GEDDES TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 8, 2014 Resolution # 55 – 62 Officers Present: Supervisor Falcone Councilor Albrigo Councilor Fassinger Councilor Kolakowski Councilor Krupa Councilor Valenti Councilor Weber Others Present: Paul J Curtin, Town Attorney William Morse, Town Engineer Town Clerk: Joseph Ranieri Call to Order: 700PM Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence Resolution # 55 Approval of Minutes Motion: Councilor Valenti Second: Councilor Fassinger Resolved that the Town Board approve the minutes of the Town Board meetings held in March, 2014 as submitted by the Town Clerk. All in favor: Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Carried Public Hearing – Subdivision of 501/505 Newcastle Rd The Supervisor, on motion from Councilor Kolakowski, seconded by Councilor Weber, and adopted, opened the Public Hearing at 702PM. Kevin Lanning, homeowner at 505 Newcastle Rd spoke about the subdivision. It entails adding a small piece of land from 501 Newcastle Rd onto his property at 505 Newcastle Rd. Paul Curtin, Town Attorney, noted that this is in a residential area and both lots will conform with all zoning requirements in terms of size and area for the Town of Geddes. With no one else wishing to be heard, the Supervisor, on motion from Councilor Krupa, seconded by Councilor Fassinger, and adopted, closed the hearing at 704PM. Resolution # 56 Negative Declaration for Purposes of SEQR for 501/505 Newcastle Rd Motion: Councilor Weber Second: Councilor Fassinger Referred to Planning Board for commentary, returned to Town Board for purpose of this subdivision hearing, Town Board is lead agency under SEQR, we reviewed the SEQR short form submitted by the applicant and find that there are no significant adverse environmental impacts. The Town Attorney recommends that the Town Board considers the issuance of a negative declaration. A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 6 Nays 0 Carried Councilor Albrigo arrived at the meeting and joined the Board. Resolution # 57 Authorize Town Board to Approve a Minor Subdivision at 501/505 Newcastle Rd Motion: Councilor Weber Second: Councilor Valenti Authorization for the Town Board to approve a minor subdivision at 501/505 Newcastle Rd. William Morse, Town Engineer noted that the Planning Board recommended that the requirement of a topography plan be waived and that due to a jog in the lot line that the surveyor should place iron pins at the property corners, if the subdivision is approved. A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Albrigo, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 7 Nays 0 Carried Petition – Subdivision for 2 parcels at the corner of Farrell Rd & John Glenn Blvd. Bob Abbott, an architect representing ESW Realty, a Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee out of Portland Maine spoke about the project to build a 2500 sq ft restaurant with a drive thru. Paul Curtin, Town Attorney stated that the application should be referred to the Planning Board for review, commentary and recommendation. Resolution # 58 Refer Subdivision to SOCPA, Town Take Lead Agency for SEQR, Refer to Town Planning Board Motion: Councilor Valenti Second: Councilor Krupa Authorize the Town to refer the subdivision plan to the Syracuse Onondaga County Planning Agency for review. The Town of Geddes will take lead agency status for purposes of SEQR. Authorize the Town to refer the subdivision plan to the Town Planning Board for review, commentary and recommendation. A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Albrigo, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 7 Nays 0 Carried Resolution # 59 Authorize Town Board to Schedule a Public Hearing for 847 State Fair Blvd Motion: Councilor Kolakowski Second: Councilor Fassinger Authorization for the Town Board to schedule a Public Hearing for Subdivision of property at 847 State Fair Blvd for the May 13, 2014 Town Board meeting. A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Albrigo, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 7 Nays 0 Carried Public Comment – Jim Jerome, 3006 W Genesee St spoke about the West Genesee Street Corridor Committee. He asked the Town Board to do what is best for the Town of Geddes. David Suarez, 2701 W Genesee St thanked the Board and the Town for their support with the Paint Westvale Purple Race held this past Sunday. There were 386 registrants. Committee Reports - The Solvay Fire Dept had their installation meeting this evening and will present their report next month. Councilor Valenti advised that the Public Safety Committee next meeting will be May 29, 2014 at 530pm. Councilor Albrigo advised that the Highway Committee next meeting will be April 30, 2014 at 600PM. Councilor Fassinger advised that the Recreation Committee next meeting will be April 17, 2014 at 500PM. Councilor Albrigo advised that the Health Insurance next committee meeting will be May 6, 2014 at 600PM. Councilor Krupa advised that the Ethics Board has chosen a new chairman, Michael Collins. Resolution # 60 Executive Session On motion of Councilor Kolakowski, seconded by Councilor Fassinger, the following resolution that the Board move into Executive Session to discuss a current litigation matter was unanimously passed. Paul J Curtin, Town Attorney and Lucille Fox, Town Assessor were also included. 