Master in Business Engineering February 25, 2015 General competences • English and a second language (at least) • Adaptability in a professional context • Intellectual and international openness • Real-world anchoring • Communication and team-working skills • Personal investment • Creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, managerial responsibility But also: • mastery of fundamentals of management ; • mastery of specific competences and of a field of specialisation • understanding of the innerworkings of entreprises and of current economic and managerial challenges • capacity to implement conceptual knowledge in the field, to analyze complex situations and to propose relevant solutions • analytical skills allowing managers to transform concepts into models and products or decisions • familiarity with project management methodologies. Master 1 IG 2015-2016 Compulsory Courses Title ECTS Corporate Finance 5 Strategic Marketing 5 Change management 5 Business Ethics and Corporate Social 5 Responsibility Information Technology Management 5 Models and Methods in Applied Statistics 5 Business Analytics 5 Master 1 IG 2015-2016 Choose a course among: Projets technologiques innovants 4 Economics of Innovation 4 Language level « 4 » or Language « advanced 4 » or « elementary 1 » German or Spanish or Dutch : Choose a course among 3 3 elementary level 1 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3 International Strategy 3 Master 1 IG 2015-2016 Specialization area 3 courses in the specialization area (to be continued in M2) Skills portfolio To be validated in M2 15 Master 2 IG 2016-2017 Compulsory Strategy and Sustainability - Seminar 4 Skills portfolio 5 Language level « 5 » or Language 3 « advanced 5 » or « elementary 2 » German or Spanish or Dutch : Choose a course elementary level 2 among Or a course from the MIG programme 3 Master 2 IG 2016-2017 3 courses in the specialization area Specialization Internship (including project management) area Master thesis 15 10 20 Master IG - Specializations Each specialized track consists of • 6 courses for 30 credits • An internship in the same field for 10 credits • A master thesis (company project or research work) in the same field for 20 credits Master IG - Specializations Over 2 years: • Financial Engineering • Performance Management and Control • Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics • Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects Academic leader: Prof. G. Hübner A quantitative-oriented specialization in market and institutional finance, with a particular focus on financial modeling Objectives Contents Competences & Jobs Objectives • The delivery of techniques and methods necessary to actively participate in the creation, use and control of high value-added financial products and services • Mastery of the concepts and techniques and their use in an innovative framework • Focus on modeling skills with an opening toward postgraduate education in mathematical or actuarial finance 11 Contents M1 • Financial Mathematics and Stochastic Calculus Compulsory • Financial Derivatives • Investments and Portfolio Management Choose 2 among M2 Methods in Financial Markets – Theory and Applications • Droit et fiscalité des institutions financières • Advanced Corporate Finance and Modeling • Financial Economics • Financial Data Modeling and Analysis • Financial Risk Modeling 12 Competences & Jobs You’ll get: • Deep understanding of valuation and management methods for simple and complex financial instruments; • Detailed knowledge of financial institutions, markets and assets, with their functioning and use; • Mastery of specific concepts and issues related to asset and risk management; • Identification of price formation and risk occurrence mechanisms, enabling the mastery of conceptual and technical aspects of market and institutional finance. • Understanding of the technicalities of financial operations through the elaboration of innovative calculation and optimization techniques; • A perspective over tools and techniques regarding quantitative and methodological aspects developed during the master’s studies – through personal reflection, individual and group work. 13 Competences & Jobs Typical job opportunities: • In all components of the financial industry: private banking, retail banking, investment funds, insurance companies, … • Positions in asset management (management of mutual funds / pension funds / hedge funds…) with a portfolio structuring approach; • All types of jobs related to modeling and management of risks (use of derivatives, liquidity, credit) in the financial sector; • Jobs in investment banking linked to the preparation and implementation of complex strategies to originate, value and exchange financial securities, including in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As). 14 Academic leader: Prof. Didier VAN CAILLIE Major objective : To provide students with the knowledge and tools needed to permanently optimize the performance of organizations Description Objectives Contents Competences Job opportunities 15 Description • Professors involved : • • • • • Félix Fank Georges Hübner Danielle Sougné Didier Van Caillie … and others ! 16 Objectives • Major objective : To provide students with the knowledge and tools needed in order to permanently optimize the performance of organizations • To train future managers specialized in financial and global performance management • Specialized competences in accounting, finance, audit and law in order to optimize performance management 17 Contents M1 M2 • Audit • Business Modeling, Control and Planning Compulsory • Organizational Risk and Performance Management • Consolidation and IFRS • Multinational Financial Management Choose 3 among • International Performance Management • Fiscalité approfondie 18 Competences • Technical competences • General and Management Accounting • Management Control • Performance Management • Audit • Law (Business and fiscal issues) • Information Systems + Corporate Finance (financial resources management, financing, etc) 19 Competences • Behavioral competences • • • • Global and transversal vision of organizations Practical experience Communication (oral and written) Ability to listen to others, to understand specific situations and to translate them into synthetic but meaningful terms ! 