“Uniting the Love of Learning with the Love of God.” 2015-2016 New Student Application Packet Mr. Lawrence A. Swoope, Principal 539 S. Arlington Street Akron, OH 44306 330-785-9116 www.acafirebirds.com Student:_____________________________________Grade:__ Student: Grade:_____________________ Why ACA? Here Are A Dozen Reasons The Best Choice for Quality Education Creative, Disciplined and Safe Learning Environment Challenging, Comprehensive Curriculum Foreign Language and Computer Technology Training Greater than 90% High School Graduation and College Enrollment Rate Graduates Excel At: C.V.C.A., Hoban, St. Vincent/St. Mary, Walsh Jesuit High Schools Graduates Are Enrolled At Case Western Reserve University, Morehouse, and Spellman College, Ohio State University, and more High Scores on the PARCC Assessment Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) Test and CAT scores (we match or exceed scores from the State of Ohio, Akron Public, and Akron Community Schools) Affordable Tuition Family Oriented School Hours Experienced, Professional, Compassionate, Staff and Administration Students Are Prepared To Succeed and To Lead The Love Of Learning Is United With the Love Of God MAKE ACA YOUR CHOICE! Parental Agreement Our Pledge to be the Chief Educator Recognizing that parents have been given the charge by God to be the primary educators and trainers of the child (Prov. 22:6, Ephesians 6:1) and. . . . Recognizing that the Arlington Christian Academy exists to aid parents in the fulfillment of that charge and.. Recognizing that children who have total parental involvement generally tend to experience greater educational success. We Pledge. . . To maintain a home environment that stimulates health and well being in our child. To attend three (3) Report Card Nights in which Curriculum Awareness Training sessions will be offered. These sessions are offered by the Academy to help parents be more aware of the teaching process at ACA and to become more adept in aiding their child with school assignments. To provide a quiet place, consistent time and the necessary materials for my student to study. To carefully review our child’s assignments before and after completion of such; giving assistance where necessary, but maintaining the integrity of the process. To become actively involved in the growth and expansion of ACA through (a) prayer and affirmation, (b) active participation in the School and Home Organization (c) cooperating and assisting with fundraisers, and (d) remitting the full tuition payments and other necessary fees consistently and on time. We accept our responsibility and entrust ACA to help fulfill our call to be the chief educator of our child. And, therefore do pledge to uphold all of the above stated items to the best of our ability __________________________________________________________ Parent ______ Date __________________________________________________________ Parent ______ Date __________________________________________________________ ______ Student’s Name Grade Applying For Parent Information SECTION 1. CUSTODIAL PARENT INFORMATION: Adult(s) with whom student actually lives. Please make sure information is completely filled out, current, and up to date! Father’s ame_____________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Address_______________________________________________Phone( )_________________________ City/State/Zip Place of Work___________________________Phone( )_______________Hours________to__________ E-Mail____________________________________ Cell Phone ( ) _________________________________ Please include if applicable! Church Membership________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name____________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Address_______________________________________________Phone( )_________________________ City/State/Zip Place of Work_______________________Phone( )___________________Hours________to___________ E-Mail_____________________________________Cell Phone ( ) ________________________________ Please include if applicable! Church Membership________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about the Academy? __________________________________________________________ Are the persons listed above _____Single _____Married _____Divorced _____Separated SECTION II. BIOLOGICAL PARENT INFORMATION: Other Parent involved with student’s rearing: The information below is for the student’s biological _____Father_____Mother (check which applies) Name____________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Address_______________________________________________________Phone( Address City/State/Zip Place of Work___________________________Phone( )__________________ )______________Hours________to____________ E-Mail_____________________________________Cell Phone( )_________________________________ Please include in applicable! Church Membership_________________________________________________________________________ Parent Information (continued) Name of Parent_______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Student_____________________________________________ Grade_____________________ Volunteer Clause It is our desire to provide our students with the best of enriching learning opportunities and special events. We accomplish this by soliciting from our families. Every Family is expected to fulfill the 10 hours of mandatory volunteer service to the school. By signing below you are committing to fulfill our mandatory volunteer hours. X____________________________________________________________ X_________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date 2. What are your reasons for choosing Arlington Christian Academy to educate your student? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What methods of discipline do you find effective for your student? 4. Who cares for your student between the end of the school day and the end of the working day? ______ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What outside activities does your student participate? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What responsibilities does your student have at home? