Intro PwrPt 2014-15

Ms. McCann
Please get out a sheet of notebook paper and a
pen/pencil. Extra at the front of room
On a sheet of NB paper write your name in the
upper right hand corner, along with your class
pd. Ie: Ms. McCann, 1st pd
Write the date above each bell ringer question
and then answer the question.
ie: 8/18: Write down FIVE positive things about yourself.
You will have a daily bell ringer to complete
within 5 minutes of the tardy bell.
Bell Ringers will be turned into the basket
upon completion or within the 5 minutes of the
tardy bell alarming.
August 18th:
Write down FIVE positive things about
For now, hold on to your bell ringer sheet. We
will turn them in later in the class.
This sheet of paper will have your bell ringers
for this week and next week.
ONE sheet of paper = TWO weeks of class
When you come in tomorrow, I will have your
bell ringers on the front lab desk for you to pick
up. Do this on the way to your seat.
Born and Raised in West Virginia
High School
Band - Clarinet and Bass Clarinet
Mu Alpha Theta
Prom Club
Yearbook and School Newspaper
Attended Girls State *junior girls
West Virginia State University
Started off in Pre Med/Biology Program
Switched to Education after taking an Ed class
Involved in Army ROTC, Varsity Cheerleader, Pre-Med Club
This is my 12th year as a high school science teacher.
I have taught Biology, Anatomy, Intro to Healthcare,
Forensic Science, Travel WV, and Science 9.
I have been:
Varsity Cheer Coach
Sponsor of Peer Mediators
Prom Club
Ski Clubs
HSTA Leader
My son, Braeden, is 12.
We have a chihuahua named Scrappy and a
turtle named Shelly.
I love sports! I am a huge NASCAR fan!! Along
with the Reds, Braves, Bengals and the WVU
Mountaineers! So, I guess I like the underdogs
Using your Bell Ringer sheet, please turn to the
person next to you and share 2-3 things about
You have 2 minutes to share.
Would anyone like to share something positive
about yourself with the class??
Please pass your bell ringers to the front of class.
Bell Ringer:
Pick up your bell ringer paper and answer:
What does Lab Safety
mean to you?
*Upon completion, place your bell ringer paper in
the basket located on the front lab desk.
Quietly Enter Classroom – dispose of gum, food, drinks into
waste basket.
Pick up Bell Ringer at front lab desk, return to desk to
complete. Write the question and answer. Due within FIVE
minutes of tardy bell. Return bell ringer paper to basket.
Store back packs off of the desk.
ALL electronics put away – phones/ear buds/etc
Look at the Board/ Read the Agenda
Clean up your area
**I dismiss you, not the bell**
Be Prompt
Be Prepared
Be Polite
Be Productive
Be Positive
Be Respectful and Speak Kindly.
Be Prompt and Prepared.
Ask Before You Borrow.
Keep Hands and Feet to Yourself.
Wear Appropriate Clothing to Class.
Verbal Warning
Stay after class – Loss of Your Time & Call Home
Lunch Detention – Call Home
Discipline Slip – Principal
Why is Lab Safety Important?
Ultimate Lab Safety Video via YouTube:
AGHS Lab Safety Song via YouTube:
Lab Safety Procedures and Equipment in Our
Lab Safety Drawing
8/20: List THREE types of lab safety
equipment located in our classroom.
1. Complete Lab Safety Packet.
2. Lab Safety Drawing due!
3. Watch the Lorax.
What does Environmental Science mean to you?
1. Have you completed the PINK Lab Safety
packet? It is DUE today!! Please hand it in.
2. Watch The Lorax Activity
3. **2nd Period: Do you have any of the
documents from the folder to hand in???
The Onceler – Who was he? What was his role?
What did he do? What did he represent?
The Lorax - Who was he? What was his role?
What did he do? What did he represent?
“Unless” – what does this mean? Explain its
“The Seed” – describe the conversation
between the Onceler and the young boy. Who
does the boy represent?
Which world would you rather live in? The
Lorax or the Oncler’s and why?
8/22: After watching the Lorax, do you think
environmental conservation is important?
Explain. *Hold on to your bell ringer
1. Correct bell ringers.
2. Lab Safety Packet and Lorax Response DUE!!
3. Review Class Expectations/Procedures/Rules
4. Deadly Picnic Lab Day 1
Bell Ringer:
List the steps of the Scientific Method (listen to
the song).
1. Complete Deadly Picnic Lab
2. Scientific Method connection
Bell Ringer: In TEN steps or less, list the steps of how
to drive a car correctly. Think DETAILS!
*Please get out a sheet of paper and pencil/pen.
Deadly Picnic Lab DUE!! Place into correct class
period drawer: Elaine is GUILTY!
Discuss Notebook.
Discuss Syllabus.
Scientific Method Notes
1 ½” – 2” 3-ring binder
Bell Ringers
Graded Assignments – in order
Bring to class DAILY!
If you leave it in classroom, you are taking the
chance that it will sprout legs and walk out!
Course Description:
Welcome to Environmental Science!
