Fighting for the Four Freedoms: World War II, 1941-1945


Norton Lecture Slides

Give Me Liberty!



Eric Foner

Lecture Preview

• Fighting World War II

• The Home Front

• Visions of Postwar Freedom

• The American Dilemma

• The End of the War

The immensely popular Office of War Information poster reproducing Norman Rockwell’s painting of

The Four Freedoms

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

Fighting World War II

Focus Question:

What steps led to American participation in World War II?

Fighting World War II:

Pre-War actions

• Good Neighbors

• The Road to War

A draft of FDR’s Four Freedoms speech of 1941

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

One of the patriotic war posters issued by the Office of

War Information

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This Hand Guides the Reich

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Fighting World War II:

War before u.s.


• Isolationism

• War in Europe

In a 1940 cartoon, war clouds engulf Europe.

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A newsreel theater in New York’s Times Square announces Hitler’s blitzkrieg.

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Fighting World War II:

U.s. Entrance in War

• Toward Intervention

• Pearl Harbor

Walt Disney’s program cover for the October 1941

“Fight for Freedom” rally in Madison Square Garden

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The battleships West Virginia and Tennessee in flames Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

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Fighting World War II: battles

• The War in the Pacific

• The War in Europe

Map 22.1 World War II in the Pacific, 1941–1945

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Map 22.2 World War II in Europe, 1942–1945

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Some of the 13,000 American troops forced to surrender to the Japanese on Corregidor Island,

Philippines, May 1942

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Members of the U.S. Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard taking part in an amphibious assault

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Ben Hurwitz, a soldier from New York City who fought in North Africa and Italy during WWII

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German Prisoners of War, June 1944

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Prisoners at a German concentration camp liberated by Allied troops in 1945

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The Home Front

Focus Question:

How did the United States mobilize economic resources and promote popular support for the war effort?

The Home Front:

Government and


• Mobilizing for War

A list of jobs available in Detroit in July 1941

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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The Home Front:

Business and Labor

• Business and the War

• Labor in Wartime

Map 22.3 Wartime Army and Navy Bases and Airfields

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Table 22.1 Labor Union Membership

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M-5 tanks on the assembly line at a Detroit Cadillac plant

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The Home Front: Four


• Fighting for the Four Freedoms

• Freedom from Want

In this recruitment poster for the Boy Scouts, a svelte

Miss Liberty prominently displays the Bill of Rights.

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Patriotic Fan

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The Home Front: public opinion

• The Office of War Information

• The Fifth Freedom

This patriotic war poster issued by the Office of War Information links the words of Abraham Lincoln to the struggle against Nazi tyranny.

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“Rise of Asia”

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Advertisement by the Liberty Motors and Engineering

Corporation in Fortune depicting Uncle Sam offering the

Fifth Freedom, “free enterprise”

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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The Home Front:


• Women at War

• Women at Work

A female lathe operator in a Texas plant that produced transport planes Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

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This print, part of the America in the War exhibition, depicts a stylized image of women workers.

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

Visions of Postwar


Focus Question:

What visions of America’s postwar role began to emerge during the war?

Visions of Postwar

Freedom: Luce,

Wallace, and NPRB

Toward an American Century

“The Way of Life of Free Men”

Unlike the lathe operator on the previous page, the woman operating industrial machinery remains glamorous, with makeup in place and hair unruffled.

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Despite the new independence enjoyed by millions of women,

WWII propaganda posters emphasized the male-dominated family.

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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

Visions of Postwar

Freedom: Economics and employment

• An Economic Bill of Rights

• The Road to Serfdom

Ben Shahn’s poster, Our Friend, for the Congress of Industrial Organizationspolitical action committee

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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The American Dilemma

Focus Question:

How did American minorities face threats to their freedom at home and abroad during World War II?

The American Dilemma:

Ethnic pluralism

• Patriotic Assimilation

Arthur Poinier’s cartoon for the Detroit Free Press demonstrates white ethnic groups incorporated within the boundaries of American freedom.

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The American Dilemma:


• The Bracero Program

• Mexican-American Rights

The American Dilemma:


• Indians during the War

• Asian-Americans in Wartime

• Japanese-American Internment

Map 22.4 Japanese- Americans

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Wartime Propaganda

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Fumiko Hayashida

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The American Dilemma: blacks

• Blacks and the War

• Blacks and Military Service

During World War II, Red Cross blood banks separated blood from black and white Americans .

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This is America propaganda

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

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The American Dilemma:

Civil Rights

• Birth of the Civil Rights Movement

• The Double-V

This Is the Enemy, a 1942 poster by Victor Ancona and

Karl Koehler

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The American Dilemma:

Race relations

• What the Negro Wants

The American Dilemma:

Racial justice

• An American Dilemma

• Black Internationalism

World War II reinvigorated the movement for civil rights

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

Paul Robeson, the black actor, singer, and battler for civil rights, leading Oakland dockworkers

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The End of the War

Focus Question:

How did the end of the war begin to shape the postwar world?

The End of the War:


“The Most Terrible Weapon”

The End of the War:

Atomic Bomb

• The Dawn of the Atomic Age

• The Nature of the War

Remains of an Elementary School after Hiroshima Bombing

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The End of the War: postwar planning

• Planning the Postwar World

• Yalta and Bretton Woods

The Big Three—Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill—at their first meeting in Tehran, Iran, 1943

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company

The End of the War:

Aftermath of war

• The United Nations

• Peace, But not Harmony

This 1943 cartoon from the Chicago Defender questions whether non-white peoples will be accorded the right to choose their own government.

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company


• Fighting World War II

Focus Question: What steps led to American participation in World

War II?

• The Home Front

Focus Question: How did the United States mobilize economic resources and promote popular support for the war effort?

• Visions of Postwar Freedom

Focus Question: What visions of America's postwar role began to emerge during the war?

Review Continued

• The American Dilemma

Focus Question: How did American minorities face threats to their freedom at home and abroad during World War II?

• The End of the War

Focus Question: How did the end of the war begin to shape the postwar world?


Eric Foner on World War II, pt 1:

African-Americans' experience



Chapter 22


Media link f=ww2_african_americans

Eric Foner on World War II, pt 2: internment of Japanese-Americans p4/&f=question113

Eric Foner on World War II, pt 3:

Roosevelt's and Wilson's wartime administrations p4/&f=question114

Eric Foner on World War II, pt 4: treatment of Japanese-Americans p4/&f=question118

Eric Foner on the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights f=foner_liberty14

Next Lecture PREVIEW:

—— Chapter 23 ——

The United States and the Cold War, 1945–1953

• Origins of the Cold War

• The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom

• The Truman Presidency

• The Anticommunist Crusade

Norton Lecture Slides

Independent and Employee-Owned

This concludes the Norton Lecture Slides

Slide Set for Chapter 22

Give Me Liberty!



Eric Foner
