Renewable Energy as a STEM Interest Motivator

Enhancing teaching and learning with an immersion research experience:
Project updates from an engineering precollege program
Lisa Leonor Grable
The Science House
NC State University
United States
Amy Overbay
Overbay Consulting Group
United States
Matthew Bosworth
Center for Advanced Power Systems
The Florida State University
United States
Keith E. Holbert
School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Arizona State University
United States
Abstract: The precollege program for an engineering research center includes participation by
middle and high school teachers and students. Renewable energy, the main research thrust for
the center, is used as a motivating entryway into engineering for the participants. Graduate
students designed a project-based research immersion experience for precollege participants,
using principles of project management and a wide array of technologies. Graduate students,
precollege teachers, and high school students all learned from the experience, with gains in
learning outcomes and awareness of engineering careers resulting for teachers and students,
along with agile project management skills for graduate students.
Since 2008, the U. S. National Science Foundation has funded Engineering Research Centers with a
mandate to include a Precollege Program as an integral component (NSF 2009). These programs include
Research Experience for Teachers (RET) and Young Scholars (YS), a similar research immersion for high
school students, along with other elective projects. The Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and
Management Systems Center (FREEDM) also includes summer camps for middle school students emphasizing
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), an Expert Classroom Visitor Program for graduate
students to bring renewable energy activities to classrooms, and sponsorship of an electricity and magnetism
competitive event for the North Carolina Science Olympiad. These projects use STEM concepts to make
connections to the power engineering research taking place within FREEDM. The program's strategic plan
concentrates on partnering with schools having large underrepresented minority populations, enhancing
engineering content and pedagogical knowledge, bringing engineering practices into classrooms, and involving
high school students in research. This paper highlights the use of immersion in research with teachers and
students to enhance knowledge of scientific and engineering practices.
Available research indicates that teacher professional development can affect student achievement. A
program designed to advance teachers' knowledge of content along with students' conceptions and motivation
was shown to produce gains in student learning in the classroom (Saxe, Gearhart, & Nasir 2001). Similarly, the
program in the study described here included opportunities for teachers to work together on implementing
changes in teaching and incorporating appropriate technologies.
Students need guidance in working with science and engineering practices. Challenging and welldesigned problems are key and teachers need practice in building this scaffolding. Teachers have to know
content and how to teach for student learning by creating opportunities to practice the discipline (Michaels,
Shouse, & Schweingruber 2007). Teachers are already preparing to implement the Next Generation Science
Standards (NGSS) once they are released. The frameworks released from the National Research Council use
science and engineering practices as a new perspective for designing teaching and learning (NRC 2011). These
practices are the essence of the work of STEM professionals: "asking questions and defining problems;
developing and using models; planning and carrying out investigations; analyzing and interpreting data; using
mathematics; constructing explanations and designing solutions; engaging in arguments using evidence; and
obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information" (Bybee 2011, p. 34).
Underrepresented minority students compose about 40% of the United States high school population.
Less than 20% of these students make up the population working on bachelor's degrees in science and
engineering fields, leading to a disproportionately low number of women, Latinos, and African-Americans
working in those occupations (NAS 2011). In the precollege program described here, the high school partner
schools serve over 9800 underrepresented students (Holbert, Molyneaux, Grable, & Dixon 2011). Miles and
Matkins (2004) found that students who were persisting in science had been influenced by participating in a
science enrichment program, such as Young Scholars. Students in high school show higher achievement when
they receive more experience with hands-on science and technology (Young 2005). Thus, enrichment programs
that provide underrepresented minority students substantial hands-on experience with key STEM concepts and
practices may afford an important opportunity that may have lasting benefits for this population.
Graduate students are a critical element in organizing a research immersion experience for precollege
participants. These students study project management as part of their curriculum and graduate student
portfolio program. In particular, the FREEDM Systems Center has made a commitment to use systems
engineering, of which project management is an important component, as a framework for the multiple,
interrelated research projects. The rigidity of the project management should take on different levels depending
on the particular project. For smaller projects, and for highly complex projects without definite requirements, a
lean, or agile, approach is often more effective. Software development groups such as IBM’s Rational Software
Group have adopted this style.
The ongoing study described here is designed to address the needs of students through working with
both teachers and students, using renewable energy topics as an entry point to engineering and other STEM
Participants and Activities
In the summer of 2012 graduate students at state universities with engineering schools convened as
mentor groups to develop projects that could be completed in 3 to 5 weeks. Expected outcomes included new
lessons from teachers incorporating engineering design process, renewable energy, and appropriate
technologies; raised awareness of the preparation needed for engineering studies among the high school
students; and recognition and enhanced communication and management skills for the graduate students.
