EPA Region 6 Dallas, Texas DRAFT EPA Perspectives In Watershed Planning Mike Bira USEPA Region 6 NPS Program bira.mike@epa.gov 214-665-6668 2 Clean Water Act (CWA) Federal law promulgated in 1972. Applies to surface water – lakes, rivers, streams, coastal areas Uses regulatory and non-regulatory tools to protect and restore the nation’s waters Goals: reduce direct pollutant discharges into waterways, finance municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and manage polluted runoff restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters so that they can support "the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water." Water Quality-Based Approach Establish Water Quality Standards Implement water quality controls – point sources and nonpoint sources Develop Watershed Plans and TMDLs Monitor and Assess waters based on WQ standards Identify impaired/threatened waters (303(d) List) 4 Surface Water Quality Standards • Beneficial Uses – fishing – swimming – public water supplies • Criteria to protect these uses • Antidegradation policy to limit additional water pollution Adopted by State, Reviewed by EPA Water Quality CRITERIA Numeric Criteria Chloride - 250 mg/l Lead - 5 ug/l Narrative Criteria "Toxic chemicals shall not be present in toxic amounts" "No objectionable algal densities or nuisance aquatic vegetation" What is An Impaired Water EPA defines an impaired waterbody as one that does not meet water quality criteria that support its designated use. The criteria might be numeric and specify concentration, duration, and recurrence intervals for various parameters, or they might be narrative and describe required conditions such as the absence of scum, sludge, odors, or toxic substances. If the waterbody is impaired it is placed on the section 303(d) list. For each pollutant listed, the state or tribe must develop a restoration target called a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). What Can Happen to a 303(d) listed Waterbody • The waterbody has a TMDL submitted and approved within 8 to 13 years and is delisted. • The waterbody is restored and meets WQSs and is delisted. • The waterbody is reassessed and is found to be meeting WQSs and is delisted. • WQSs are changed, the waterbody is reassessed and is found to be meeting WQSs and is delisted. Total Maximum Daily Load - TMDL • A tool for implementing State Water Quality Standards • Establishes allowable pollutant loadings for a water body • Provides basis for States to establish water quality based controls • Addresses both Point Source and Nonpoint Source Pollution TMDL Definition Sum of Loads = Assimilative Capacity SWLA + SLA + {MOS} = TMDL Point source loads + nonpoint source loads + MOS = TMDL WLA = wasteload allocation (point source loads) LA = load allocation (nonpoint source and background loads) MOS = margin of safety (explicit or implicit) TMDL = total maximum daily load A watershed plan is a document used to resolve and prevent water quality problems that result from both point source and nonpoint source contributors. These plans are intended both to provide an analytical framework to restore water quality in impaired waters and to protect water quality in other waters adversely affected or threatened by pollutant sources. Why Watershed Plans Fail to Achieve Desired Goals Planning activities conducted at too great of a scale. Plan was a one-time study rather than long-term management process. Lack of stakeholder involvement and ownership. Skirting of real land use/management issues. Plan was too long or complex. Recommendations were too general. Failure to identify and address conflicts. Source: Center for Watershed Protection Translate and Communicate !! Steps In Watershed Planning 14 The Nine Elements that Must Be Included in a 319 Watershed Plan 1. ID causes & sources of pollution – TMDL feature 2. Estimate load reductions expected – TMDL feature 3. Describe mgmt measures & targeted critical areas – TMDL feature 4. Estimate technical and financial assistance needed 5. Develop education component 6. Develop schedule – TMDL option 7. Describe measurable milestones – TMDL option 8. ID indicators to measure progress 15 9. Develop a monitoring component – TMDL option Comparison of Watershed Plans and TMDL Components Watershed Plan Components TMDL Components 1. Build partnerships 1. Provide opportunity for public involvement 2. Characterize the watershed 2. Identify the problem • • • • ID waterbody, impairments, study boundaries Gather and analyze data ID causes and sources Estimate loads • • • • ID waterbody, impairments, study boundaries Present data analysis ID causes and sources Estimate loads Comparison of Watershed Plans and TMDL Components continued TMDL Components Watershed Plan Components 3. Sets goals and ID solutions • • • • Develop indicators/targets Determine load reductions ID critical areas Develop management measures to achieve goals 3. Identify water quality targets and goals and allocate loads • • • • • ID applicable WQS/targets ID critical areas and seasonality Describe technical analysis used in load estimation, load reduction, modeling, etc. Allocate acceptable loads between point and nonpoint sources (WLAs, LAs) Provide for a margin of safety (MOS) Comparison of Watershed Plans and TMDL Components continued Watershed Plan Components 4. Design an implementation program • • • • • • • Develop an implementation schedule Develop interim milestones Develop criteria to measure progress Develop monitoring component Develop educational component ID technical /financial assistance Assign responsibility TMDL Components 4. Provide a monitoring and restoration strategy – Optional except for phasedTMDLs • • • WLAs implemented through NPDES permits LAs implemented through voluntary and incentive based programs Monitoring and restoration information encouraged but not required unless the TMDL is phased EPA Watershed Tools www.epa.gov www.epa.gov/healthywatersheds www.epa.gov/owow/watershedplanning Surf Your Watershed Watershed Academy Watershed Plan Builder Newest News Two EPA watershed products released 2013: A Quick Guide to Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/nps/upload watershed mgmt quick guide.pdf An Introduction to Watershed Planning http://cfpub.epa.gov/watertrain/moduleFrame.cf m?module EPA Watershed Central Wiki Wiki.epa.gov Interactive site with Wiki format Allows users to add new H2Oshed programs and input new info to existing sites THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Never criticize someone unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you’re a mile away. And you have their shoes. Questions? Comments? www.epa.gov/owow/nps/watershed_handbook/ 24