MCQUEEN ENGLISH 5-6 – Paradise Valley Campus English 5- New World Unit, New National Unit, American Romanticism Units 1-3 1. Discovering the “New World”/Early Settlers/Puritans 2. An Emerging Nation - What is unique about Founding of America? 3. What is American Individualism? ______________________________________________ Composition: Creative, Compare/Contrast/Persuasive, write practice college essays; MLA and APA research styles. Grammar/Vocabulary: Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop (SAT prep); specific vocabulary associated with book(s), novel, plays; Grammarbytes on-line coursework. Reading: Informational texts, non-fiction prose, sermons, diaries, plays, novellas, novels, poetry, speeches, short-stories. English 6 - A Troubled Young Nation, Emerging Modernism, Challenges and Successes of the 20th Century, Units 4-6 4. What is an American? 5. How did Modernization result in isolation and disillusionment in the 20th century? 6. Does 20th century American literature represent America’s promise? ______________________________________________ Composition: Rhetorical, Description, Argumentative Grammar/Vocabulary: SAT Prep and Vocabulary Workshop Edition F; vocabulary associated with books, novels; grammarbytes vocabulary coursework. Reading/Resources: Art, Music, Media, Film, Essays, Video, Novels Speaking and Listening: Using technology to access and present information Speaking and Listening: Presentations, individual and group. Independent Reading: Book Choice from List Provided Vocabulary: Terms applied with context and connection to elements of literature and study. Independent Reading - Book Choice *Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop is required book. Grades A’s 90 - 100% B’s 80 – 89% = B C’s 70-79% = C F 69% or lower Note: AAEC does not give D’s; scores of 69% of lower result in no credit earned for the semester. Grades: Final class grade is based on percentage of points for class assignments, homework, projects, presentations, quizzes, tests and final exam. Students and Parents have access to gradebook Portal online for student’s grades, attendance, and assignments. It is primarily the student’s responsibility to be aware of their own assignments and grades once they have been input into Portal. Please understand this is English, and certain assignments (e.g. essays, writing assignments) take more time to individually grade and input. Plagiarism/Cheating Plagiarism is not tolerated, and it detectable through plagiarism detection software. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work, regardless of quantity (sentence, paragraph, entire text, etc…) whether done deliberately or not. Cheating is copying or using another person’s paper, homework, daily work, quiz or test. See the student handbook for complete details. Late Work: Work is late if it’s not turned in on the day it is due. English 5-6 promotes self-advocacy skills, time management, in preparation for life and college, where dead-lines are concrete and on-line. If a student is going to be absent, it is the responsibility of the student to make up any missing work within 2 days after the absence. Make-Up Work/Tests: Scheduled by the student via e-mail, lunch, or after school - not before, during, or after classtime. SAT Prep Vocabulary Workshop books are to be bought by student. One can visit and purchase for $13.95 plus shipping and handling; or purchase in class for $10.00. This book is used daily and will have homework requirements, so if one cannot buy this book, please contact me. Important Websites: – My website for assignments and resources. – e: mail address. 602-569-1101 office phone. – This is an interactive and on-line audio program that follows along with daily Vocabulary lessons and book, and has extensive exercises for SAT prep reading and writing. Students need to create login account to use. – This is an interactive grammar-website – that is comprehensive and students will visit for grammar homework and weekly grammar quizzes.