20 Job opportunities • Related to financial management • Financial manager or director • Financial analyst • Budget manager • Related to performance management • Business controller • Internal auditor • Consultant 21 Academic leader : Prof. Yasemin Arda An ideal preparation, based on a deep understanding of modelling, IT and management processes, for careers in industrial companies and service organizations that deploy and interact with complex supply chains Objectives Contents Competences Career opportunities Why Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics? Supply chain management and business analytics are NOT: narrow technical disciplines, reserved to a handful of production engineers, freight transport specialists, or computer geeks, with few professional opportunities. 23 Why Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics? Supply chain management is a core concern for all the enterprises and organizations that deliver goods and services. a fundamental component of the enterprise strategy, which procures competitive advantages. a set of activities carried out in conjunction with all business functions and in close relationship with clients and suppliers. a field that is constantly and rapidly evolving in order to cope with the opportunities and challenges of globalization, advanced information and communication technologies, environmental concerns, and increased efficiency concerns of organizations. a major competitive asset for the Region. 24 Why Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics? The Port of Liège is the largest inland port in Belgium and the 3rd leading one in Europe. Liège Airport is the 8th leading cargo airport in Europe. According to a 2009 study by Cushman & Wakefield, Wallonia is the most attractive region in Europe for locating logistic activities, and Liège is the second most attractive province. 25 Why Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics? Business analytics allows organizations and managers to cope with ever increasing amounts of data and information generated in all kinds of formats and representations (Big Data). to acquire more knowledge of their customers, of their economic environment and of their own internal operations. to take full advantage of available data for making smarter decisions, for creating value, and for making better use of scarce resources. to support business insights and to move to fact-based management by relying on data and on analytical disciplines. 26 Objectives We concentrate on the management processes put in place by enterprises and organizations in order to best achieve their most fundamental mission, which is the production and distribution of goods and services. “Excellent supply chain management helps leading companies around the world achieve better service, lower costs, lower inventory, and ultimately, competitive advantage.” (McKinsey Quarterly 2008) 27 Objectives In order to improve their service levels and operational efficiency, today’s enterprises and organizations are required to analyze data collected from a variety of sources with the aim of uncovering valuable information and insights, and make decisions informed by data analysis and supported by optimization techniques. Our objectives: Provide future managers with analytical skills needed for efficient and informed decision making Prepare graduates for careers in industrial companies and service organizations that face complex decision problems in their supply chain and logistics management processes – that is, most existing companies !! 28 Contents M1 M2 • Logistics and Transportation Compulsory • Operations Planning Quality, Ethics and Sustainability in Supply Chain Management • Computational Optimization • Distribution Management Choose 2 among • ERP Solutions for Supply Chains • Web and Text Analytics • eBusiness and eCommerce 29 Competences • Transversal and analytical competences, specific for Business engineers • Deep understanding of the data analysis, modelling, and optimization techniques • Main issues in transportation and distribution management, as well as the tools available to help decision-makers • Mastery of advanced production planning and inventory management models and methods • Familiarity with quality management processes and performance tools used to assess and to improve the efficiency of supply chains • Understanding of the main challenges linked to sustainability and environmental and ethical concerns faced by today’s supply chains • Hands-on experience with advanced ERP management information systems implemented by leading companies worldwide • Understanding of e-business models and familiarity with text analytics 30 Career opportunities Typical careers and sectors: • supply chain manager in manufacturing companies: contract and supplier manager, production and inventory manager, distribution manager, transport manager, warehouse manager, quality manager, sales manager, etc.; in industries like iron and steel, mechanical, automobile, electronics, aeronautic, computer and communications, cosmetics, food and agri-business, pharmaceutical companies, chemical and petrochemical; • operations and logistics manager in service industries, in the public sector, in non-profit organizations: personnel