Absences We ask that you call the school by 9:30 to let us know why your child is not at school on the first day of their absence. If a child is away and we have not had a call we will contact you to ensure that they are safe and that there is a valid reason for their absence. Collection of children If you, the parent or guardian, are not collecting your child from school we must have Supply Teachers We like to develop the skills and knowledge of our staff, to ensure the best education possible for our children. On occasions staff are engaged in continuous professional opportunities that require them to be out of class. The school endeavors to provide continuity by using the same group of excellent supply teachers. Non-contact/Preparation, Planning and Assessment (PPA): Teacher Day Time will not be able to release your child to anyone Mrs Cocup Wednesday PM we have not had notification about. Miss Stewart Wednesday PM notification beforehand. The class teacher Parent Helpers If anyone is available to help in either class 3GS or 3LC could they please contact their class teacher (subject to a CRB check). Every teacher has a 10% non contact time for PPA. Mrs Rees who is a qualified HLTA and Mr Tierney who is a Music Specialist will be covering these periods. Alternatively, if you do have 20 minutes to spare first thing in the morning we would books. Curriculum Information Autumn 2012 Year 3 appreciate any help with hearing our children read and with the changing of their reading Talbot Combined School Year 3 are going on a trip to visit the bakery at Sainsburys on 24 September!! th Miss L Cocup Miss G Stewart Mrs D Millman Mrs C Stow Literacy: Mathematics: Stories with Familiar Settings: History: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Shape and space Money and time Using and applying mental recall methods You can help your child at home by practising the To include speaking listening and responding activities. Group interaction and drama. Word recognition, spelling and interpreting text. Information Texts: Children use information texts to find out information and compose their own information texts. To develop an understanding of chronology for pupils to be able to visualise timelines. To understand the characteristic features of the Roman Empire. times tables, number bonds to 10 and 20 and simple We will be doing daily guided reading; please help your child with their reading at home. real life money mental money calculations. Music: ICT: Roaming Romans Using voicesThe expressively: Gregorian chanting and Romans and their effect renaissance music. Word processing skills- using graphics and on Britain. Understanding the importance of choirs. War songs. texts to communicate information. Children will produce Roman leaflets to show off their new skills! Art/DT: PSHE and SEAL: The children will be making Roman shields, helmets, jewellery and bags. Belonging to our school and class, what is special about me. Creating mosaic patterns and pictures. Understanding my feelings. Making choices and understanding rights and responsibilities. PE: Invasion games- ball control and skills. Taking part and organising small sided games. Gymnastics- Developing children’s balancing skills, creating simple sequences, using both floor and apparatus. 3GS have 12 weekly swimming sessions this term. 3LC will follow on next term. Every child should have a white T-shirt, black shorts and plimsoles in a P.E. bag for games lessons. Science: Understanding health and diet, looking at food and balanced diets. Preparing healthy meals. How teeth relate to diet and the importance of dental care. R.E: Looking at and understanding the importance of signs and symbols in everyday life and religions. How and why Hindus celebrate Divali.