I am the Cheese

I am the Cheese
By: Robert Cormier
Presentation by: Lola Russell
A; Author
Robert Cormier is a male writer, he wrote
my book "I Am The Cheese". He has
published many other books. He died back
in 2000 and is French Canadian. Also he
was born in Massachusetts.
B; Big Idea
"I Am The Cheese"'s overall idea is having
a boy trying to remember his past. While
along the way to do that, he recalls his ride
on his bike. It helps Adam more than the
medication the doctors give him. All Adam
wants to do is remember.
C; Characters
Adam is the main character, he doesn't
really care what you call him even though he
has two names, one made up, and one that
ended with a fake car crash. Amy Hertz is
Adam's best friend, and only friend. He loves
her, but he must leave her for his journey.
Then finally there's Brint, the therapist and
doctor. Brint is helping Adam remember his
forgotten past.
Adam is a boy that doesn't really know his place. He
actually has two names, even a seconded life ended with
a lie. Before he was Paul, now he is Adam, no way to
change it being it was about ten years ago when he
couldn't help it. Now he is a teenager, about fourteen
and a boy, average height. Adam's legs are strong,
being that he rides his bike a lot. Although he is
confused, he is kind to his only friend and curious as
always. Along the way to Vermont, he is thoughtful,
always thinking.
E;Eek! (Scary Part of Novel)
I would have to say the scariest part of "I
Am The Cheese" is whenever these three
"trouble-makers" and their leader, Whipper,
almost kill Adam. They started throwing
popcorn at him at first. Then once Adam
made his way onto his bike they started
chasing Adam on the road. Eventually, Adam
fell into a ditch and went to a coma-like sleep.
F; Fantastic (Best Part of Book)
Out of all the parts in "I Am The Cheese",
whenever Adam is in the room talking to Brint
he brings up Amy and the first night out they
had together. It wasn't really a date, they just
went out and played a prank Amy calls a
"Number". It's whenever you arrange certain
things in a way it could never be like
naturally. Then, once you're finished, see the
victim's reaction and laugh.
G; Great (Reason Why Book Was
There are many reasons to put in words
how "I Am The Cheese" was a great book. To
me, the ending that summed it up totally
made the book. It's hard to put in words,
especially onto a presentation. But I'd have to
say with the whole deal with Adam loving the
song "Farmer in the Dell" and singing the
entire song at the end and then letting us
know, he is the cheese. Also, I just loved the
conclusion because I finally understood the
H; Helpful (Most Helpful Thing)
Being that Adam ends the book finally
singing every verse in "Farmer in the Dell" or
that he sang it on his way to the Vermont. Or
even maybe that he sang it with his family
way long ago. I would have to say that the
song, "Farmer in the Dell" helped Adam, no
matter what situation, in "I Am The Cheese".
I; Interesting (Most Interesting
That would definitely be whenever Adam is
talking to Brint about "The Grey Man". This
character is very minor and only appears in
one chapter. Although he is a little part of the
book, he is Adam's grandfather. Adam
doesn't know that until he finally decided to
leave his own house, by bike.
J; Joke (Funniest Event)
The funniest moment would have to be the
first "Number" he helped in with Amy. This
number was simple being it was in a grocery
store. All they had to do was take a cart and
organize a tower of items for all the workers
and customers to find. Being it was very
successful, Robert describe the faces to a
point of I could really see the people standing
in aa wondering what the heck happened.
K; Kin (Positive or Negative
Relationship with Character)
Adam's relationship with his father is very
positive. Adam even imagines in the past of
cutting out his father as a picture and labeling
"Father". And his father does eventually tell
him the truth of Adam having two lives. His
dad doesn't punish him either, not saying he
needs to though.
L; Love (Who Did the Character
Amy. No question about it. Adam says that
he loves her often in "I Am The Cheese". On
his bike trip to Vermont he even tries calling
her a few times, even though he fails for
giving the wrong number. Adam as well
describes to Brint how much he loves her,
down to the littlest things. Her smile, her
eyes, and her laugh.
M; Messy (Messy Situation)
Close to the end of "I Am The Cheese"
Adam finally remembers the car crash he and
his family were in. How all the people from
his previous life came back to get him, and
"The Grey Man" was at the wheel. Adam
hesitated and got out of the car, and saw his
dead mother. Then he searched for his dad
who wasn't there. He heard the people
coming and ran.
N; Never (Something the Main
Character Would Never do)
Adam would never, ever, tell you
something mean about you as if, you talked
too much, or you're ugly, or anything like that.
He would only tell you something you needed
to hear. Such as you need to stop being
mean or something like that, only if it was
really bad. Adam didn't even tell Whipper
and his group to stop.
O: Opinion (Evaluate Opinion)
The one and only thing I would tell Robert
to change, or at least explain a bit more, is in
"I Am The Cheese", the second to last
chapter Brint is talking into the voice
recorder. I had no idea what he was talking
about, he kept on saying numbers and
companies and probably all this government
stuff. I just wished the author would explain
all that.
P; Problem
The main problem in "I Am The Cheese" is
probably the fact that Adam wants, and
needs, to remember his past. Throughout the
book that's all Adam wants, answers. And
towards the ending, he gets them. So, gladly,
the problem gets solved.
Q; Question
My one question, besides the confusing
stuff in that chapter, is, why did he bring a pig
all the way from his house to his destination?
It seems as if he is at end being that the
package he's kept close to his heart, in any
situation, is a pig. Not a real pig, a Pokey Pig.
So, I'd really like to know why.
R; Real Life Connection
A real life connection I can make with "I
Am the Cheese" is that Adam is confused.
Even though he is confused about his past
life, I feel his emotions. Even though I want to
know my future, Adam would understand my
feelings. We both desperately want to know.
But he can know sooner than I can, but we
both discover it.
The Next Several I Made Up
S; Sickly
This is almost another question, but an
inference. Adam was riding his bike, to a
hospital. Is he sickly or ill?
T; Therapist
Brint is Adam's therapist, he is trying to
help Adam rediscover his past.
U; Usual
Adam and his family are a usual family, of
course after the fake car crash and before the
car crash.
V; Vermont
All through the book Adam is going to
Rutterbug, Vermont, to see his father.
W; Wolfe, Thomas
Wolfe Thomas is Adam and his father's
favorite author.
X; Exercising
In "I Am The Cheese", Adam is riding his
bike, getting exercise.
Y; Yearning
Adam is yearning to know his past in "I Am
The Cheese".
Z; Zig-Zag
Adam's life can be describe like the form of
a zig-zag.