Scavenger Hunt Works Cited

Scavenger Hunt
Research Topic Article
Dixon, J. (2013). Uneasy Recreation: Workplace Social Events as Problematic Sites for
Communicating Sexual Orientation. Florida Communication Journal, 41(1), 63-71.
a. One article by Dr. Kim Weller Gregory and Dr. Theodore Zorn.
Zorn, T. E., & Gregory, K. (2005). Learning the Ropes Together: Assimilation and Friendship
Development Among First-Year Male Medical Students. Health Communication, 17(3),
211-231. doi:10.1207/s15327027hc1703_1
b. One article by Dr. John A. McArthur.
McArthur, J. A., & Bostedo-Conway, K. (2012). Exploring the Relationship between
Student-Instructor Interaction on Twitter and Student Perceptions of Teacher
Behaviors. International Journal Of Teaching And Learning In Higher Education, 24(3),
c. One article by Dr. Leanne Pupchek.
Pupchek, L. (2001). True North: Inuit Art and the Canadian Imagination. American
Review Of Canadian Studies, 31(1/2), 191.
d. One review by Dr. Leanne Pupchek.
Pupchek, L. (2010). A Review of: “Carolyn Ellis, Revision: Autoethnographic Reflections
on Life and Work.”. Southern Communication Journal, 75(4), 454-456.
e. One article by Dr. Mohammed el-Nawawy.
Elmasry, M., & el-Nawawy, M. (2014). One Country, Two Eras: How Three Egyptian
Newspapers Framed Two Presidents. Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition, 9(1),
f. One article by Dr. Zachary White.
Brooks, B. W., Cox, S. M., & White, Z. M. (2012). SPIRIT AIRLINES CONTROVERSIAL
PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGNS. Journal Of Case Studies, 30(2), 44-58.
g. One article by Dr. David Payne.
Hample, D., Han, B., & Payne, D. (2010). The Aggressiveness of Playful
Arguments. Argumentation, 24(4), 405-421. doi:10.1007/s10503-009-9173-8
h. One article by Dr. Carolyn Ellis and Dr. Arthur Bochner.
Bochner, A. P., & Ellis, C. (1992). Social Approaches: Personal Narrative as a Social
Approach to Interpersonal Communication.Communication Theory (10503293), 2(2),
i. One article from a popular “trade” magazine about the topic you chose in Part A.
Garcia, M. (2014, June 26). Teen Restaurant Worker Forced to Wear 'Gaytard' Name
Tag. Avocate.
j. One article from a newspaper on the topic you chose in Part A.
Miller, C.C. (2014, May 16). Where Are The Gay Chief Executives?. NewYork Times.
k. One article from an authoritative website on the topic you chose in Part A.
Executive Order -- Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment
Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment
Opportunity. (2014, July 21). Retrieved September 5, 2014, from
l. One example of multimedia material that could illustrate or inform on the topic you
chose in Part A.
Goltz, D. (2013). It Gets Better: Queer Futures, Critical Frustrations, and Radical
Potentials. Critical Studies In Media Communication, 30(2), 135-151.