in the call for projects
This call for projects is open to all companies, self-employed entrepreneurs, or
associations registered in France or elsewhere. (hereafter known as the "Candidates")
If a project supported by multiple companies is presented, they must name an
appointee to represent them.
Legal notice
All candidates, in accordance with article 27 of the French data privacy law of January
6, 1978, has the right to access, correct, and delete data, which may be exercised at
any time by simply making a request to the organizers. Participation in the call for
projects entails acceptance of the present rules in their entirety. All complaints
regarding issues not settled in the rules will be decided by the organizers, and their
decision will be final.
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
Candidates must register online using the form made available (www.projetMO2.com)
in order to take part in this call for projects. They must fill out a candidacy application
A written presentation pitch no longer than two pages (6000 characters) or
in video form (up to 2 minutes) promoting the product or service being
offered up as the answer or an answer to mobility and environmental issues in
mountainous areas and the Candidate's social commitment to those issues in
society. This commitment by the Candidate, its executives, and the teams
that will be focused on carrying out the project will be decisive factors in
every selection phase of this call for projects.
An annotated technical description of the proposed solution promoting the
proposed innovation solutions and enabling the technical panel to decide how
appropriate the proposed product or service would be. The candidate should
explain how the proposed product or service was created (in-house R&D,
partners in innovation, manufacturers, financing, tax/research credits)
An operational implementation schedule, with the goal being to carry out the
trial in a maximum 18-month period beginning from when the winner(s) is/are
A cost estimate of the trial in a mountainous area and the definition of the
needs and expectations for guidance of the project in terms of its acceleration
over that 18-month period.
This application, which must be entirely digital, must be supplemented by:
Any administrative data requested to confirm his/her/its status as a business,
self-employed entrepreneur, or association
Legal information for proving the proposed solution or service is covered as
intellectual property in France (patents, models, trademarks, copyrights)
The signed rules of the call for projects.
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
This application, which must be entirely digital, may be supplemented by:
Any graphical or video element that makes it possible to better understand the
proposed solution.
In this application phase, two languages will be allowed for completing these
candidate applications: French and English.
An oral interview (via Skype or video transmission system) may be offered to the
candidates during the technical panel aimed at selecting the finalists. The final
presentation shall be in French or English
The field of solutions (products and services that may be proposed under this call for
projects) is not limiting.
Candidates may equally well offer products and services that develop a technical
advance, an innovative service, behavioral actions, or social actions.
Any technological innovation that makes it possible to substantially
reduce CO2 emissions in different types of vehicles (individual, transit, or
Any solution for analyzing and managing traffic reports that facilitates the
mobility of vehicles and people, while taking environmental risks into
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
Any collaborative system or project that makes it possible to streamline or
develop alternative mobility systems.
Any system or plan of action that makes it possible to improve or change
behaviors with regard to mobility, regardless of the type of travel in
question (commuting, seasonal, tourism, road transit).
The selection criteria will be defined in an assessment grid used by the pre-selection
panel in March and the final panel in May, and includes:
the degree of innovation, particularly with respect to interactions with
the research laboratories and the project's intellectual property
the ability to meet air quality improvement needs with commitments or
at least quantified targets that can serve as performance indicators for the
solution and can be communicated to others
the commitment of the company and the project team to this desire to
"advance" society in these mobility, environmental, and mountain issues.
implementing, within 18 months beginning from when the winner(s)
is/are announced, a trial run with the support of Transdev, a network,
and a local government
the ability for the project to be reproduced in other geographical
areas with similar environmental or mobility challenges
the reasonable cost of the solution (with regard to the supposed or
actual benefits).
Two panels will be formed as part of the "Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne" call for
A panel of experts for selecting the finalist projects based on the applications
submitted by the candidates. The makeup of this panel will be made public on
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
the call for projects website. It will be composed of professionals and qualified
people from the world of innovation, mobility, and the environment. This
technical panel will be in charge of designing the technical assessment grid
aimed at selecting the finalists and may track the winning candidates in their
acceleration and final presentation phase (phases 2 and 3 of the call for projects
(see article 1 of these rules). A panel chair will handle communication between
the members and ensure that this selection phase proceeds smoothly. His or her
name will be made public.
