Early Rome

Early Rome
Tara Pawlyk
What will be discussed
How Rome began
Rome’s Strengths
The Start of Rome
According to Legend, Rome was founded by
Romulus and Remus in 753 BC
Rome started off as a small community on the Plain
of Latium on the Italian Peninsula
Rome did so well thanks to it’s Geography that
provided a central location in Italy were they also
had access to the ocean
Rome was considered to be the “Etruscans Greatest
Creation” However, later the romans ended up
conquering the Etruscans
Where was Rome?
Spoke Latin
Society was obsessed with the three
characteristics of courage, determination, and
duty. Also a big fan of legends.
Social Structure: The largest division of classes
was between the patricians and the plebeians.
The patricians were the members of Roman
Senate and wealthy while the plebeians were the
commoners who were fairly poor. There also were
the Etruscan Elites that were similar to knights.
Rome’s Strengths
Government: Rome started as a Monarchy and
later formed a Republic.
Law: Rome developed a strong authority system
to keep their growing republic where it needed to
Engineering: Built the Servian wall to protect
themselves, creation of roads, aqueducts
Early Rome was a strong society thanks to it’s
central location, strong government, and
advanced technology. Rome also was full of
culture and stories. Overall, Rome was a very
successful society that was constantly
How did the development of roads and
aqueducts help strengthen Rome’s community?
Why do you think having a central location
would be beneficial to the Romans?
Spielvogel, Jackson J.Western Civilization Volume
1: To 1715 Eight Edition. Wadsworth, 2009
I liked the textbook
best. Everything was laid out in an easy to find
format. Overall quick and easy to use, very helpful.
Bentley, Jerry H. Bentley, and Herbert F. Ziegler,
Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on
the Past. Third Edition. New York, NY: McGrawHill, 2006.
This textbook wasn’t as
useful since it had a poor layout.