open house - SchoolRack


Welcome Students and Parents!

Ms. Insel, Mrs. Mabry, and Ms. Bivens

2 ND Grade

Ms. Insel

I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas.

When I graduated high school I moved to

Birmingham, Alabama. I attended Miles College on athletic and academic scholarships. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Early

Childhood/Elementary Education. I received a master’s degree in Education Administration from

Grand Canyon University. I am currently pursuing a Reading Specialist degree from the University of

Alabama. I taught for 3 years in Alabama. This will be my 4 th year at DATE. I enjoy shopping, outdoors, spending time with my family, and running after my 1 year old son.

Mrs. Mabry

BS in Elementary Education from Auburn University with a concentration in Psychology

Licensed in Early Childhood

14 years teaching experience

Teaching is my passion and I am so excited to be part of the D.A.T.E. team again this year. I know with the same goal in mind (your child’s success) we can have a successful year. I am here to help your child reach their fullest potential. Together we can make 2nd grade a great year! Thanks in advance for your support and dedication to your child’s success in learning!

Ms. Bivens

My name is KaDeidra Bivens and I am from

Birmingham, Alabama. I was educated in the

Birmingham City Schools system and graduated in

2007 from Miles College. I taught in the Birmingham

City Schools system as a Pre-K teacher for 2 years and as a long-term substitute teacher for 1 st , 4 th and 5 th grades. Some of my hobbies and interests include shopping, traveling, playing my flute, spending quality time with my 7 year-old son and serving as a member of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority,

Inc. and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Renweb, Binders, and Homework

All homework will be posted via the Renweb website.

The homework will also be posted on our class website

Please make sure you able to access Renweb and our class website.

Homework will be posted on Monday ’ s before 5:00


ELA and Science/Social Studies will be due on


Math homework will be due daily.

It is the student ’ s/parent ’ s responsibility to access the homework.

Binders should be brought back to school daily.

Students must also bring 5 SHARPENED PENCILS

AND A BOOK DAILY. (No mechanical pencils)


The student will bring a behavior chart home daily.

The behavior chart must be signed and returned daily.

If the chart is lost, it is the student ’ s/parent ’ s responsibility to print another chart via Renweb or our class website.

The students will be using a clip-chart behavior system.

The students will earn stars throughout the week for Fun Friday.

Parent Notes/Money

Please send any notes or money in a labeled envelope.

No money will be accepted outside the classroom.


Making copies!!!! (PLEASE LET ME KNOW


Purchasing items of the Teacher Wish List

(can be found on Renweb)

Donating Weekly Fun Friday Treats

Decorating Doors/Bulletin Boards


Projects will be assigned every 6 Weeks and will correlate with our Environmental


Grading Protocol

Pre-assessments- 0%

Formal or Informal Pre-Assessments

Grading Protocol

Assessment During Learning- 25%




Grading Protocol

Guided, Independent, or Group

Practice- 45%


Project or performance


Grading Protocol

Summative Assessments or

Assessment of Learning-30%

Formal Post-Assessment Test

Culminating Project or Performance

Final or Culminating Exam

ELA Content

Literary and Informational Text


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Cherries and Cherry Pitts

Flat Stanley

A Chair for my Mother

ELA Content

Reading A-Z


Lucy Calkins Writing Program

Daily phonics and grammar instruction.

ELA Common Core Standards


Core/Common%20Core%20Frameworks/CCGPS_ELA_Grade2_St andards.pdf

Math Units

Unit 1 Extending Base Ten Understanding

Unit 2 Becoming Fluent with Addition and


Unit 3 Understanding Measurement,

Length, and Time

Unit 4 Applying Base Ten Understanding

Unit 5 Understanding Plane and Solid


Unit 6 Developing Multiplication

Unit 7 Show What We Know

Social Studies


Students will read about and describe the lives of historical figures in Georgia history such as James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, Sequoyah, Jackie Robinson,

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jimmy Carter. Students will describe how the everyday lives of these historical figures are similar to and different from the present life.

Students will describe the Georgia Creek and Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living and accomplishments. Students will also describe the regions in Georgia where the Creek and Cherokee lived, how the people used their local resources, and compare and contrast the cultures of the past to

Georgians today.


Students will locate major topographical features of Georgia and will describe how these features define Georgia’s surface. Students will also locate all the geographic regions of Georgia and major rivers.

Students will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with Georgia historical figures and Georgia’s Creek and Cherokee.

Social Studies Continued


Students will define the concept of government and the need for rules and laws.

Students will identify the roles of elected officials such as the President, Governor and


Students will give examples of how the Georgia historical figures demonstrate the positive citizenship traits of honesty, dependability, liberty, trustworthiness, honor, civility, good sportsmanship, patience, and compassion.

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the state and national capitol buildings by identifying them from pictures and capitals of the United States and Georgia by locating them on appropriate maps.


Students will explain that because of scarcity, people must make choices and incur opportunity costs.

Students will identify ways in which goods and services are allocated.

Students will explain that people usually use money to obtain the goods and services they want and explain how money makes trade easier than barter.

Students will describe the costs and benefits of personal spending and saving choices.


Habits of Mind…

Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works.

Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations.

Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating objects in scientific activities.

Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters.

Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.

Nature of Science…

Students will be familiar with the character of scientific knowledge and how it is achieved.

Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry.

Science Continued

Earth Science…

Students will understand that stars have different sizes, brightness, and patterns.

Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year.

Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the changes.

Physical Science…

Students will investigate the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects.

Students will identify sources of energy and how energy is used.

Students will demonstrate changes in speed and direction using pushes and pulls.

Life Science…

Students will investigate the life cycle of different living organisms.

Insel’s Specials

M- Physical Education

T- Music

W- French

Th- Environment


Mabry’s Specials

M- art

T- technology

W- Environment

Th- Physical Education


Biven’s Specials

M- French

T- Environment

W- Art

Th- Technology

F- Physical Education




