Websites with useful water data

Websites with useful water data
Find out more about the nation’s rivers using this mapping tool. Includes: data on water quality,
pollution and other water quality impairments; locations where water quality is being monitored
(and where it is not); the safety of your drinking water; and information about facilities that are
permitted to discharge their wastewater directly into our rivers (just in case you ever are curious
about exactly what that pipe from the local mill is dumping into the river.)
Surf Your Watershed
Learn more about your watershed at this website.
What is the Health of my Watershed?
Provides background information helpful for getting the most from the EPA “Surf Your Watershed”
USGS Water Data Discovery
Ever wondered where to find water quality or water quantity data to use for a school project? This is
an amazing source of water data. Warning- it may take some familiarity with scientific data and
databases to navigate with ease. The previously mentioned websites, hosted by the EPA, offer an
easier way for those without this specialized knowledge to learn more about their watersheds.
Chattahoochee BacteriALERT
Don’t want to swim in river when there are copious amounts of e coli or other bacteria present? Check
this website first.
Georgia River Levels
Prevent recreation-related injuries or death, while making sure you are catching the best flows for
kayaking or tubing, by checking river levels first.
Websites with water conservation information
My Drop Counts
Fun website that allows you to calculate your home water use, and provides ideas for saving water.
One-stop shop for environmental information in Clarke County
Athens-Clarke County Guide to the Environment
Watershed map, environmental areas map, tree cover map, recycling bins of UGA map, destinations
of the week, state of the air report, water quality report, safe drinking water information, water
quality monitoring data for north and middle Oconee Rivers, backyard bird count, endangered
species. Also has links to local organizations and events if you are interested in volunteering or
learning more about environmental issues.