714PM The executive session ended at 730PM. The Supervisor stated that no action was taken. Resolution # 61 Authorize the Town Board to Make Budget Modifications to the 2014 Budget Motion: Councilor Albrigo Second: Councilor Krupa Acct. Number Account Description Amount TO: A.1620.0200 Equipment $ 2,041.97 FROM: A.1220.0408 Bldg Repair & Maint $ 2,041.97 EXPLANATION: To fund the purchase of Biometric Time Clocks and Time & Attendance software from Syracuse Time & Alarm Company. BUDGET TRANSFERS 2014 Acct. Number Account Description Amount TO: A.5132.0420 Laundry Expenses $ 1,340.00 FROM: A.5132.0419 Misc Expense $ 1,340.00 EXPLANATION: To fund the cost of weekly laundry expenses. Original budget allowed for monthly laundry expenses at $32 each rather than weekly. A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Albrigo, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 7 Nays 0 Carried Resolution # 62 Authorize the Town Board to Approve Resolution # 5 thru 17 Motion: Councilor Valenti Second: Councilor Fassinger 5. Authorization to hire a laborer in the Highway Department at the hourly rate of $20.60 per hour with benefits, as per the Bargaining Unit Agreement dated January 1, 2012, the appointment to be effective April 8, 2014. (Highway) 6. Authorization for the Supervisor to sign the amendment between Onondaga County Community Development and the Town for the Stinson Avenue Road Rehabilitation Project. (Highway) 7. Authorization to resolve that the Town of Geddes has no objection to Onondaga County establishing itself as Lead Agency for the purposes of fulfilling the SEQRA requirements relative to the proposed Bridge Street and Milton Avenue Streetscape Revitalization Project. (Supervisors Office) 8. Authorization for the Board to accept into the lighting district in the 100 Block of Leslee Terrace Poles 2 and 3 whereas there are 100w HPS lights on poles 2 and 3 with National Grid. Each light is approximately $125.82 annually (including energy). (Supervisors Office) 9. Authorization from the Board to hire Marcus Lukins as a court security officer to serve as an alternate at the rate of $20.00 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours per week to work on an “as needed” basis during the absence of the regularly scheduled court security officers, also to replace James DiFulio. (Justice) 10. Authorization from the Board to send the Comptroller, Joyce Ballschmieder to the 14th Annual Town Finance Schools Seminar on May 15-16, 2014 in Rochester, New York. The registration fee is $200.00 plus mileage and expenses which is paid for through the Comptroller’s Budget. (Administrative) 11. Authorization to accept low bid of $58,830.00 from Davis Wallbridge Inc. for the Stinson Street Road Reconstruction Project subject to the approval of Community Development. This is a Type II action in terms of SEQR. (Highway) 12. Authorization from the Board to purchase Employee and Town Board Members (excluding Police Officers) Identification Cards at a cost of $800.00. (Public Safety) 13. Authorization for the Supervisor to canvass the Onondaga County Civil Service list for an Account Clerk I and to send out letters of interest to potential candidates. (Administrative) 14. Authorization from the Board to hire Hillari Forney as a part time police officer to fill the vacancy created by the full time appointment of Benjamin Nightingale. Salary per hour to be $16.61 and hours worked annually not to exceed 1040. Effective date of hire is April 9, 2014. (Public Safety) 15. Authorization from the Board to hire Michael C. Borell as a full time police officer to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dane Spicer. Michael Borell would be hired as a Police Officer 1st Class at a base salary of $58, 160. Effective date of the appointment will be April 24, 2014 with a probationary period of eight to seventy eight weeks. (Public Safety) 16. Authorization from the Board to purchase two (2) Memorial Wreaths in the amount of $165.00. (Administrative) 17. Authorization from the Board to support the Memorial Day event in the amount of $300.00 to come from account A-7550-0400. (Administrative) A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Albrigo, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 7 Nays 0 Carried Adjournment Motion: Councilor Valenti Second: Councilor Fassinger Resolved that the Town Board meeting be adjourned at 733PM. A Roll Call Vote was taken. Councilor Fassinger, Krupa, Valenti, Albrigo, Kolakowski, Weber and Supervisor Falcone voted yes. Ayes 7 Nays 0 Carried Submitted by: Joseph L Ranieri Town Clerk