Drivers Education 9-Adult 2009-2010FF

Catalog Year 2009-2010
College of Education and Human Services
Driver Education 9-Adult does not stand alone, but is considered a second area of specialization to an additional major selected
from the PreK-Adult, 5-Adult, or 9-Adult Comprehensive fields of study.
Courses in both the Teaching Specialization and Professional Education Core sections require a grade of ‘C’ or above and a 2.7 GPA.
Only EDF 270 and Student Teaching can be completed under the credit/non-credit option.
18 hrs
______ 3
HS 222 First Aid
______ 3
SFT 235 Introduction to Safety
______ 3
SFT 385 Traffic Safety and Driver Education
______ 3
SFT 400 Traffic Law Enforcement
______ 3
SFT 410 Problems and Practices in Traffic Safety and Driver Education
______ 3
SFT 450 Traffic Engineering
45 hrs
______ 3 EDF 218 Child to Adolescent Development in Schools (sophomore standing) (CR: EDF 270)
______ 0 EDF 270 Clinical Experience I (CR: EDF 270) (35 clinical hrs.) ++
The following courses (Admi 4) require admission eligibility (see below)
______ 3 EDF 319 Applications of Learning Theory
______ 3 EDF 435 Classroom Assessment
______ 3 EDF 475 Schools In a Diverse Society
______ 3 CI 345 Critical Reading, Writing, & Thinking (15 clinical hrs.) ++
______ 3 CI 401 Middle Childhood Curriculum
______ 3 CI 403 Methods & Mat. of Teach. in the Middle Childhood Grades (PR: CI 401) (15 clinical hrs.) ++
______ 3 CI 449 Instructional and Classroom Management: Secondary Education
______ 3 CISP 421 Children with Exceptionalities
______ 3 CISP 422 Differentiated Instruction (PR: CISP 421) (15 clinical hrs.) ++
The following courses (Admi 5) require admission eligibility (see below)
______ 3 CI 415 Integrated Methods: Secondary Education (CR: CI 470 )
______ 0 CI 470 Clinical Experience II (CR: CI 415) (75 clinical hrs.) ++
_____12 CI ______ Student Teaching (credit/no credit) CAPSTONE
++ Course requires clinical experience in a public school during normal school hours. Schedule open time accordingly.
Admission requirements for Teacher Education Program (Admi 4) courses:
- Apply for admission to Admi 4 courses in the office of the Assoc. Dean of Students (COEHS)
- EDF 218 (grade ‘C’ or better) and EDF 270 ‘credit’
- Passing scores on the PRAXIS I exam- all 3 areas. (EXEMPT from PRAXIS Exam with SAT 1125 or ACT composite 26 or higher)
- Minimum GPA 2.7 overall and 2.7 Marshall University / 21 ACT composite score or other requirements
- M.U. students must have completed 26 credit hours. Transfer students must have completed 12 Marshall University credit hours.
Admission requirements for (Admi 5) courses:
- 12 hours of completed Admi 4 courses
- 2.7 GPA in Teaching Specialization and 2.7 in Professional Education Core courses
Admission requirements for Student Teaching:
- At least 90% of Teaching Specialization courses to be completed, and a minimum of 100 credit hours.
- Grade ‘C’ or better in Teaching Specialization and Professional Ed. Core courses.
- Prior to Student Teaching, all Professional Education courses must be completed (with exception of EDF 475).
Praxis II exam- Required for teaching certification; consists of the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) tests and Content tests.
Graduation application- Students must apply for graduation before the Spring, Summer, or Fall deadline, whichever applies.
Catalog Year 2009-2010
College of Education and Human Services
- 128 credit hours are required for graduation / 45 must be in the 300-499 course levels.
- Total coursework for Driver Ed. 9-Adult and accompanying major course of study fulfills the 128 req. hrs.
- Developmental courses and Math Workshop do not count toward the 128 hours required for graduation.
- Marshall Plan requirements are satisfied by this course of study, if one 3-hour course is also Writing Intensive.
FINE ARTS (Select one of the following 3 hr. courses)
______ ART 112 ______ THE 112 (Theater)
______ MUS 142 (Music)
Written Communications (EXEMPT from ENG 101 and ENG 102 with ACT 34-36)
_______ ENG 101 (PR: ACT 18-Verbal, SAT 450-Verbal, or ENG 100)
_______ ENG 102 (Fr/So) or ENG 302 (Jr/Sr) (Grade of “C” or better required)
or ENG 201H (ACT 28-Verbal/SAT 630-Verbal)-Students completing ENG 201H
are awarded 3 additional hours of credit toward graduation.
Oral Communications
_______ CMM 103 or CMM 104H (ACT 26/SAT 1170)
_______ ENG
_______ ____
________ (Choose another 3 hour English literature course or a humanities course
from philosophy, religious studies, or classics—PHL, RST, or CL)
_______ MTH 121 or higher (PR: ACT 19-Math, SAT 460-Math, or Math Workshop)
_______ MTH 125
_______ CI 102 Introduction to Computers in the Classroom (no course substitutions)
_______ CI 350 Instructional Technology and Computing (no course substitutions)
_______ INTEGRATED SCIENCE (ISC) (PR: MTH 121 or higher)
_______ Science course work other than ISC offered in the College of Science.
(Choose from BSC, PS, CHM, PHY, GLY)
Teaching Specialization course SFT 235 (see other side) satisfies the additional Social Science requirement.
_______ UNI 101 or HON 101
46 hours
Writing Intensive 3 hrs
Select from approved course list
Integrated Science 4 hrs
(or 12 hrs. in 2 science areas)
Developmental courses takenOther courses taken-
Math 121 or higher
3 hrs
Multicultural 3 hrs
Select from approved course list
International 3 hrs
SFT 235
Computer Literacy 4 hrs
As required per major
International 3 hrs
Select from approved course list
As required per major