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you attend church regularly? _________________________________________________________ 8. What local church/place of worship are you now attending? __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Are you a Christian_____________? If your answer is yes, how and when did you become a Christian? Arlington Christian Academy accepts students from families of all religious denominations. Date____________________________________ Signature of Parent ____________________________ Student Information Please Type or Print: COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS OF THIS FORM. Grade Applying For______ Name _____________________________________________________________________Age____ Last Name Middle I. Birth Date________________ Birth Place__________________________ Social Security #____ City/State Address______________________________________________________Phone ( ) ______ Street City Zip School last attended_______________________________________________________________________ Name of School Address Phone What Public School would the student normally attend? ____________________________________________ Has student ever been suspended or expelled? Yes No Why?_________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Has the student received or been recommended to receive any diagnostic tests for learning or behavioral disabilities, or for other special needs? Yes No List the results of previous diagnostic tests below. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Does your student currently have an I.E.P.? _______________________________________ Has the student ever been recommended for grade retention? Yes No What Grade(s)?_____________________________________________________________________ List any Grade(s) the student has actually repeated ________Current Grade Point Average_____ List Extracurricular Activities (School, Neighborhood, Church, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________ List any Special Honors or Recognitions Received_________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List any Special Needs i.e. (health, emotional, food, etc.)____________________________________________ Recommendation and Student Essay All applicants must obtain a recommendation for admission the Arlington Christian Academy. The recommendation should tell about the applicant’s ability to succeed in the Academy. Recommendations may be obtained from sources such as a Principal, Teacher, Pastor, Sunday School Teacher, etc. Write the recommendation for the applicant below. Attach a blank sheet if more space is needed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Person giving the Recommendation______________________________________________ Please Print Your Name_________________________________________Date_______________________ ESSAY FOR APPLICANTS This should be completed by the Student (Parents may complete for K-2) Why do you want to attend this school (Why do you want your student to attend this school)? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Tuition Rates and Schedules The Arlington Christian Academy Board of Directors has approved the following Tuition Schedule for the 2015-2016 School Year. 1. TUITION: The amount listed in the table below covers the following: a. b. c. d. e. Annual Tuition Books Lunch: Includes milk or juice Registration Fee (paid with application, but will be applied to tuition) Tuition Service Fee PER STUDENT COSTS (The older student is always the first student) Grade 1st Student Year K-4 $4548.80 5-8 $4687.20 2nd Student Year $4346.80 $4485.20 2. METHODS OF PAYMENT A. Lump Sum Payment-The full tuition payment for one year must be paid on or before August 10, 2015 Persons paying by this method will receive a 10% discount off the total tuition. B. Two Equal Payments-The tuition is paid in two equal payments. The first payment is due on or before August 10, 2015. The second is due on or before January 12, 2016. No discount will apply. C. Ten Month Payment Plan-The 1st payment is due August 10, 2015. The final payment is due on May 12, 2016. Persons using this method MUST enroll in the Electronics Funds Payment Program. Month Due August 10, 2015 September-May 1st Student K-4 454.80 454.80 2nd Student K-4 434.68 434.68 1st Student 5-8 468.72 468.72 2nd Student 5-8 448.52 448.52 3. BEFORE AND/OR AFTER SCHOOL CARE Service Before Care Only (7:30 am-8:40am) After Care Only (3:15pm-5:30pm) Per Student Cost Yearly Monthly $850.00 $85.00 $850.00 $85.00 Before and After School Care $1,700.00 $170.00 2015-2016 Tuition Contract Read this Contract carefully. Complete a separate contract for each student enrolled. Please Print. Name of Student for this Tuition Contract: _______________________________Grade__________________ Name of Person responsible for the Contract: ___________________________________________________ I, the above named parent or guardian will be responsible for all tuition payments and fees for the above named student. According to the Tuition Rates & Schedule Sheet my tuition cost for this student is $__________ per year or $________ per month (10 months). In addition to the tuition cost, my student will need the following (please check all that apply): ___ Before and After School Care at a cost of $170.00 per month (1,700.00 per ____Before Care Only at a cost of $85.00 per month (850.00 per year) ____ After Care Only at a cost of $85.00 per month (850.00 per year). My total annual cost is $_____________ (Yearly tuition plus Before/After Care if applicable) My total monthly cost is $____________(Monthly tuition plus Before/After Care if applicable) Payment Methods Method #1: One lump sum due on August 10, 2015(a 10% discount applies) Method #2: Two equal payments due on August 10, 2015 and January 12, 2016. Method #3: Ten equal monthly payments, the first being due August 10, 2015 and the last May 12, 2015. I also understand that if I opt to pay in ten monthly payments that I must agree to pay a onetime processing fee of $35.00 and to sign up for payment by Electronic Funds Transfer through Tuition Plu$. I choose to pay the tuition using Method# _______YOU MUST CHOOSE A PAYMENT PLAN. I also am aware that should I opt to pay by Method #2 (semi-annual) that if I fail to pay the first installment on time, my account will automatically be sent to Tuition Plu$ and I must pay monthly installments. If I select to pay by Method #3 and fall in arrears by two months my account with Tuition Plu$ will be automatically dropped and my child will be immediately dismissed from the Academy until such time as the bill is paid current. As the responsible party, I also understand that these tuition payments are due in full, even when the child is absent or when school is closed for holidays or conferences. AGREEMENT I, the undersigned, have reviewed the above and fully agree to the terms therein. By affixing my signature below, I am stating that I recognize this contract to be legal, and therefore to be a binding financial