and the budget Keep your vocabulary out… Fiscal policy is an attempt by the government (President and Congress) to stabilize and/or regulate the economy using the tools of the budget. The tools of the budget are taxes and spending. What is the policy? Fiscal Policy Why do we use it? To regulate or stabilize the economy Who controls it? The President and Congress How does it work? Using the tools of the budget. The tools of the budget are taxes and spending. Fiscal Policy song: To the tune of Frere Jacques: (Seriously) Fiscal Policy (repeat) Has two tools (repeat) Taxes and spending (repeat) Is what they use (repeat) Keynes (John Maynard Keynes, a British Economist) believed the government could use fiscal policy (its budgetary plan) to fix the economy (by controlling spending). Keynes believed if you (the government )could control demand; you could control the economy. because your spending impacts the economy. Keynesian economics is also known as “demand-side” economics. The government must take control the economy during periods of inflation and periods of recession in order to fix or stabilize the economy. So, how does it control the economy or attempt to control the economy? INFLATION TOO MUCH SPENDING TOO MUCH DEMANDING TOO MUCH PURCASHING MORE AND MORE GOODS So, keeping in mind that the government can raise or lower taxes; what should the government do to the amount of money it collects from you in taxes? RAISE OR LOWER THEM? RAISE! And what should it do to its own spending? CUT SPENDING! (LOWER SPENDING.) RECESSION Recession means too little money in the economy. Therefore, recession means too little spending or demanding (demand-side economics). Keynes would say it means too little demand. There is too little air in the balloon. So, this time we have to fill it up! The question is how! RECESSION During a recession, when people are not spending; not demanding. how much should the government collect increase or decrease taxes? TAXES SHOULD BE LOWERED/DECREASED What should the government do to its own spending? Increase/decrease? GOVERNMENT SPENDING SHOULD BE INCREASED. What did the government (Congress and President Bush) do one spring; in hopes of boosting the economy, boosting spending? ISSUED REBATES. A bonus…extra money back. INFLATION ~~~ DECREASE DEMAND INCREASE TAXES DECREASE SPENDING *POLITICAL SUICIDE RECESSION~~~ INCREASE DEMAND DECREASE TAXES INCREASE SPENDING ISSUE REBATES $ Too much money = inflation Too little money = recession!!!