PowerPoint Outline

Male & Female Anatomy PowerPoint Outline
Introduction Slide with class and name
Intro to beginning female anatomy
o Pubic hair, mons veneris, clitoris, labia minora, labia majora, urinary opening,
vaginal opening
Discussion Question: What do you think is the cause for altering the vulva?
Mons Veneris
o Area that covers pubic bone, pleasurable because of many nerve endings,
covered with hair at puberty.
Labia Minora and Labia Majora
o Inner and outer lips, vary in shape, size, and color, labia minora join at prepuce
o Function is sexual pleasure, varies in size and shape, sensitive to touch
Vestibule & urethra
o Vestibule inside labia minora, sensitive. Urine passes through urethra, located
between clitoris and vaginal opening.
Introitus & Hymen
o Introitus is the opening to vagina, located between anus and urethral opening,
hymen protects vaginal tissues.
o Males & female, area between anus and vaginal opening
Vulva photo
Underlying structures
o Cavernous bodies, vestibular bulbs, bartholins glands
Internal Structures
o Vagina, tissue, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, ovulation
Internal Structure Photo
Menstruation & it's phases
Male Anatomy Intro
o Head, shaft, root, tissues, etc. Foreskin, circumcision
Discussion Question: Does penis size or shape effect sexual performance? How?
Scrotum & testes
o asymmetrical pouches, sperm production in testes, epididymis, vas deferens4
Prostate Gland & Semen
o Prostate gland size of walnut, semen expelled through penis
Male anatomy photo
Male sexual funcitons
o Erection, ejaculation
Genital Health Concerns
o Wash penis thoroughly, penile cancer, testicular cancer, prostate diseases
Class Activity: Similarities & differences between males & females