and moral obligation. I therefore agree to abide by the conditions of this contract for the period of time so stated above. Signature of Parent________________________________________________________Date____________________________ Signature of Principal______________________________________________________Date____________________________ Tuition Plu$ P. O. Box 107 . Akron, OH 44309-0107 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT) AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT Payor Information Primary Payors Last Name First Name MI Spouses First Name (if applicable) Street Address City State Zip Code Area Code Daytime Phone # Student Information Last Name MI First Name Last Name MI First Name Last Name MI First Name Payment Information Payment Day $ Month Payments Begin # of Months . Payment Amount Include all Students 1st Monday of Month Please allow 10 days after Tuition Plu$ receives your request for automatic payments to be set up. It is your responsibility to make any payments prior to setup. The school may adjust terms of this Agreement. A confirmation of terms will be mailed to you. I hereby authorize Tuition Plu$ to initiate debit entries on behalf of the school and my financial institution to charge my account (as listed on attached voided check) for school related payments. Payments returned due to non-sufficient funds (NSF) may be resubmitted. A $30.00 fee will be charged for NSF payments. These payments will be credited to the school. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until Tuition Plu$ has received written notification from me of its termination and has reasonable opportunity to act on it (at least 3 banking days). X________________________________________________________________Date________ PLEASE STAPLE YOUR VOIDED CHECK HERE DO NOT USE A DEPOSIT SLIP Before and After Care Agreement This form must be completed for all students enrolling in the Before or After Care Program Name of Student_______________________________________________________________Grade____ Birth Date _____________________________Age ____________Name of Teacher_____________________ Parents/Guardian Names______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone _________________Work #1 _______________________ Alt Phone ______________________ Cell Phone #1 __________________________________Cell Phone #2________________________________ I hereby enroll my student, whose name appears above, in the (Please Check One): _______Before School Care _______After School Care _______Before and After School Care I promise to pick up my student by 5:30 p.m. every day as scheduled unless I advise otherwise, but never later than 5:45p.m.except in a genuine emergency. A charge of $5.00 will be applied to my bill at 5:31p.m., and each 15 minutes thereafter. I agree to pay the monthly fee of $85.00 per month (850.00 per year) for Before or After School Care or the monthly fee of $170.00 per month (1,700.00 per year) for Before and After School Care. I understand there is no refund if my child is absent. I understand that the program will consist of the following: Supervised Homework Educational TV Playtime Snack I understand that there will be responsible adults present at all times to care for the students in this program, and that every possible effort will be made to protect and assist the students in the program. I hereby release ARLINGTON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY and the Before and After School Care program supervisors from any other liability. The following persons are authorized to pick up my child in the event that I am unable to do so: _______________________________ _____________________ I understand that all rules, and commitments that apply to regular school will be enforced in the Before and After School Program. ___________________________ ____________ Signature of Parent/Guardian In case of an emergency and I cannot be reached, please contact: ________________________________ Name of Individual and Relationship Date ____________________________ Phone Number Emergency Form * Mandatory Fields *Emergency Contact#1_____________________________________________________________Phone___________________ Cell Phone___________________ *Emergency Contact#2_____________________________________________________________Phone___________________ Cell Phone___________________ *Medical Doctor__________________________________________________________________Phone_________________ Dentist_________________________________________________________________________Phone_________ ___________ List any medical problem diagnosed: __________________________________________________________________________ PART I TO GRANT REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT In the event that the reasonable attempts have been used to contact the persons listed above have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for (1) the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by the above listed doctor and /or dentist, or in the event the designated preferred practitioner is not available, by another licensed physician or dentist, and (2) the transfer of the child to __________________________________________hospital or any hospital reasonably accessible. This authorization does not cover major surgery unless the medical opinion of the two other licensed physicians or dentists concurring in the necessity for surgery is obtained before surgery is performed. Facts concerning the child’s medical history including allergies, medications being taken and any physical impairment to which a physician should be alerted: Signature of Parent/Guardian________________________________________Date__________________ PART II REFUSAL TO CONSENT (DO NOT COMPLETE PART II IF YOU COMPLETED PART I) I do not give my consent for emergency medical treatment of my child. In the event of illness or injury requiring emergency treatment, I wish for the Arlington Christian Academy authorities to take no actions or to: ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian________________________________________Date__________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received_______________ Time_________________ Interview Date_______________________ _____Accepted ________Letter Sent ______Denied _________ Letter Sent Application Type: EdChoice Private Pay Recommended Grade Placement: Application Fee Paid Check # Cash Amount__________________________ ____________________ _______________ __________ Application Received By: _____________________________________________________________________