Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development Strategies

Introduction to Economic Development
April 2-4, 2014 * St. Thomas, VI
Wednesday, April 2
8:00 – 8:30 am
8:30 – 9:30 am
Introduction and Overview of Economic Development
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Finkle, CEcD
The goal of this session is to put economic development into context. What is it and how does it affect
the local economy? This session will develop a common definition of what is meant by economic
development, discuss the major trends and factors that shape local economies, and explore how state and
local initiatives can further economic development goals. There will also be a discussion of the different
players in economic development and their roles.
9:30 – 9:45 am
9:45 – 11:45 am
Neighborhood Development
Instructor: Joy Wilkins, CEcD
Any local or regional economy is affected by the economies of the communities or neighborhoods in the
area. Developing sound economic development strategies within smaller communities and areas will
lead to a healthier economy overall. This session discusses working with the community as part of the
overall area’s economic development plan, and identifies some of the specific hurdles that will need to
be addressed
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Real Estate Development and Reuse
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Finkle, CEcD
Redevelopment of blighted areas and downtown business districts is a central component of the
economic health of cities and neighborhoods. Successful redevelopment initiatives can attract new firms
and jobs, stimulate tourism, and encourage major new investment in a community. It can also boost the
overall morale of the region’s residents. This session addresses major issues facing redevelopment
projects and the strategies and programs to address them.
3:00 – 3:15 am
3:15 – 5:15 pm
Economic Development Finance
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Finkle, CEcD
Economic development is a means to stimulate growth and development by increasing access to capital
for both ventures and projects that may not take place if left to market forces, but do provide economic
benefit. This session will provide an overview of the role of capital in economic development, the
sources of capital market gaps, and programs to bridge those gaps.
Thursday, April 3
8:30 – 10:30 pm
Entrepreneurial & Small Business Development
Instructor: Jon Roberts
This session will focus on local programs and strategies to increase the creation and growth of small
businesses. Small businesses are increasingly supplying more jobs in today's economy. Local
communities can use their influence to help these businesses grow. This session will examine the
programs and tools to support business start-ups and efforts to support the growth of existing small
10:30 – 10:45 am
10:45 – 12:45 pm
Workforce Development
Instructor: Joy Wilkins, CEcD
Workforce development is quickly becoming the #1 focus for economic development organizations. A
skilled and educated workforce is crucial in today’s economy. Without the proper infrastructure of
skilled labor in place, communities cannot be competitive in attracting and retaining business. This
session will focus on the need for the creation of workforce development programs that address both
community and business needs. This session will also cover the ways to reach out to the community to
help build support for workforce development.
12:45 – 1:45 pm
1:45 – 3:45 pm
Business Retention & Expansion
Instructor: Joy Wilkins, CEcD
There are other viable options for entrepreneurs to acquire small business development funding such as
commercial banks, angel investors and SBTDC programs. This session will help practitioners better
understand the diverse set of funding sources available. Also, this session will improve the practitioners
understanding of what lenders and angel investors are typically looking for in a start-up venture.
3:45 – 4:00 pm
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Economic Development Marketing and Attraction
Instructor: Jon Roberts
Marketing is a useful tool for economic development practitioners. Marketing can be used to help
attract, retain, and expand businesses, improve a community’s image both inside and outside the
community and promote policies and programs. Communities have also started to use marketing
strategies to attract and retain a labor force. Marketing, however, is neither an end in itself, nor is it a
panacea, as it cannot make up for a community’s shortcomings. Rather, marketing is a tool to help
economic development practitioners reach their short and long term economic goals. Examples of
successful, well-executed marketing campaigns as well as the types of messages that speak most
strongly to site selectors will be discussed.
Friday, April 4
8:30 – 10:30 pm
Strategic Planning
Instructor: Jon Roberts
So that economic development issues are addressed in a comprehensive way, it is important that
communities undergo a strategic planning process. This plan should explore the community’s vision of
the future while at the same time identifying realistic and measurable goals and objectives to get there.
Participants will look at the best ways to structure participation in a strategic planning effort. Upon
completion of a planning process, community members should be able to quickly get to work
implementing the plan.
10:30 – 10:45 am
10:45 – 12:45 pm
Technology-Led Economic Development
Instructor: Joy Wilkins, CEcD
What is technology? Why is it important? The goal of this session is to put technology into context.
During this session you will be provided with a common definition of what is meant by technology-led
economic development. You will identify the similarities and differences between technology businesses
and examine technology transfer—the movement of a technology from one location to another—and
how it impacts economic development.
12:45 – 1:45 pm
1:45 – 3:45 pm
Managing Economic Development Organizations
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Finkle, CEcD
Successful Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) are distinguished by their ability to be
innovative in their program activities and to quickly react to changes in the marketplace. To do this,
EDO leaders must engage the board of directors and staff to create an efficient and effective
organization. Participants will be introduced to the various aspects of EDO management, with an eye
toward achieving organizational excellence.
3:45 – 4:00 pm
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Economic Development Ethics
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Finkle, CEcD
Marketing is a useful tool for economic development practitioners. Marketing can be used to help
attract, retain, and expand businesses, improve a community’s image both inside and outside the
community and promote policies and programs. Communities have also started to use marketing
strategies to attract and retain a labor force. Marketing, however, is neither an end in itself, nor is it a
panacea, as it cannot make up for a community’s shortcomings. Rather, marketing is a tool to help
economic development practitioners reach their short and long term economic goals. Examples of
successful, well-executed marketing campaigns as well as the types of messages that speak most
strongly to site selectors will be discussed.
* Agenda subject to change
**PLEASE NOTE: In order to receive full IEDC certification credit for this course and a certificate
indicating course completion, participants must attend the entire course and stay through the final session
on the last day. Please make travel plans accordingly**