Teachers and students applied to participate in the program from a pool of middle and high schools in
North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, and Missouri. We describe here in particular the research immersion as
piloted at two state universities. Teachers participated in 20 days of professional development, research time in
Center laboratories, lesson planning, field trips, and research seminars. Young Scholars were 10th and 11th
grade students who participated in 20 days of electricity and energy lessons, research time in Center
laboratories, field trips, research seminars, college planning and career awareness, and project design and
execution. Technology was integrated through the programs as appropriate.
Technology was integrated in project work and activities as appropriate. Engineering tools included
MATLAB with Simulink with the "SimPowerSystems" toolbox, Synopsys TCAD, Cadence IC Layout and
LabView (Cadence Design Systems 2013; MathWorks 2013; National Instruments Corp. 2011; Synopsys
2013). The technology use naturally emerged as the project teams worked. Other technologies are more
generally accessible in a school setting including: the LabQuest interface with probes to measure temperature,
voltage, and the luminous intensity of light sources (Vernier 2012); Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint; and
Google tools Scholar, Earth, Drive, and SketchUp (Google 2013). A large format plotter was used to make
research posters to present project results.
NC State University Project Teams
At NC State, graduate students were grouped in project teams by research thrust areas. The students
conducted brainstorming to determine the projects, set the members of the team, and identify a project manager.
Implementing the agile management framework, a coordinator was needed to manage and distribute resources
such as rooms, computers, software, equipment, and supplies. Teachers (5) were assigned to one project team to
work on designing semiconductor and power electronics devices. This required knowledge of silicon chip
design and buck converters. Young Scholars (8) were divided and assigned to two teams, one working on solar
home design and neighborhood power issues, and one working on a solar schoolhouse for use in a remote area
lacking a power grid. The solar home team learned Internet research techniques and home energy inventory
skills to create an Excel spreadsheet with data and formulas specific to their own homes. MATLAB Simulink
was used to compare load profile for a typical day with the photovoltaic system designed.
The second student team designed a solar schoolhouse for a region without a power grid in a
developing country. The school facility had to use DC power with a solar array as the energy source. The team
studied photovoltaic load curves, battery energy storage, and compared types of light bulbs. A physical mockup
was tested, including a large solar panel, and then compared with the theoretical design using MATLAB
Simulink and Excel.
The RET teachers joined the device team of graduate students working on high voltage buck
converters. MATLAB, Synopsys TCAD, and Cadence IC Layout were used to design a Schottky diode.
Florida A&M University - Florida State University College of Engineering Project Teams
The graduate student team in Tallahassee worked with Young Scholars (7) to teach concepts of
electricity, magnets and motors, and solar energy in preparation for project work. The project for the Young
Scholars was to integrate solar panels and a DC/DC converter to an electric golf cart. The students were
organized in groups of two, with each group focusing on an individual aspect of the project. The groups
consisted of the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) programmer, Converter Designers, and
Structural/Wiring Engineers. Appropriate concepts and topics were taught so as to finish the project on time.
LabView was the primary software used for the project. The group elected their project manager. The goal here
was to set up this project in a manner similar to an engineering senior design project.
Research Method
Pre- and post- survey measures were administered to look for changes in engineering self-efficacy,
energy literacy, and interest in engineering as a career (Grable, Molyneaux, Dixon, & Holbert 2011; Holbert,
Molyneaux, Grable, & Dixon 2011). Self-efficacy is defined as a person’s belief about his or her own capacity to
perform and influence events. Energy literacy and Interest in Engineering were also measured as key concepts,
given the goals and aims of the RET and YS programs. Surveys included the RET Network Survey, AWE
Longitudinal Assessment of Engineering Self-Efficacy, High School Version, Energy Literacy Survey, and the
AWE Post Activity Survey for High School-aged Participants ( n.d.; AWE n.d.; DeWaters,
Qaqish, Graham, & Powers 2013).
In addition to the constructs measured on these surveys, open-ended items were employed to provide
additional clarification of respondents’ perspectives; responses to these items were coded by subject using the
constant comparative method (Glasser & Strauss 1967). Factor scores were generated for each construct under
analysis, and paired t-tests were used to examine changes in factor scores between the pre and post survey
administration periods; Cohen’s d was used to examine the effect size of these differences (Cohen 1988).
How did the project engineering work with specialized technologies affect the participants? Comments
on the program were sought from each of the participating groups. Teachers gave responses to open-ended
questions about their experience:
I was able to gain at least two expansions to my current curriculum that I can take
immediately back to the classroom. I also am taking back more of a desire to integrate
project-based learning when possible.
I took a crash course in electronics, which I have always been interested in. I had the
opportunity to see engineers at work, see the type of research that is done at that facility. I am
not so afraid to off[er] electronic activities in my science club. The primary purpose is to
stimulate interest in students pursuing a career in STEM related fields.