We will be covering many topics in
this class. This class is a combination
of ecology, populations, water, air,
land, minerals, and energy resources
along with the human impact on all
the topics.
 Pearson Environmental Science by Withgott
Grading Policy:
Students are encouraged to track their progress on Pinnacle.
According to District policy, grades are based on the following:
Diagnostic: 0%
Formative Assessments: 40%
Summative Assessments: 60%
Attendance Policy:
Daily student attendance is extremely important to be
successful in this course. Students who are absent on the day
an assignment is due MUST submit their assignment on the
next day they return to class. If not, an alternative assignment
of equal or greater rigor will be assigned with a new due date.
Teachers will make available to students who were absent their
work the next day they return to class.
Tutoring is available during the first half hour of
lunch Tuesday-Friday. You are encouraged to ask
for extra help and it is best to seek help as soon as
you begin to feel lost or behind in class.
Be Prompt – Arrive to class on time and be in your seat with your
backpack stored away before the bell rings.
Be Prepared – Please bring your notebook and a pen or pencil to class
every day.
Be Polite – All students have the right to learn. Treat your fellow
students as you would like to be treated. Do not make fun of other
students or use inappropriate language. Bullying will absolutely not
be tolerated.
Be Productive – We encourage you to ask questions if you do not understand
something and need clarification or a different type of explanation. We
welcome you to share things that you may have read or seen on TV that you
think are related to what we are discussing in class.
Be Positive –Your attitude and behavior will determine what activities
we can do in class. We want this year to be educational, memorable,
and fun.
Classroom Rules:
1. All electronic devices must be turned off and put away during instructional
2. Absolutely NO cell phones during class.
NO ear buds in ears or visibly exposed during instruction or group work.
Bathroom/Water Breaks
. Students are not allowed out during the first and last ten minutes of class. Only one
student is allowed to leave the class at a time (if instruction allows).
4. Follow all instructions promptly and respectfully.
5. Ask Before You Borrow and Speak Kindly.
6. Keep Hands and Feet to Yourself.
7. Wear Appropriate Clothing to Class for Labs.
Supply List:
1 ½” to 2” 3 ring binder
Pens (blue or black) and #2 Pencils
Take out a sheet of paper and pencil (pen is ok)
YouTube Link:
The Big Bang Theory Scientific Method Clip
Season 6 Episode 5
*Open up Scientific Method PowerPoint
Bell Ringer:
List one thing you now know about the scientific
*Please get out your notes from yesterday.
1. Complete scientific method notes
2. Bill Nye video
3. *Reminder: 3 ring binder by Friday, Aug 29th
Bell Ringer:
Explain the difference between a theory and a law.
1. Can you repeat that? Lab
2. Student Information Cards
1. Carefully empty contents of bag.
2. With your partner (not me!), use the objects in your bag to create a
larger object.
3. As you are creating your object, think about the steps you followed
to create it.
4. Write a detailed step by step procedure that can be followed.
5. Switch your bag and procedure paper with another group not
sitting close to you.
6. Using the other group’s procedures, try and duplicate their object.
7. Show your object to the group who created it.
8. Return the contents to the bag and return bag to the front of room.
9. Return procedure paper to its owner.
10. On your procedure paper, WRITE the questions and answer.
11. Turn lab paper into the bell ringer basket and lab instructions into
the blue tray.
Bell Ringer:
Considering the “Can You Repeat It” lab, were you
able to easily duplicate the other group’s procedure?
Explain your answer.
*You should now have TEN completed bell ringers!
! Did you bring your 3 ring binder for your NB?
Scientific Method Scenario Group Project – DUE
at the end of class on Wed., 9/3
Test: Friday, 9/5
You will receive a piece of paper with a hypothesis on it.
2. You will be turning in 1 copies of your investigation!
Title- Write a brief statement or question that describes the main point of the
Introduction- Write a paragraph that includes
(a) the hypothesis (the question on your slip of paper)
(b) the purpose of the experiment (what are you testing?)
(c) Identify control(s), dependent and independent variables and possible outcomes
or what type of data would be gathered.
3. Materials- List everything needed to complete the experiment.
4. Methods- Describe the steps you completed during your investigation in
great detail (think of the PB&J example!).
Use this hypothesis to complete this project:
EX Your hypothesis:
Does the size of a fish tank determine how large a fish will grow?
Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following questions about your
peer’s lab report:
Does their title clearly describe what the experiment? If not, how would
you improve it?
Does the hypothesis test one variable? Explain.
Is the hypothesis written as an “If…, then..” statement? If not, how would
you improve it?
Did the group provide an explanation of the purpose of the experiment?
Did the group list every item needed to complete the experiment? If not,
what is missing?
Did the group provide clear, in depth instructions for every step of the
experiment? If not, what would you add?
Could you successfully replicate their experiment using only the methods
As a panel of scientists peer-reviewing this lab report, would you
recommend it be published? Why or why not?
Full Name and Preferred Name
Class Schedule
Names of Guardian(s) and Phone Number(s)
Extra-Curricular Activities
What you want to learn in Environmental Science
Other- Anything else you want me to know