read the poem

Bailee Lerette
Ms. Young
Algebra II
14 May 2014
The Math Poem
Range says “ladies first”
and Daphie Domain just blushes.
They’re always found as a pair.
Can’t you tell they’re each other’s crushes?
But this function relationship is quite unique.
Daphie Domain is still attracted to her “x”,
but Range doesn’t even ask “y”.
He just tags behind and admires her chic.
Factoring is a banana –
It does a split.
An expression becomes more simple
and that’s the end of it.
The common stuff is found.
It’s as easy as can be.
If you can’t make 3y + 12y simpler,
take 3 and y out. Don’t you see?
Graphs are like people.
They come in every shape and size.
You could see the difference
if you’d just open your eyes.
Graphs have highs and lows
just like a roller coaster.
Graphs are like a rose,
always growing big and tall.
Graphs think they’re the fairest of them all.
The quadratic equation is super easy.
I know a song to learn it, but it’s kinda cheesy.
There are three numbers that you gotta plug in.
Once you learn the steps, you can do it again.
The solutions are like a tree,
since the name of it is “roots”.
If you graph it all out,
the picture makes a loop that’s cute.
Some think math is full of agony,
but it’s infinite – like the galaxy.
Numbers, numbers everywhere.
Math should be handled with care.
Math is super duper cool.
It’s something you need to get through school.
You’ll never find the end of it.
Every job needs math, even if you knit.