planner, inventory manager, operations manager, revenue manager, purchasing and quality manager, etc.; in hospitals, humanitarian organizations, hotels chains, tour operators, airline companies, financial institutions and insurance companies, retailing companies, e-businesses; • operations manager for logistical service providers, such as 3PL and 4PL (third- and fourth-party logistics) operators, trucking companies, package carriers, port authorities, rail operators, airports and airline companies; 31 Career opportunities Typical careers and sectors: • ERP specialist, business analyst, data analyst in manufacturing companies and service organisations; • consultant, researcher or business developer for providers of specialized information systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, warehouse management systems, transport management and vehicle routing systems; • researcher or analyst for private consulting companies, for regional, federal or international administrations and organizations, for university research centers. ArcelorMittal, Duferco, CMI, Magotteaux, L'Oréal, InBev, Nestlé, GSK, Ely .Lilly, Shell, Hewlett-Packard, Médecins Sans Frontières, United Nations World Food Programme, Thalys, Club Med, TNT, La Poste, PFSWeb, SNCB, Air France, SAP, Oracle, IBM, McKinsey, CapGemini, European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, Service Public Fédéral Mobilité et Transports, and thousands of other organizations worldwide. 32 Academic Leader : Prof. Olivier Lisein Program Manager : Mrs Sophie Leruth Description Objectives Contents Career Outcomes 33 Description • An action-training program focused on the management of complex and multidimensional innovation and change projects (finance, IS, HR, marketing, supply chain, etc.) • Program based on an inductive approach using problembased learning • M2 = full-year training program alternating between company and university M1 = preparation to this full-year “in-company” program 34 Objectives • Detailed analysis and management of a particular topic submitted to innovation and change (content) ( competences in finance, marketing, operations, etc.) • Use of diagnosis tools of the context in which the innovation and change project takes place (strategic audit, organizational audit, IS audit, financial audit, etc.) 35 Objectives • Exploration and use of management tools related to the innovation and change process (project management, change management, communication, etc.) • Development of “soft skills” : initiative, teamwork, reflexivity, personal development, entrepreneurship, etc.) • Articulation of academic and professional requirements 36 Contents M1 M2 • Innovation Project Definition and Development (partim II) • Innovation Project Definition and Development (partim I) Compulsory • Topics in Advanced Management • Strategic organizational and IS audits • Project and Change Management • Consultant Roles and Stakeholder Relationships Management • Creativity and Design Choose 1 among • Strategy and Business Model Generation • Organizational Performance 37 Contents • Program based on an in-depth coaching of the students (problem-based learning approach) HEC-ULg Faculty “in-company” Staff - “Content” Experts - Project Manager - “Context” Experts - Coach - “Process” Experts - Steering Committee 38 Career outcomes • This training program should allow graduates to: - monitor strategic projects - manage innovation and change dynamics within all kinds of organizations • It paves the way for high level managerial positions, as well as international auditing and consultancy careers 39 Stay abroad… • Erasmus stay: integral part of your study program • First semester • Specialization courses in Liège: second semester. • Other opportunities : Double Degrees 40 Double Degrees *Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics - Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (German/English) - Universiteit Gent (Dutch/English) *Financial Engineering - Universiteit Gent (Dutch/English) *Performance Management and Control - Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (German/English) Alumni in the World Nos Alumni à travers le Monde Didier DEPREAY, Directeur général - Administrateur délégué, POINT CHAUD Belgique Alumni promo 1984 Yves NOEL, Président du groupe NMC, NMC Belgique Alumni promo 1975 Catherine WILLEMART, Senior Brand Manager, GODIVA CHOCOLATIER Belgique Alumni promo 1997 Eric HERMANN, CRO - Membre du Comité de Direction, BELFIUS Belgique Alumni promo 1983 Bernard THIRY, Directeur général et Président du Comité de Direction, ETHIAS Belgique Alumni promo 1979 Nos Alumni à travers le Monde Paul MOUTON, CFO, BESIX Belgique Alumni promo 1981 Frédéric ANCION, Senior Credit Officer, COMMERZBANK AG SHANGHAI BRANCH Chine Alumni promo 1996 Eléonore DETHIER, Marketing Manager, SOTHEBY'S Hong Kong Alumni promo 2009 Robert BRZUSCZAK, Executive Vice President, BONGRAIN France Alumni promo 1977 Christophe NAVARRE, Président Directeur général, MOET HENNESSY - LVMH France Alumni promo 1980 Pascal PREUDHOMME, V.P. Finance, DANONE RESEARCH Argentine Alumni promo 1992 Nos Alumni à travers le Monde Yves FRANCIS, Managing Partner, DELOITTE Luxembourg Alumni promo 1989 Didier MOUGET, Managing Partner, PWC Luxembourg Alumni promo 1982 Bernard DELVAUX, CEO SONACA, Belgique Alumni promo 1998 Sandrine VANDELOISE, VP & Senior Financial Adviser, GDF SUEZ Dubai United Arab Emirates Alumni promo 1988 Marco HOUSCHEID, Vice Président - Investment Banking, JP MORGAN Londres UK Alumni promo 2002 More information about specialization areas *Wednesday 25 February, 16h30 • Performance Management and Control (115) • Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics ET Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects (050) • Financial Engineering (223) Question time… 47