Theodore Roosevelt 1901 – 1909 William Howard Taft 1909 – 1913 Woodrow Wilson 1913 – 1921 The Progressive Presidents Roosevelt’s ‘Square Deal’ • “Wild Man”…but favored a strong central gov’t. whose executive could act as the ‘steward of the people’. • Slow, methodical change - mostly to protect America against more radical changes • Modernized the Presidency by using the office as a ‘Bully Pulpit’ – a forum from which to lead. • Supported a few African Americans – Invited for dinner Booker T. Washington to White House – Criticized for it. • Energetic personality gave America confidence and Roosevelt was America’s mediator for the public good. Roosevelt and Business • TR believed in Free Enterprise – not anti-business • Goal was to prevent abuses of power so he favored regulation – not destruction of trusts. • He wanted power for government to investigate and publicize cases of abuse. • Power of public opinion pressure would end abuses • Government would then handle the largest abuses. Fair Minded Mediator Sherman Anti-Trust Act Invoked • Northern Securities Company, a Railroad Monopoly dissolved J.P. Morgan, ”…send your man to see my man and they can fix it up.” Government had always sided with Business… • United MineWorkers Strike – Roosevelt asks Owners to agree to federal mediation. Owners, “NO” . TR threatens Fed Troops and said miners needed a ‘Square Deal’. Roosevelt acted to break up Trusts, Pools and Monopolies 44 times during his presidency, and acted on behalf of labor as well. TR’s Lasting Reforms • 1902 - Newlands (National Reclamation) Act – Federal Funds for Dams, Canals reservoirs and cheap hydroelectric power in the West – all badly needed by western cities. • 1906 - Meat Inspection Act - Cleanliness Forced in response to the book by Upton Sinclair, ‘The Jungle’. • Pure Food and Drug Act – Required truth in labeling • Conservation – Set aside millions of acres for national parks. • Gifford Pinchot, Dir. Nat’l Forest Service served to… manage nations’ use of land rationally. Taft Follows-Up Weakly • TR’s hand picked successor - a former conservative judge acceptable to whole Republican party. • Business believed he’d look out for them, & Progressives thought he’d continue Roosevelt’s policies of reform. • Couldn’t keep anyone happy. Troubled Presidency. • Reverses conservation policy, & fires Gifford Pinchot • Breaks up trusts and angers the whole Republican party. ‘Bull Moose’ Party • Election of 1912 : Party divided & Taft’s policies anger Roosevelt Roosevelt runs again citing need for ‘New Nationalism’ and feeling fit as a Bull Moose! Republicans shun Roosevelt & re-nominate Taft. Roosevelt runs a 3rd Party campaign & Republicans lose • Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, son of a Georgia preacher, and former President of Princeton University and Governor of New Jersey…wins the Presidency. Taft’s Accomplishments • Reduced abuses of Big Business – 90 Anti-trust suits • 1st Tax on Corporate Profits • Achieved Mine Safety Legislation • Interstate Commerce Commission regulates telephone and telegraphs. • 8 hour workday Wilson’s “New Freedom” • Attacked Trusts, High Tariffs and High Finance of Mergers Wall Street controlled the banks • Believed Government not bigger business smaller for greater freedom for citizens. • High tariffs protected business, reduced competition and hurt the public with higher prices. • Controlled administration trusted few aides. Brought more power to Presidency . 1st President to read his own State of the Union Address Wilson’s Reforms • Tariffs – Underwood Tariff Act – 1913 Greatly reduces tariffs - tax on imported goods • 16th Amendment – 1913 Legalized Income Tax To make up for lost tariff revenues • Banking – Federal Reserve Act - 1913 Federal Reserve Banking System Manages money supply, controls inflation • Business – Clayton Anti-Trust Act - 1914 Breaks up “interlocking directorates” & No stock buys if monopoly Bank & Wall St. execs cannot serve on each others’ Boards - Federal Trade Commission – 1914 Watch for violations of Clayton Act Wilson’s Accomplishments • Government Reform Initiated & passed the 1st Federal Income Tax. Increased likelihood for more social reform with this change • Social Reform Women’s Suffrage – 19th Amendment – 1920 Supported, passed & ratified during the Wilson Administration. Progressivism Ends 3 Presidents changed America’s social ideology in 20 years. • Society was more civil, people cared for one another. • Morality improved – Prohibition 20th Amendment passed prohibiting the interstate transport & sale of alcohol. • Politics was clean – people could vote without threat of reprisal • Business was forever changed. Could no longer so people’s dominate lives because of the anti-trust legislation. • Government more responsive to people with the initiative, referendum and recall available to them.