Chapter 8 Reading Guide

Chapter 8 Reading Guide
What is the main difference between political parties and interest groups?
Some political scientists refer to political parties as “three headed political giants.” What are the three
heads? Describe each.
List the five tasks that your text should perform if they want to be effective linkage institutions.
Define rational choice theory. (You may want to use the definition on page 229.)
How can you join a political party?
Define party image.
Define party identification.
How have the numbers of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents changed since 1964?
What is ticket splitting?
According to your text, American political parties are decentralized and fragmented. What does that
What is patronage?
What is the difference between closed primaries and open primaries?
What is the national convention? The national committee?
What does the national chairperson do?
What does your text ask you to remember in regards to studying political parties?
What is a critical election?
What is party realignment?
1796-1824: The First Party System
What was America’s first political party? Who led it?
What party ended the run of America’s first political party? Who led it?
1828-1856: Jackson and the Democrats Versus the Whigs
Who does your book credit as founding the modern American political party? What party did he start?
What was the opposing party during this time? Who led them?
1860-1928: The Two Republican Eras
What issue split the Whig and Democrat parties?
What was the Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford?
What party began as an antislavery party? Who was the first president they elected?
Why do political scientists call 1896 a realigning election?
1932-1964: The New Deal Coalition
What groups made up the New Deal coalition?
1968-Present: Southern Realignment and the Era of Divided Party Government
In the 60’s how did the South typically vote? How does the South typically vote now?
Pgs 240-242 discuss divided government. What is divided government?
What are the three types of third parties according to your text?
How do some third parties serve as a “safety valve”?
Summarize the four parts of the responsible party model.
What are “blue dog democrats”?