Overseas Travel and Insurance https://intra.lshtm.ac.uk/Services/Travel/ The School takes the safety of all its students and staff seriously. This includes people travelling, or based outside London. Research students mainly follow the procedures for staff, see also Research Degrees Handbook. Research students and staff travelling on behalf of LSHTM for the first time are required to complete the online Security Awareness e-learning course before they travel. A copy of the completion certificate should be lodged with the LSHTM Insurance office. Simple Guides • intra.lshtm.ac.uk/Services/Travel/ • Decision Tree – A flow chart explaining the approval process • Travelling Overseas – A summary of the actions required before, during and after travel overseas, applicable to all staff and research students travelling overseas • Working Overseas – A summary of information and guidance for all staff and research students working overseas on behalf of LSHTM • Insurance – A summary of the insurance cover for all those both travelling and working overseas • Advice – A summary of the advice services provided by our insurers, AIG AIG Website https://travelguard.secure.force.com/TravelAssistance/ Travel Security Awareness Course Travel Angel The Travel Security Awareness online course aims to instil a self-awareness culture and reduce exposure to risks through education and awareness training. It will help you to plan ahead and identify and manage potential travel-associated complications. Under the “Security / Security Videos” tab The course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and comprises 5 modules: • Business Travel, an Introduction; • Getting Around While Abroad; • Staying Healthy Abroad; • Crime and Criminality, How to Avoid it • Kidnapping and Terrorism In addition to the Travel Angel travel security awareness course, other courses are available, if required. Please contact the Talent and Educational Development team Forms You must complete the iTravel Form www.lshtm.ac.uk/itravel/ If travelling to a country or region about which the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) have issued Travel Advisories, an additional High Risk Overseas Travel Risk Assessment needs to be completed. Details about the trip, including accommodation, transfers and who will accompany are needed. Failure to submit a travel approval request and receive confirmation of approval prior to travel is a serious matter. Where the travel includes a country or region covered by an FCO advisory, it will be considered a disciplinary matter and will be taken through due process. Insurance Group Personal Accident & Travel Cover is provided by AIG The key area of cover under this policy is Emergency Medical Assistance, and provides unlimited emergency medical expenses while travelling - this includes cover for emergency air evacuations were necessary, including in cases of unrest, natural disasters or personal injury. The policy also includes: • Personal Accident • Personal Belongings • Personal Money & Credit Cards • Passport Indemnity Costs • Travel & Baggage Delay • Cancellation & Curtailment • Personal Liability Insurance Emergencies Please note the following advice: • Call the helpline before going to a hospital. • Keep a note of the emergency number with you at all times. • Make sure that other people know that you have emergency medical insurance and that they should call the helpline on your behalf, if you are unable to do so. • Keep the insurance card, or details of the insurance, where they can be found easily if you are unable to call the helpline yourself. Non-emergency medical treatment or advice All travellers - the main AIG emergency number can also be used for nonemergency medical advice. Alternatively, AIG also provide a “Healthline Plus” advice service on +44 (0)20 7486 2300. Insurance Private Medical Insurance (PMI) Cover is provided by AXA PPP This is additional insurance specifically for people based overseas and covers medical treatment, including in-patient & out-patient treatments, emergency admissions, and chronic conditions. The policy is very comprehensive and includes dental & optical cover, herbal medicine, health checks etc. AIG Website https://travelguard.secure.force.com/TravelAssistance/ It will look like this – you will need log-in details from insurance@lshtm.ac.uk AIG Website https://travelguard.secure.force.com/TravelAssistance/ The AIG website is a tremendous resource for you. There you will find: • • • • • Travel Alerts Resources (Medical translation tool, Drug brand equivalents etc Travel Health, medical assistance, health advisories Security – destination reports (more comprehensive than the FCO site) Daily security summaries and destination alerts (for when something happens in-country) by email Please do log on and browse the resources there. Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice This is the standard advice from the British Government on countries outside the UK. It is the benchmark for the School in determining the level of risk of each location Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) https://www.gov.uk/ foreign-travel-advice Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) https://www.gov.uk/browse/abroad Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) https://www.gov.uk/topic/help-british-nationals-overseas Health Advice Health advice must be sought before travelling • HTD or Nomad Travel Clinics • AIG website In the event of a medical emergency while travelling, contact the AIG emergency number immediately Travellers who become unwell within 2 weeks of their return to the UK should seek urgent medical advice from their GP or the HTD Health Advice