A final panel will also be created for the final phase of the call for projects and
the final presentation of the projects in Chamonix in May 2016. It will be made
public on the website of the call for projects and will be formed of qualified
people and representatives of the region's financial and institutional partners
and the media. That panel will decide the suitability of the projects based on the
summaries submitted by the technical panel and the oral presentation followed
by conversations and questions during this final phase.
The decisions of the panels are irrevocable and final and rely on a scoring grid given
to the candidates that essentially count: the business model's viability, the strength of
the idea, and the difference made by innovation; while also taking into account the
form: The quality of the presentation, involvement by all team members, the
consistency of each team member's skills for each project, and how good a fit it is for
the purpose of the call for projects.
The "Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne" call for projects is part of a regional innovation
movement, and will seek to draw in the broader ecosystem surrounding it:
clusters and business poles
research laboratories and major schools
incubators and innovation supporters
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
chambers of commerce and organizations that assist businesses and their
major players in financing innovation
startups and the networks they form
institutions and organizations working in the region in the field of
mobility, the environment, the mountains, and innovation
media devoted to the intended companies and startups
This call for projects is national and international in scale.
Its publicization will be
supported by actions conducted with institutional and financial partners and structures
that assist businesses and innovation.
The project's communication tools will be essentially digital, with the call for projects
being supported in particular by a website and by media and digital communications.
One project will be declared the winner at the end of the final presentation in
Chamonix in May 2016. The prize of the "Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne" call for
projects is threefold for the winning project:
A commitment by TRANSDEV and the partners of the "Mo2 / Mobilité et
Montagne" project to set up a trial project in a geographical area where the
company manages urban or local transit networks. This short trial (18 months) is
the major benefit to the winner, who will be able to test out its product or
service in the real world in a specific territory and confirm its usefulness and
A commitment by TRANSDEV and the partners of the "Mo2 / Mobilité et
Montagne" project to assist the project in its acceleration phase by guiding
the winner and its project by putting that winner in contact with their
networks and ecosystems and assisting it through a dynamic of discussion,
advice, and analysis.
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
A commitment by TRANSDEV Group to promote the project in its media
At the same time, a financial endowment may be offered by TRANSDEV on a caseby-case basis at its sole discretion, and additional assistance may be offered by
the project's partners under terms and for services to be defined later.
The details of the endowment shall be specified to all candidates when the call for
projects is launched in January 2016.
Finally, all of the endowments awarded to each winning project must be formalized in
a contract between the winner and one of the organizers and/or the entity within
which the experiment will be implemented.
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
The use of tools, the Equinox/Human Booster personality test, and the Pitch
Creator shall be submitted confidentially to the candidates' representatives by
the organizing team. Pitch Creator and Vadequa are tools accessible to all the
finalists in order to better assist them during phases 2 and 3 of this call for
None of the information received will be used by the organizer for any
purpose other than confidentially evaluating the project's validity solely
within the context of this call for projects. It may not be used for any other
purpose during the call for projects period.
Each of the participants, candidates, coaches, partners, and panel members
of this call for projects may be filmed or have their names mentioned
because the call for projects will receive media coverage on various kinds of
media (print, televisual, social, and digital, in France and elsewhere). Participating
in the call for projects therefore entails acceptance of the rules in their entirety,
particularly the use of the candidate's names and images as needed for
These rules are subject to change with no prior notice from the organizer.
Any change will immediately be placed online at the website and clearly identified:
Facilitator and organizer of the call for projects for Transdev
Mo2 / Mobilité et Montagne – Draft Rules
From PLUS2SENS – Wednesday, 01/06/2016
104, rue Tronchet
69 006 LYON, France
François-Pierre Salamand
+33 (0)4 37 24 02 58
Claire-Marie Signouret
+33 (0)4 38 38 01 01