Students also responded to questions about their experience:
I have changed my mind a lot about engineering field. There are a lot of aspects of
engineering that I had not known of before. It was interesting to see all of the different kinds
of engineering and how they all, in some way of fashion, affect my life. The field seems more
appealing and more fun to me.
I honestly liked having a mentor. I got to see what kind of work that he was into and how he
participated in the engineering field. My mentor was a good resource for me when I needed
help and support during my project.
This program allowed me to gain new understandings of ideas that were unknown. I was able
to participate in a project that allowed me to contribute to a real world problem and achieve a
Graduate students reflected on the project team experience:
I taught a multiple day workshop on the theory and construction of solar powered autonomous
robots. The level of participation and enthusiasm demonstrated by the attendees (high school
teachers and students) was indicative of the value they derived from the program. I thoroughly
enjoyed the experience.
[This was] a great opportunity for high school students who are interested in STEM fields but
who are still undecided about their university career paths. Working with the YS was a very
rewarding task because I was able to share some knowledge and experience, and act as a
temporary mentor for them.
[Management strategy was to form] groups of grad [student] mentors and assign each group a
week to work with the YS. Communicate to later groups what the previous groups had
already accomplished with the YS. It may have been better for each YS to have a different
project responsibility and to report to the mentor, but it was hard to divide the solar home
project into different sub-projects.
Tables 1 through 4 give highlights of results from surveys. As shown in Table 1, teachers scored at a
high level in desired outcome areas. Means were calculated on a 4-point scale, with 4 being the highest level of
agreement with the statement. The Energy Beliefs and Behaviors scales described in Tables 2 and 4 use the
following response options: 1=not at all, 2=small extent, 3=moderate extent, and 4=great extent. As seen in
Table 3, the majority of high school respondents (55.2%) believed that there was at least a 50% chance that they
would complete an engineering program. A total of 29 students and 11 teachers were surveyed.
To what extent, if any, do you feel that you experienced
each of the following types of learning as a result of your
participation in the program?
a. I gained greater understanding of the applications of
science, mathematics, or technology in everyday life
b. I became familiar with new materials and equipment that I
“Moderate” or
“Great extent”
Mean (N=11)
can use in my teaching
c. I learned about innovative ways to use standard materials
and equipment in my field
d. I increased my knowledge of current issues in scientific or
mathematical research
e. I gained a greater appreciation of the difficulties some
students encounter when learning science or mathematics
f. I better understand how collaborative inquiry can be done
g. I became more proficient at using the Internet for
communicating with colleagues and accessing information
that will be helpful in my teaching
h. I expanded my knowledge of how to use computers in my
i. I increased my knowledge of careers that utilize science,
mathematics, or technology
Table 1. Teacher learning outcomes from RET Network Survey
Energy Beliefs
Energy Behaviors
Means (N=10)
Post Post- Pre
71.10 71.50
(6.45) (5.32)
41.90 42.30
(2.92) (3.23)
Paired t-test
0.18 9 0.86
Table 2. RET Energy Beliefs and Behaviors Scales, Pre vs. Post, 2012
If you go to college, do you think
you will pursue an engineeringrelated field?
In your future do you think you
want to be an engineer?
Pre (n=28)
Pre (n=27)
Table 3. Young Scholar pursuit of engineering (Pre- and Post-)
25.64 28.11
(3.94) (5.05)
Engineering Understanding 44.87 46.13
(6.18) (6.87)
Energy Beliefs
66.12 68.12
(9.41) (10.35) (10.07)
Energy Behaviors
37.86 38.61
(6.75) (7.37)
Note: Standard deviations for means are in parentheses
Table 4. Young Scholar Survey Results, Pre vs. Post, 2012
Further Research
Paired t-test
27 0.0001
With the possibility of a few more years of funding, project staff will continue to refine the treatment
and the study. Further investigation into possible gender differences in attitude, the change in energy
knowledge, and effect of direct instruction in problem-solving the engineering design process will be
considered (Grable, Molyneaux, Dixon, & Holbert 2011).
Summary and Conclusions
Overall, available results from the FREEDM precollege program (RET/YS) indicate that promising
work is being conducted with teachers and high school students. This program is bringing engineering concepts
into middle and high school classrooms with a special emphasis on power and renewable energy. Teachers and
students are directly involved in Center research, which may serve to increase enrollment of domestic students
in university engineering degree programs. Green energy topics are engaging for high school students and give
teachers an authentic issue for developing STEM lessons. Graduate students learn 21st century skills by
designing a simple project and exercising management skills.
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Support for this project is provided in part by the National Science Foundation, Division of Engineering Education and
Centers, Award Number 0812121, The authors
wish to acknowledge the contributions of team members Erik Schettig, Thomas Nudell, Melaine Rickard, Brandon Nzekwe,
Roxanne Hughes, Anthony Arnold, Mehdi Ferdowsi, and Mariesa Crow.