The Grand Cell Water Park

The Grand Cell Water Park
The Most Popular Water Park In All Of North America
• The Grand Cell Water Park is the ultimate destination for
water park lovers everywhere. Designed and created by
Tyler Wright, it is of top quality and made with the most
up-to-date standards in modern architecture and
technology. The park and the attractions within it function
similarly to a living cell and its organelles. Just like how
the main job of the cell is to sustain life, the main job of
this park is to provide entertainment for every person
who steps foot within its walls.
Cell Membrane
• The Grand Cell Water Park is
surrounded on all sides by a
ten foot concrete wall with
barbed wire at the top. There
are various gates around the
perimeter that serve as
entrances and exits to the
park. You must purchase a
ticket in order to be let inside
the gates. Tickets are taken at
the gates by park officials. The
officials decide if a person is
allowed to enter or leave the
park. This ensures the safety
of the people within the park,
which is a very high priority.
• The cell is surrounded by a
phospholipid bilayer that is
called the cell/plasma
membrane. In much of the
same way that the concrete
wall defines the boundaries of
the park, the cell membrane
defines the cell boundary. It
also regulates the passage of
molecules into and out of the
cell. This function corresponds
with the function of the park
officials at the gates and the
ticket system. Only people with
tickets can enter the park, and
only certain molecules are
allowed passage into the cell.
• The park is run by a largescale computer system. The
computer system is the park’s
command center, and it
controls everything happening
in the park. The system
contains files with directions
that say how everything in the
park should be running. The
computer system is located in
a building roughly in the center
of the park.
• The control center of the cell is
the nucleus. The
chromosomes in the nucleus
contain the DNA that defines
what the cell is and controls
everything the cell does. This
is similar to how the computer
system contains files with
directions for running the park.
The nucleus is surrounded by
a membrane called the nuclear
envelope that protects the
DNA inside. This membrane
has the same function as the
building that the computer
system is in.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The main attraction here at
The Grand Cell Water Park is
the lazy river. The lazy river
winds all about the park giving
you an extensive tour as you
pass through it. You can enjoy
the calmness of the lazy river
while floating on an inner tube
by or while swimming on your
own through the current. The
lazy river takes the inner tubes
to a large open pool where the
tubes are sorted.
• The endoplasmic reticulum is a
complicated system of
membranous channels and
saccules. It is the
transportation network of the
cell. Proteins (inner tubes)
made by the ribosomes enter
the endoplasmic reticulum
where they begin to be
processed and modified. The
endoplasmic reticulum also
transports the proteins to the
Golgi complex.
• The lazy river in the park is
dotted with little stations or
huts on one side of it. Park
workers in the huts inflate inner
tubes and put them in the river
so that they can be used by
visitors. Because there are
many of these huts, there are
always enough tubes for the
people on the lazy river, and
there are never people who
want inner tubes without them.
• The rough endoplasmic
reticulum in the cell is studded
with ribosomes on the side of
the membrane that faces the
cytoplasm just as the lazy river
is dotted with huts on one side.
The function of the ribosomes
is protein synthesis. Proteins
made by the ribosomes move
into the endoplasmic reticulum
just as inflated inner tubes are
put into the lazy river.
Golgi Complex
• At the end of the lazy
river the inner tubes are
all collected into a large
open pool where they are
sorted and made ready
for transport. The inner
tubes are then
transported back to the
huts where they are reinflated and put back into
the lazy river.
• The Golgi complex in a
cell processes, packages,
and distributes proteins
about or from the cell. It
transforms newly made
proteins into functional
ones. It does not work
exactly the way the open
pool does in the park
because the proteins are
not transported back to
the ribosomes, they are
actually secreted from the
• Throughout The
Grand Cell Water
Park there are many
garbage cans, trash
collection areas and
recycling bins. This
insures the
cleanliness of the
park and the proper
disposal of waste.
• Lysosomes exist in all
eukaryotic cells.
Lysosomes contain
enzymes that can
digest almost
anything in the cell.
The main function of
lysosomes is the
breaking down of
• There are various
• A vacuole is a large
snack bars and fast
sac surrounded by a
food stands in the
membrane. Vacuoles
park. These satisfy
are used by the cell to
the thirst and hunger
store substances
of park visitors. There
such as water,
are a variety of food
sugars, salts, and
and beverage options
proteins. Just like in
available. Visitors with
the park, there are
many varying tastes
numerous vacuoles in
are kept satisfied.
a cell.
• In the interior of The Grand
Cell Water Park there are
power plants that supply the
energy needed to run the park.
This energy can be distributed
throughout the park. Several
power plants are necessary
because there is a great deal
of energy consumed in running
the park.
• The primary function of the
mitochondria within a cell is to
provide energy by breaking
down sugar into ATP. This is
analogous to the power plants
in the water park that produce
energy to run the park. ATP is
the form of usable energy for
cells and the organelles within
them. All energy-requiring
processes within a cell use
ATP. The production of ATP is
called cellular respiration.
• The park grounds are
pleasant for the visitors.
Care has been taken in
the design of the interior
of the park so that getting
around is easy and all
visitors are comfortable.
The park grounds
encompass all areas
within the concrete walls
of the park.
• The cytoplasm is a semifluid (gel-like) medium
that contains all the
organelles in the cell. The
reason the cytoplasm
exists is so that the
organelles maintain their
positions in the cell. The
cytoplasm is perfectly
analogous to the park
grounds because the
park grounds contain all
of the attractions within
the park.