Female Reproductive System

Female Reproductive
Female Reproductive System
• The functions of the female
reproductive system are to produce
sex hormones and eggs, and
provide an environment in which a
fertilized egg can develop into a
Internal Organ
• Ovaries
–Two female reproductive sex glands
that house female eggs. Produce the
female sex hormones: estrogen and
–Ovaries release ONE mature egg
(ovum) each month. This a process
known as ovulation
Female Sex Hormones
• Responsible for the secondary female
sex characteristics
–Breast Development
–Hips widen
–Pubic and underarm hair
–Formation of mature eggs
Internal Organ
• The Fallopian Tubes
– Tubes that carry the egg away from the
– Tiny hair like structures called cilia line
the fallopian tubes and sweep the egg
towards the uterus
– If sperm is present around the egg, it
may be fertilized
– Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell
joins with an egg
Internal Organ
• Uterus
– A hollow muscular pear-shaped organ
(about the size of a fist) which fertilizes
eggs for development and growth
– It has several layers of tissue and a rich
supply of blood that protects and
nourishes a developing baby. This lining
also sheds during the process of
Internal Organ
• The Cervix
–The neck of the uterus
–The lining of the uterus breaks down
and passes through the cervix to the
–Common site for cancer
–Dilates when going into labor
Internal Organ
• Vagina
–Also known as the birth canal
–A muscular passageway from the
uterus to the outside of the body
–During child birth, baby exits mother
External Organ
• Labia majora
–the outer folds of skin that are
covered with pubic hair
• Labia minora
–the inner folds of skin that contain
many nerve endings and blood
vessels. Located within the labia
External Organ
• Clitoris
– is a highly sensitive organ
– It contains many nerve endings and blood
vessels, which play a role in female sexual
– Just below the clitoris is a small opening
that leads to the urethra
– Below the urethral opening is a separate
opening to the vagina
• Hymen- It’s a thin membrane that stretches
across the vagina. Easily broken by physical
activity and tampons
Female Reproductive
• Female internal/External reproductive
Menstrual Cycle
• The process which an ovary releases a
mature ovum that travels to the uterus. If
the egg is not fertilized with sperm, the
uterine lining is shed and a new cycle begins
• The average the menstrual cycle lasts 28
days. However, cycles can be shorter or
longer depending on the person.
Menstrual Cycle
Based on a 28 day Cycle
Days 1-5
• The uterine lining, blood and tissue, is shed
during menstruation
• Blood and tissue leave the body at this time
• Maxi pad or tampon is used to absorb blood
and tissue
Menstrual Cycle
Days 6-12
• The uterine lining begins to thicken.
• The uterus prepares for ovulation
and the possibility that an egg will
be fertilized
Menstrual Cycle
Days 13-14
• Ovulation occurs
• An egg is released into one of the
fallopian tubes
• This is the time when a female is most
fertile to become pregnant.
Menstrual Cycle
Days 15-20
• The egg travels through the
fallopian tube to the uterus and the
uterine lining continues to thicken
and blood supply to it increases
Menstrual Cycle
Days 21-28
• An unfertilized egg enters the
uterus and the uterine lining breaks
down. Then the cycle starts over
Female Discomfort
• Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
– Discomfort experienced before the menstrual cycle
– Caused by changes in hormone levels before
• Cramps
– Periodic abdominal and pelvic pain during the
menstrual period
– Takes place in the Uterus
– Exercise may help to alleviate menstrual cramps
Female Menstrual Cycle
• http://kidshealth.org/misc/movie/bodybasics/
Care for the Female
Reproductive System
• Involves cleaning the external organs
• Avoiding STI/STD’s and unplanned
• Practicing safe sex
• Seeking medical treatment for signs of
infections (yeast/urinary) or anything
that feels or looks out of the ordinary
Care for the Female
Reproductive System
• Pap Smear: a medical procedure in
which a sample of cells is taken from
the cervix and examined under a
microscope to check for cervical cancer
• Pelvic Exam: an internal exam where a
doctor checks the uterus and ovaries.
Female Reproduction
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTkkhhX